A Weaver's Wish


Once upon a time, a weaver lived in a village.
He was a great artist and
used to weave beautiful designs,
on the silk woven clothes.
He was a very hardworking person
and possessed great skill.
But still, he was very poor.
He could barely manage to feed his family.
Every day, the weaver would go to the forest,
to cut down branches from the tree.
He would collect the firewood and
give it to his wife, to cook their food.
One day, as the weaver was about to cut down a tree,
for firewood ,he heard a sweet voice.
It came from the thick foliage of a tree .
The voice said:
Please Stop! Don't cut the tree.
I thought, I heard some voice
Something is around me.
Okay! Let it be.
I need to finish my work in time.
So just don't mind it.
Please, don't cut the tree.
Have pity on him.
Who are you?
Where are you hiding?
Just come in front of me and speak over.
I am the tree fairy.
I have lived in this tree for ages.
If you cut this tree, I will become homeless.
If you spare my home,
I shall grant you a BOON !
You can wish for anything you want.
Do you really mean it?
I promise that, I will grant you whatever you wish for.
All right then, I will not cut down this tree.
But I must consult my wife about the boon.
I will go home and ask her,
What I must wish for?
I'll be back in an hour.
Will you wait for me here, till then ?
Thanks a lot! For sparing my home,
you may take your own time.
And I will wait for you here.
Oh! Thank you !
Please wait, I will come back soon.
Dear, our hard work has paid now.
I thought, we should think a lot about the boon,
which we are going to ask from the tree fairy.
Yes, that's why I came to consult you, my dear.
Now tell me, what boon shall I ask the tree fairy?
Ask the tree fairy, to make you,
the king of a large and prosperous Kingdom.
If she grants you this boon,
then we can lead a happy life.
And be very rich forever.
Dear, it seems to be a good idea.
I will immediately go to the tree fairy
and express our wish.
Saying so,the weaver rushed back to the forest .
On his way, he met his best friend.
He was a barber.
My dear friend, where are you rushing to ?
My dear friend, What happened is...
The weaver,told his friend about the tree fairy
and the boon, which his wife suggested.
On listening to this, his friend said:
Don't follow your wife's words.
If you become a king,
you will always be worried about ruling the people.
Most of the year you will be busy fighting wars,
to protect your kingdom,from your enemies.
Listen to me ,carefully.
Just ask the tree fairy, to give you another head
and an extra pair of hands.
This way, you can think of more beautiful designs
and look around easily with extra eyes.
You can work on two looms at one time
and produce more silk cloth than you can do now.
You will earn double of what you get now
and have enough to eat and save for the future .
I think this is a brilliant idea my dear friend.
I will immediately go to the tree fairy
and ask the same as boon.
Thank you, My dear friend .
Ha! Ha! Ha!
You, foolish Weaver.
Can't you think of something better than what I suggested ?
Ha ! Ha !
Let me see...
How you look with two heads and four hands?
Ha ! Ha ! Ha!
I'm sure you will be very funny.
Ha! Ha! Ha!
The Weaver rushed back to the forest .
On reaching the tree, he called out loudly...
Oh, tree fairy!
I have come back to express my wish.
Express your wish and it will be granted right now.
Please grant me an extra head and an extra pair of hands.
Immediately, the Weaver got what he wished for.
Now he had two heads and four hands.
He was very happy, he ran fast towards the village.
He wanted to tell this good news, to his wife immediately.
On the way, to the village some passers-by saw him.
They were shocked and frightened,
to see such a strange creature.
Children playing nearby,shrieked and feared and ran home.
The people thought that he was a monster,
who had come to eat up the children.
So they threw stones at the weaver,until he died
Stone pelting
His wish was not intelligently thought up.
And hence it led to his death.
So my dear children ......
Did you see, what happened to this foolish weaver?
He did not think properly, before he acted.
Which led him to his death.
So think of the consequences, before performing any act.

Trivia about the song A Weaver's Wish by Magic Box

Who composed the song “A Weaver's Wish” by Magic Box?
The song “A Weaver's Wish” by Magic Box was composed by Magicbox.

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