
David Randall Blythe, John Campbell, Mark Morton, Will Adler

Lyrics Translation

Watch the gears grind off their teeth, the screeching halt machine
Digging heels in disbelief
Two reactional identities, opposing policies
A bait-and-switch routine

Double-takes and double-speak
Still scripting the façade
Asphyxiate and choke the truth
All hail the money god

Repeat, echo, refrain
It's all the same
So deafening
Repeat, echo, refrain
A consequence
We asked for this
Repeat, echo, refrain
No, never again
The American scream

A coup d'état on full display, a liar's sick charade
A traitor's grand parade
Narcissistic masquerades for those without a say
Systematic disarray

Divide and conquer and close them in
And bury secrets deep
Make America hate again
And bleed the sheep to sleep

Repeat, echo, refrain
It's all the same
So deafening
Repeat, echo, refrain
A consequence
We asked for this
Repeat, echo, refrain
No, never again
The American scream

You try to pick the lesser of
But evil doesn't come in twos
Bellicose and balkanized
A sinking ship of fools

So kiss the hangman as you drop
The rotting corpse of decency
Just another casualty of the American scream
(The American scream)

Repeat, echo, refrain
It's all the same
So deafening
Repeat, echo, refrain
A consequence
We asked for this
Repeat, echo, refrain
No, never again
The American scream
Never again

Watch the gears grind off their teeth, the screeching halt machine
Assista as engrenagens triturarem seus dentes, a máquina que range até parar
Digging heels in disbelief
Cavando os calcanhares na incredulidade
Two reactional identities, opposing policies
Duas identidades reacionais, políticas opostas
A bait-and-switch routine
Uma rotina de isca e troca
Double-takes and double-speak
Duplas interpretações e duplo discurso
Still scripting the façade
Ainda roteirizando a fachada
Asphyxiate and choke the truth
Asfixiar e sufocar a verdade
All hail the money god
Todos saúdam o deus do dinheiro
Repeat, echo, refrain
Repetir, ecoar, refrão
It's all the same
É tudo a mesma coisa
So deafening
Tão ensurdecedor
Repeat, echo, refrain
Repetir, ecoar, refrão
A consequence
Uma consequência
We asked for this
Nós pedimos por isso
Repeat, echo, refrain
Repetir, ecoar, refrão
No, never again
Não, nunca mais
The American scream
O grito americano
A coup d'état on full display, a liar's sick charade
Um golpe de estado em plena exibição, uma charada doente de um mentiroso
A traitor's grand parade
Um grande desfile de traidor
Narcissistic masquerades for those without a say
Mascaradas narcisistas para aqueles sem voz
Systematic disarray
Desordem sistemática
Divide and conquer and close them in
Dividir e conquistar e fechá-los
And bury secrets deep
E enterrar segredos profundamente
Make America hate again
Faça a América odiar novamente
And bleed the sheep to sleep
E sangre as ovelhas até dormirem
Repeat, echo, refrain
Repetir, ecoar, refrão
It's all the same
É tudo a mesma coisa
So deafening
Tão ensurdecedor
Repeat, echo, refrain
Repetir, ecoar, refrão
A consequence
Uma consequência
We asked for this
Nós pedimos por isso
Repeat, echo, refrain
Repetir, ecoar, refrão
No, never again
Não, nunca mais
The American scream
O grito americano
You try to pick the lesser of
Você tenta escolher o menor dos
But evil doesn't come in twos
Mas o mal não vem em duplas
Bellicose and balkanized
Belicoso e balcanizado
A sinking ship of fools
Um navio de tolos afundando
So kiss the hangman as you drop
Então beije o carrasco enquanto você cai
The rotting corpse of decency
O cadáver apodrecendo da decência
Just another casualty of the American scream
Apenas mais uma vítima do grito americano
(The American scream)
(O grito americano)
Repeat, echo, refrain
Repetir, ecoar, refrão
It's all the same
É tudo a mesma coisa
So deafening
Tão ensurdecedor
Repeat, echo, refrain
Repetir, ecoar, refrão
A consequence
Uma consequência
We asked for this
Nós pedimos por isso
Repeat, echo, refrain
Repetir, ecoar, refrão
No, never again
Não, nunca mais
The American scream
O grito americano
Never again
Nunca mais
Watch the gears grind off their teeth, the screeching halt machine
Mira cómo las ruedas muelen sus dientes, la máquina que se detiene chirriando
Digging heels in disbelief
Clavando los talones en incredulidad
Two reactional identities, opposing policies
Dos identidades reaccionales, políticas opuestas
A bait-and-switch routine
Una rutina de cambio de cebo
Double-takes and double-speak
Dobles tomas y doble lenguaje
Still scripting the façade
Todavía escribiendo la fachada
Asphyxiate and choke the truth
Asfixiar y ahogar la verdad
All hail the money god
Todos alaben al dios del dinero
Repeat, echo, refrain
Repite, eco, estribillo
It's all the same
Es todo lo mismo
So deafening
Tan ensordecedor
Repeat, echo, refrain
Repite, eco, estribillo
A consequence
Una consecuencia
We asked for this
Pedimos esto
Repeat, echo, refrain
Repite, eco, estribillo
No, never again
No, nunca más
The American scream
El grito americano
A coup d'état on full display, a liar's sick charade
Un golpe de estado a plena vista, la enferma farsa de un mentiroso
A traitor's grand parade
El gran desfile de un traidor
Narcissistic masquerades for those without a say
Mascaradas narcisistas para aquellos sin voz
Systematic disarray
Desorden sistemático
Divide and conquer and close them in
Divide y conquista y ciérralos
And bury secrets deep
Y entierra secretos profundos
Make America hate again
Haz que América odie de nuevo
And bleed the sheep to sleep
Y sangra a las ovejas hasta dormirlas
Repeat, echo, refrain
Repite, eco, estribillo
It's all the same
Es todo lo mismo
So deafening
Tan ensordecedor
Repeat, echo, refrain
Repite, eco, estribillo
A consequence
Una consecuencia
We asked for this
Pedimos esto
Repeat, echo, refrain
Repite, eco, estribillo
No, never again
No, nunca más
The American scream
El grito americano
You try to pick the lesser of
Intentas elegir el menor de
But evil doesn't come in twos
Pero el mal no viene en pares
Bellicose and balkanized
Belicoso y balcanizado
A sinking ship of fools
Un barco de tontos que se hunde
So kiss the hangman as you drop
Así que besa al verdugo mientras caes
The rotting corpse of decency
El cadáver podrido de la decencia
Just another casualty of the American scream
Solo otra víctima del grito americano
(The American scream)
(El grito americano)
Repeat, echo, refrain
Repite, eco, estribillo
It's all the same
Es todo lo mismo
So deafening
Tan ensordecedor
Repeat, echo, refrain
Repite, eco, estribillo
A consequence
Una consecuencia
We asked for this
Pedimos esto
Repeat, echo, refrain
Repite, eco, estribillo
No, never again
No, nunca más
The American scream
El grito americano
Never again
Nunca más
Watch the gears grind off their teeth, the screeching halt machine
Regarde les engrenages broyer leurs dents, la machine qui s'arrête en grincement
Digging heels in disbelief
Creusant les talons dans l'incrédulité
Two reactional identities, opposing policies
Deux identités réactionnelles, des politiques opposées
A bait-and-switch routine
Une routine d'appât et de changement
Double-takes and double-speak
Double-prises et double-langage
Still scripting the façade
Toujours en train de scripter la façade
Asphyxiate and choke the truth
Asphyxier et étouffer la vérité
All hail the money god
Tous saluent le dieu de l'argent
Repeat, echo, refrain
Répète, écho, refrain
It's all the same
C'est toujours la même chose
So deafening
Si assourdissant
Repeat, echo, refrain
Répète, écho, refrain
A consequence
Une conséquence
We asked for this
Nous l'avons demandé
Repeat, echo, refrain
Répète, écho, refrain
No, never again
Non, jamais plus
The American scream
Le cri américain
A coup d'état on full display, a liar's sick charade
Un coup d'État en pleine vue, une malade charade de menteur
A traitor's grand parade
Un grand défilé de traître
Narcissistic masquerades for those without a say
Des mascarades narcissiques pour ceux qui n'ont pas leur mot à dire
Systematic disarray
Désordre systématique
Divide and conquer and close them in
Divise et conquiers et enferme-les
And bury secrets deep
Et enterre les secrets profondément
Make America hate again
Fais haïr l'Amérique à nouveau
And bleed the sheep to sleep
Et saigne les moutons jusqu'à ce qu'ils s'endorment
Repeat, echo, refrain
Répète, écho, refrain
It's all the same
C'est toujours la même chose
So deafening
Si assourdissant
Repeat, echo, refrain
Répète, écho, refrain
A consequence
Une conséquence
We asked for this
Nous l'avons demandé
Repeat, echo, refrain
Répète, écho, refrain
No, never again
Non, jamais plus
The American scream
Le cri américain
You try to pick the lesser of
Tu essaies de choisir le moindre de
But evil doesn't come in twos
Mais le mal ne vient pas en deux
Bellicose and balkanized
Belliqueux et balkanisé
A sinking ship of fools
Un navire de fous qui coule
So kiss the hangman as you drop
Alors embrasse le bourreau alors que tu tombes
The rotting corpse of decency
Le cadavre pourrissant de la décence
Just another casualty of the American scream
Juste une autre victime du cri américain
(The American scream)
(Le cri américain)
Repeat, echo, refrain
Répète, écho, refrain
It's all the same
C'est toujours la même chose
So deafening
Si assourdissant
Repeat, echo, refrain
Répète, écho, refrain
A consequence
Une conséquence
We asked for this
Nous l'avons demandé
Repeat, echo, refrain
Répète, écho, refrain
No, never again
Non, jamais plus
The American scream
Le cri américain
Never again
Jamais plus
Watch the gears grind off their teeth, the screeching halt machine
Beobachte, wie die Zahnräder ihre Zähne abschleifen, die kreischende Stillstandsmaschine
Digging heels in disbelief
In Unglauben die Fersen eingraben
Two reactional identities, opposing policies
Zwei reaktionäre Identitäten, gegensätzliche Politiken
A bait-and-switch routine
Eine Köder-und-Schalter-Routine
Double-takes and double-speak
Doppeldeutigkeiten und Doppelsprech
Still scripting the façade
Immer noch das Fassaden-Drehbuch schreibend
Asphyxiate and choke the truth
Ersticken und die Wahrheit würgen
All hail the money god
Aller Preis dem Geldgott
Repeat, echo, refrain
Wiederholen, Echo, Refrain
It's all the same
Es ist alles das Gleiche
So deafening
So ohrenbetäubend
Repeat, echo, refrain
Wiederholen, Echo, Refrain
A consequence
Eine Konsequenz
We asked for this
Wir haben danach gefragt
Repeat, echo, refrain
Wiederholen, Echo, Refrain
No, never again
Nein, nie wieder
The American scream
Der amerikanische Schrei
A coup d'état on full display, a liar's sick charade
Ein Staatsstreich zur Schau gestellt, das kranke Schauspiel eines Lügners
A traitor's grand parade
Die große Parade eines Verräters
Narcissistic masquerades for those without a say
Narzisstische Maskeraden für diejenigen, die nichts zu sagen haben
Systematic disarray
Systematisches Durcheinander
Divide and conquer and close them in
Teilen und erobern und sie einschließen
And bury secrets deep
Und Geheimnisse tief begraben
Make America hate again
Lass Amerika wieder hassen
And bleed the sheep to sleep
Und blute die Schafe in den Schlaf
Repeat, echo, refrain
Wiederholen, Echo, Refrain
It's all the same
Es ist alles das Gleiche
So deafening
So ohrenbetäubend
Repeat, echo, refrain
Wiederholen, Echo, Refrain
A consequence
Eine Konsequenz
We asked for this
Wir haben danach gefragt
Repeat, echo, refrain
Wiederholen, Echo, Refrain
No, never again
Nein, nie wieder
The American scream
Der amerikanische Schrei
You try to pick the lesser of
Du versuchst, das kleinere Übel zu wählen
But evil doesn't come in twos
Aber das Böse kommt nicht in Zweiergruppen
Bellicose and balkanized
Kriegerisch und balkanisiert
A sinking ship of fools
Ein sinkendes Schiff der Narren
So kiss the hangman as you drop
So küsse den Henker, während du fällst
The rotting corpse of decency
Die verrottende Leiche der Anständigkeit
Just another casualty of the American scream
Nur ein weiteres Opfer des amerikanischen Schreis
(The American scream)
(Der amerikanische Schrei)
Repeat, echo, refrain
Wiederholen, Echo, Refrain
It's all the same
Es ist alles das Gleiche
So deafening
So ohrenbetäubend
Repeat, echo, refrain
Wiederholen, Echo, Refrain
A consequence
Eine Konsequenz
We asked for this
Wir haben danach gefragt
Repeat, echo, refrain
Wiederholen, Echo, Refrain
No, never again
Nein, nie wieder
The American scream
Der amerikanische Schrei
Never again
Nie wieder
Watch the gears grind off their teeth, the screeching halt machine
Guarda le ruote dentate che si consumano, la macchina che si ferma stridendo
Digging heels in disbelief
Affondando i tacchi nell'incredulità
Two reactional identities, opposing policies
Due identità reazionarie, politiche opposte
A bait-and-switch routine
Una routine di truffa
Double-takes and double-speak
Doppi sensi e doppio parlare
Still scripting the façade
Ancora scrivendo la facciata
Asphyxiate and choke the truth
Asfissiare e soffocare la verità
All hail the money god
Tutti lodano il dio del denaro
Repeat, echo, refrain
Ripeti, eco, ritornello
It's all the same
È tutto lo stesso
So deafening
Così assordante
Repeat, echo, refrain
Ripeti, eco, ritornello
A consequence
Una conseguenza
We asked for this
L'abbiamo chiesto noi
Repeat, echo, refrain
Ripeti, eco, ritornello
No, never again
No, mai più
The American scream
Il grido americano
A coup d'état on full display, a liar's sick charade
Un colpo di stato in piena vista, la malata farsa di un bugiardo
A traitor's grand parade
La grande parata di un traditore
Narcissistic masquerades for those without a say
Maschere narcisistiche per coloro che non hanno voce
Systematic disarray
Disordine sistematico
Divide and conquer and close them in
Dividi e conquista e chiudili dentro
And bury secrets deep
E seppellisci i segreti in profondità
Make America hate again
Fai odiare di nuovo l'America
And bleed the sheep to sleep
E sanguina le pecore fino a farle addormentare
Repeat, echo, refrain
Ripeti, eco, ritornello
It's all the same
È tutto lo stesso
So deafening
Così assordante
Repeat, echo, refrain
Ripeti, eco, ritornello
A consequence
Una conseguenza
We asked for this
L'abbiamo chiesto noi
Repeat, echo, refrain
Ripeti, eco, ritornello
No, never again
No, mai più
The American scream
Il grido americano
You try to pick the lesser of
Cerchi di scegliere il minore dei
But evil doesn't come in twos
Ma il male non viene a due
Bellicose and balkanized
Bellicoso e balcanizzato
A sinking ship of fools
Una nave di folli che affonda
So kiss the hangman as you drop
Quindi bacia il boia mentre cadi
The rotting corpse of decency
Il cadavere in decomposizione della decenza
Just another casualty of the American scream
Solo un'altra vittima del grido americano
(The American scream)
(Il grido americano)
Repeat, echo, refrain
Ripeti, eco, ritornello
It's all the same
È tutto lo stesso
So deafening
Così assordante
Repeat, echo, refrain
Ripeti, eco, ritornello
A consequence
Una conseguenza
We asked for this
L'abbiamo chiesto noi
Repeat, echo, refrain
Ripeti, eco, ritornello
No, never again
No, mai più
The American scream
Il grido americano
Never again
Mai più

Trivia about the song Checkmate by Lamb of God

Who composed the song “Checkmate” by Lamb of God?
The song “Checkmate” by Lamb of God was composed by David Randall Blythe, John Campbell, Mark Morton, Will Adler.

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