
Jordan Ullman, Majid Al Maskati

Lyrics Translation

Found heaven and I dove right in
There's an angel waiting in my bed
Found heaven and it feels so real
You take me to the moon

You know who you are
Everybody knows what you do to me
Oh, yeah
Can I make it right?
You know this love is new to me
Oh, yeah

Like the sunset in Morocco
You're a tough act to follow
Here today, gone tomorrow
It's a tough pill to swallow

Time passes and I feel a change
There's an angel and it knows my name
Who loves me as I really am
And takes me to the moon

You know who you are
Everybody knows what you do to me
Oh, yeah
Can I make it right?
You know this love is new to me
Oh, yeah
Oh, yeah

Like the sunset in Morocco
You're a tough act to follow
Here today, gone tomorrow
It's a tough pill to swallow

Like the sunset in Morocco
She's a tough act to follow
Here today, gone tomorrow
She's a tough act to follow

Like the sunset in Morocco
You're a tough act to follow

Found heaven and I dove right in
Encontrei o céu e mergulhei de cabeça
There's an angel waiting in my bed
Há um anjo esperando na minha cama
Found heaven and it feels so real
Encontrei o céu e parece tão real
You take me to the moon
Você me leva à lua
You know who you are
Você sabe quem você é
Everybody knows what you do to me
Todo mundo sabe o que você faz comigo
Oh, yeah
Ah, sim
Can I make it right?
Posso acertar?
You know this love is new to me
Você sabe que esse amor é novo para mim
Oh, yeah
Ah, sim
Like the sunset in Morocco
Como o pôr do sol no Marrocos
You're a tough act to follow
Você é difícil de superar
Here today, gone tomorrow
Aqui hoje, ido amanhã
It's a tough pill to swallow
É uma pílula difícil de engolir
Time passes and I feel a change
O tempo passa e eu sinto uma mudança
There's an angel and it knows my name
Há um anjo e ele sabe o meu nome
Who loves me as I really am
Quem me ama como eu realmente sou
And takes me to the moon
E me leva à lua
You know who you are
Você sabe quem você é
Everybody knows what you do to me
Todo mundo sabe o que você faz comigo
Oh, yeah
Ah, sim
Can I make it right?
Posso acertar?
You know this love is new to me
Você sabe que esse amor é novo para mim
Oh, yeah
Ah, sim
Oh, yeah
Ah, sim
Like the sunset in Morocco
Como o pôr do sol no Marrocos
You're a tough act to follow
Você é difícil de superar
Here today, gone tomorrow
Aqui hoje, ido amanhã
It's a tough pill to swallow
É uma pílula difícil de engolir
Like the sunset in Morocco
Como o pôr do sol no Marrocos
She's a tough act to follow
Ela é difícil de superar
Here today, gone tomorrow
Aqui hoje, ido amanhã
She's a tough act to follow
Ela é difícil de superar
Like the sunset in Morocco
Como o pôr do sol no Marrocos
You're a tough act to follow
Você é difícil de superar
Found heaven and I dove right in
Encontré el cielo y me sumergí de lleno
There's an angel waiting in my bed
Hay un ángel esperando en mi cama
Found heaven and it feels so real
Encontré el cielo y se siente tan real
You take me to the moon
Me llevas a la luna
You know who you are
Sabes quién eres
Everybody knows what you do to me
Todos saben lo que me haces
Oh, yeah
Oh, sí
Can I make it right?
¿Puedo corregirlo?
You know this love is new to me
Sabes que este amor es nuevo para mí
Oh, yeah
Oh, sí
Like the sunset in Morocco
Como el atardecer en Marruecos
You're a tough act to follow
Eres un acto difícil de seguir
Here today, gone tomorrow
Aquí hoy, ausente mañana
It's a tough pill to swallow
Es una píldora difícil de tragar
Time passes and I feel a change
El tiempo pasa y siento un cambio
There's an angel and it knows my name
Hay un ángel y conoce mi nombre
Who loves me as I really am
Quien me ama tal como soy
And takes me to the moon
Y me lleva a la luna
You know who you are
Sabes quién eres
Everybody knows what you do to me
Todos saben lo que me haces
Oh, yeah
Oh, sí
Can I make it right?
¿Puedo corregirlo?
You know this love is new to me
Sabes que este amor es nuevo para mí
Oh, yeah
Oh, sí
Oh, yeah
Oh, sí
Like the sunset in Morocco
Como el atardecer en Marruecos
You're a tough act to follow
Eres un acto difícil de seguir
Here today, gone tomorrow
Aquí hoy, ausente mañana
It's a tough pill to swallow
Es una píldora difícil de tragar
Like the sunset in Morocco
Como el atardecer en Marruecos
She's a tough act to follow
Ella es un acto difícil de seguir
Here today, gone tomorrow
Aquí hoy, ausente mañana
She's a tough act to follow
Ella es un acto difícil de seguir
Like the sunset in Morocco
Como el atardecer en Marruecos
You're a tough act to follow
Eres un acto difícil de seguir
Found heaven and I dove right in
J'ai trouvé le paradis et je m'y suis plongé
There's an angel waiting in my bed
Il y a un ange qui m'attend dans mon lit
Found heaven and it feels so real
J'ai trouvé le paradis et c'est tellement réel
You take me to the moon
Tu m'emmènes sur la lune
You know who you are
Tu sais qui tu es
Everybody knows what you do to me
Tout le monde sait ce que tu me fais
Oh, yeah
Oh, ouais
Can I make it right?
Puis-je arranger les choses ?
You know this love is new to me
Tu sais que cet amour est nouveau pour moi
Oh, yeah
Oh, ouais
Like the sunset in Morocco
Comme le coucher de soleil au Maroc
You're a tough act to follow
Tu es difficile à suivre
Here today, gone tomorrow
Ici aujourd'hui, parti demain
It's a tough pill to swallow
C'est une pilule difficile à avaler
Time passes and I feel a change
Le temps passe et je ressens un changement
There's an angel and it knows my name
Il y a un ange qui connaît mon nom
Who loves me as I really am
Qui m'aime tel que je suis vraiment
And takes me to the moon
Et m'emmène sur la lune
You know who you are
Tu sais qui tu es
Everybody knows what you do to me
Tout le monde sait ce que tu me fais
Oh, yeah
Oh, ouais
Can I make it right?
Puis-je arranger les choses ?
You know this love is new to me
Tu sais que cet amour est nouveau pour moi
Oh, yeah
Oh, ouais
Oh, yeah
Oh, ouais
Like the sunset in Morocco
Comme le coucher de soleil au Maroc
You're a tough act to follow
Tu es difficile à suivre
Here today, gone tomorrow
Ici aujourd'hui, parti demain
It's a tough pill to swallow
C'est une pilule difficile à avaler
Like the sunset in Morocco
Comme le coucher de soleil au Maroc
She's a tough act to follow
Elle est difficile à suivre
Here today, gone tomorrow
Ici aujourd'hui, partie demain
She's a tough act to follow
Elle est difficile à suivre
Like the sunset in Morocco
Comme le coucher de soleil au Maroc
You're a tough act to follow
Tu es difficile à suivre
Found heaven and I dove right in
Ich habe den Himmel gefunden und bin direkt hineingetaucht
There's an angel waiting in my bed
Es wartet ein Engel in meinem Bett
Found heaven and it feels so real
Ich habe den Himmel gefunden und es fühlt sich so echt an
You take me to the moon
Du bringst mich zum Mond
You know who you are
Du weißt, wer du bist
Everybody knows what you do to me
Jeder weiß, was du mit mir machst
Oh, yeah
Oh, ja
Can I make it right?
Kann ich es richtig machen?
You know this love is new to me
Du weißt, diese Liebe ist neu für mich
Oh, yeah
Oh, ja
Like the sunset in Morocco
Wie der Sonnenuntergang in Marokko
You're a tough act to follow
Du bist schwer zu übertreffen
Here today, gone tomorrow
Heute hier, morgen weg
It's a tough pill to swallow
Das ist eine harte Pille zum Schlucken
Time passes and I feel a change
Die Zeit vergeht und ich spüre eine Veränderung
There's an angel and it knows my name
Es gibt einen Engel und er kennt meinen Namen
Who loves me as I really am
Wer mich liebt, wie ich wirklich bin
And takes me to the moon
Und bringt mich zum Mond
You know who you are
Du weißt, wer du bist
Everybody knows what you do to me
Jeder weiß, was du mit mir machst
Oh, yeah
Oh, ja
Can I make it right?
Kann ich es richtig machen?
You know this love is new to me
Du weißt, diese Liebe ist neu für mich
Oh, yeah
Oh, ja
Oh, yeah
Oh, ja
Like the sunset in Morocco
Wie der Sonnenuntergang in Marokko
You're a tough act to follow
Du bist schwer zu übertreffen
Here today, gone tomorrow
Heute hier, morgen weg
It's a tough pill to swallow
Das ist eine harte Pille zum Schlucken
Like the sunset in Morocco
Wie der Sonnenuntergang in Marokko
She's a tough act to follow
Sie ist schwer zu übertreffen
Here today, gone tomorrow
Heute hier, morgen weg
She's a tough act to follow
Sie ist schwer zu übertreffen
Like the sunset in Morocco
Wie der Sonnenuntergang in Marokko
You're a tough act to follow
Du bist schwer zu übertreffen
Found heaven and I dove right in
Ho trovato il paradiso e mi ci sono tuffato
There's an angel waiting in my bed
C'è un angelo che mi aspetta nel mio letto
Found heaven and it feels so real
Ho trovato il paradiso e sembra così reale
You take me to the moon
Mi porti sulla luna
You know who you are
Sai chi sei
Everybody knows what you do to me
Tutti sanno cosa mi fai
Oh, yeah
Oh, sì
Can I make it right?
Posso rimediare?
You know this love is new to me
Sai che questo amore è nuovo per me
Oh, yeah
Oh, sì
Like the sunset in Morocco
Come il tramonto in Marocco
You're a tough act to follow
Sei difficile da seguire
Here today, gone tomorrow
Qui oggi, sparito domani
It's a tough pill to swallow
È una pillola dura da ingoiare
Time passes and I feel a change
Il tempo passa e sento un cambiamento
There's an angel and it knows my name
C'è un angelo che conosce il mio nome
Who loves me as I really am
Che mi ama per quello che sono veramente
And takes me to the moon
E mi porta sulla luna
You know who you are
Sai chi sei
Everybody knows what you do to me
Tutti sanno cosa mi fai
Oh, yeah
Oh, sì
Can I make it right?
Posso rimediare?
You know this love is new to me
Sai che questo amore è nuovo per me
Oh, yeah
Oh, sì
Oh, yeah
Oh, sì
Like the sunset in Morocco
Come il tramonto in Marocco
You're a tough act to follow
Sei difficile da seguire
Here today, gone tomorrow
Qui oggi, sparito domani
It's a tough pill to swallow
È una pillola dura da ingoiare
Like the sunset in Morocco
Come il tramonto in Marocco
She's a tough act to follow
Lei è difficile da seguire
Here today, gone tomorrow
Qui oggi, sparita domani
She's a tough act to follow
Lei è difficile da seguire
Like the sunset in Morocco
Come il tramonto in Marocco
You're a tough act to follow
Sei difficile da seguire

[Zwrotka 1]
Odnalazłem niebo i zanurzyłem się w nim
Anioł czeka na mnie w moim łóżku
Odnalazłem niebo, a to uczucie jest tak prawdziwe
Zabierasz mnie na księżyc

Wiesz, kim jesteś, oh-oh-oh
Każdy wie, co ze mną robisz
Och, tak
Czy zdołam to naprawić?
Wiesz, że ta miłość jest dla mnie nowa
Och, tak

Jak zachód słońca w Maroku
Trudno za tobą nadążyć
Dziś jesteś, jutro cię nie ma
Trudno się z tym pogodzić
(Hej, hej-hej-hej)

[Zwrotka 2]
Czas płynie, a ja czuję zmianę
Jest anioł, który zna moje imię
Który kocha mnie takim, jakim naprawdę jestem
I zabiera mnie na księżyc

Wiesz, kim jesteś, oh-oh-oh
Każdy wie, co ze mną robisz
Och, tak
Czy zdołam to naprawić?
Wiesz, że ta miłość jest dla mnie nowa
Och, tak

Jak zachód słońca w Maroku
Trudno za tobą nadążyć
Dziś jesteś, jutro cię nie ma
Trudno się z tym pogodzić
Jak zachód słońca w Maroku
Trudno za tobą nadążyć
Dziś jesteś, jutro cię nie ma
Trudno za tobą nadążyć
Jak zachód słońca w Maroku
Trudno za tobą nadążyć
Dziś jesteś, jutro cię nie ma

Trivia about the song Sunset by Majid Jordan

When was the song “Sunset” released by Majid Jordan?
The song Sunset was released in 2023, on the album “Good People”.
Who composed the song “Sunset” by Majid Jordan?
The song “Sunset” by Majid Jordan was composed by Jordan Ullman, Majid Al Maskati.

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