Burned at Both Ends II

Chris Cerulli, Jon McLean, Jordan Curran, Justin Deblieck

Lyrics Translation

I still feel you crawling under my skin
You left a certain kind of sick that I can't let go of
I'm thinking back on all the time that I've wasted
I'm afraid that it's only leading to darker places

The curse you left, it ends tonight
Even if I have to tear out my insides
Never again will this heart be your home
I'll be happy as someone else

Today, I found my open door
I set my sights on something more
I live for something more

Another day spent waiting on a sign
For anything to tell me I'm doing something right
Somewhere, there's a love that I long for
But I can't see through the smoke in my window

Leaving you behind left me aimless
Staring in the mirror and I feel like I'm faceless
The only thing I know is that I'd rather die
Than live in a world where you still control my life

The curse you left, it ends tonight
Even if I have to tear out my insides
Never again will this heart be your home
I'll be happy as someone else

Today, I found my open door
I set my sights on something more
I'm done reliving the pain you dealt me
I'm sick of trying to take back time
Today, I live for something more

At both ends, burnt once more
But now I live for something more
Live for something more
Live for something more

Today, I found my own embrace
I'll never regret who I am today

Today, I found my open door
I set my sights
I set my sights on something more
Today, I found my open door
I set my sights on something more

I'm done reliving the pain you dealt me
I'm sick of trying to take back time
Today, I live for something more

I still feel you crawling under my skin
Ainda sinto você rastejando sob minha pele
You left a certain kind of sick that I can't let go of
Você deixou um certo tipo de doença que eu não consigo largar
I'm thinking back on all the time that I've wasted
Estou pensando em todo o tempo que desperdicei
I'm afraid that it's only leading to darker places
Tenho medo de que isso esteja apenas levando a lugares mais escuros
The curse you left, it ends tonight
A maldição que você deixou, termina esta noite
Even if I have to tear out my insides
Mesmo que eu tenha que arrancar minhas entranhas
Never again will this heart be your home
Nunca mais este coração será seu lar
I'll be happy as someone else
Eu serei feliz como outra pessoa
Today, I found my open door
Hoje, eu encontrei minha porta aberta
I set my sights on something more
Eu defini meus objetivos para algo mais
I live for something more
Eu vivo para algo mais
Another day spent waiting on a sign
Outro dia passado esperando por um sinal
For anything to tell me I'm doing something right
Por qualquer coisa que me diga que estou fazendo algo certo
Somewhere, there's a love that I long for
Em algum lugar, há um amor que eu anseio
But I can't see through the smoke in my window
Mas eu não consigo ver através da fumaça na minha janela
Leaving you behind left me aimless
Deixar você para trás me deixou sem rumo
Staring in the mirror and I feel like I'm faceless
Olhando no espelho e me sinto sem rosto
The only thing I know is that I'd rather die
A única coisa que sei é que prefiro morrer
Than live in a world where you still control my life
Do que viver em um mundo onde você ainda controla minha vida
The curse you left, it ends tonight
A maldição que você deixou, termina esta noite
Even if I have to tear out my insides
Mesmo que eu tenha que arrancar minhas entranhas
Never again will this heart be your home
Nunca mais este coração será seu lar
I'll be happy as someone else
Eu serei feliz como outra pessoa
Today, I found my open door
Hoje, eu encontrei minha porta aberta
I set my sights on something more
Eu defini meus objetivos para algo mais
I'm done reliving the pain you dealt me
Estou cansado de reviver a dor que você me causou
I'm sick of trying to take back time
Estou cansado de tentar recuperar o tempo
Today, I live for something more
Hoje, eu vivo para algo mais
At both ends, burnt once more
Em ambas as extremidades, queimado mais uma vez
But now I live for something more
Mas agora eu vivo para algo mais
Live for something more
Vivo para algo mais
Live for something more
Vivo para algo mais
Today, I found my own embrace
Hoje, eu encontrei meu próprio abraço
I'll never regret who I am today
Nunca me arrependerei de quem eu sou hoje
Today, I found my open door
Hoje, eu encontrei minha porta aberta
I set my sights
Eu defini meus objetivos
I set my sights on something more
Eu defini meus objetivos para algo mais
Today, I found my open door
Hoje, eu encontrei minha porta aberta
I set my sights on something more
Eu defini meus objetivos para algo mais
I'm done reliving the pain you dealt me
Estou cansado de reviver a dor que você me causou
I'm sick of trying to take back time
Estou cansado de tentar recuperar o tempo
Today, I live for something more
Hoje, eu vivo para algo mais
I still feel you crawling under my skin
Todavía siento que te arrastras bajo mi piel
You left a certain kind of sick that I can't let go of
Dejaste un cierto tipo de enfermedad de la que no puedo deshacerme
I'm thinking back on all the time that I've wasted
Estoy pensando en todo el tiempo que he desperdiciado
I'm afraid that it's only leading to darker places
Temo que solo esté llevando a lugares más oscuros
The curse you left, it ends tonight
La maldición que dejaste, termina esta noche
Even if I have to tear out my insides
Incluso si tengo que arrancarme las entrañas
Never again will this heart be your home
Nunca más este corazón será tu hogar
I'll be happy as someone else
Seré feliz como alguien más
Today, I found my open door
Hoy, encontré mi puerta abierta
I set my sights on something more
Puse mi mirada en algo más
I live for something more
Vivo por algo más
Another day spent waiting on a sign
Otro día esperando una señal
For anything to tell me I'm doing something right
Para cualquier cosa que me diga que estoy haciendo algo bien
Somewhere, there's a love that I long for
En algún lugar, hay un amor que anhelo
But I can't see through the smoke in my window
Pero no puedo ver a través del humo en mi ventana
Leaving you behind left me aimless
Dejarte atrás me dejó sin rumbo
Staring in the mirror and I feel like I'm faceless
Mirándome al espejo y siento que no tengo rostro
The only thing I know is that I'd rather die
Lo único que sé es que preferiría morir
Than live in a world where you still control my life
Que vivir en un mundo donde todavía controlas mi vida
The curse you left, it ends tonight
La maldición que dejaste, termina esta noche
Even if I have to tear out my insides
Incluso si tengo que arrancarme las entrañas
Never again will this heart be your home
Nunca más este corazón será tu hogar
I'll be happy as someone else
Seré feliz como alguien más
Today, I found my open door
Hoy, encontré mi puerta abierta
I set my sights on something more
Puse mi mirada en algo más
I'm done reliving the pain you dealt me
He terminado de revivir el dolor que me causaste
I'm sick of trying to take back time
Estoy harto de intentar recuperar el tiempo
Today, I live for something more
Hoy, vivo por algo más
At both ends, burnt once more
En ambos extremos, quemado una vez más
But now I live for something more
Pero ahora vivo por algo más
Live for something more
Vivo por algo más
Live for something more
Vivo por algo más
Today, I found my own embrace
Hoy, encontré mi propio abrazo
I'll never regret who I am today
Nunca lamentaré quién soy hoy
Today, I found my open door
Hoy, encontré mi puerta abierta
I set my sights
Puse mi mirada
I set my sights on something more
Puse mi mirada en algo más
Today, I found my open door
Hoy, encontré mi puerta abierta
I set my sights on something more
Puse mi mirada en algo más
I'm done reliving the pain you dealt me
He terminado de revivir el dolor que me causaste
I'm sick of trying to take back time
Estoy harto de intentar recuperar el tiempo
Today, I live for something more
Hoy, vivo por algo más
I still feel you crawling under my skin
Je te sens encore ramper sous ma peau
You left a certain kind of sick that I can't let go of
Tu as laissé une certaine maladie que je ne peux pas lâcher
I'm thinking back on all the time that I've wasted
Je repense à tout le temps que j'ai gaspillé
I'm afraid that it's only leading to darker places
J'ai peur que cela ne mène qu'à des endroits plus sombres
The curse you left, it ends tonight
La malédiction que tu as laissée, se termine ce soir
Even if I have to tear out my insides
Même si je dois arracher mes entrailles
Never again will this heart be your home
Jamais encore ce cœur ne sera ton foyer
I'll be happy as someone else
Je serai heureux en tant que quelqu'un d'autre
Today, I found my open door
Aujourd'hui, j'ai trouvé ma porte ouverte
I set my sights on something more
J'ai fixé mon regard sur quelque chose de plus
I live for something more
Je vis pour quelque chose de plus
Another day spent waiting on a sign
Un autre jour passé à attendre un signe
For anything to tell me I'm doing something right
Pour n'importe quoi qui me dirait que je fais quelque chose de bien
Somewhere, there's a love that I long for
Quelque part, il y a un amour que je désire
But I can't see through the smoke in my window
Mais je ne peux pas voir à travers la fumée dans ma fenêtre
Leaving you behind left me aimless
Te laisser derrière m'a laissé sans but
Staring in the mirror and I feel like I'm faceless
Je me regarde dans le miroir et j'ai l'impression d'être sans visage
The only thing I know is that I'd rather die
La seule chose que je sais, c'est que je préférerais mourir
Than live in a world where you still control my life
Que de vivre dans un monde où tu contrôles encore ma vie
The curse you left, it ends tonight
La malédiction que tu as laissée, se termine ce soir
Even if I have to tear out my insides
Même si je dois arracher mes entrailles
Never again will this heart be your home
Jamais encore ce cœur ne sera ton foyer
I'll be happy as someone else
Je serai heureux en tant que quelqu'un d'autre
Today, I found my open door
Aujourd'hui, j'ai trouvé ma porte ouverte
I set my sights on something more
J'ai fixé mon regard sur quelque chose de plus
I'm done reliving the pain you dealt me
J'en ai fini de revivre la douleur que tu m'as infligée
I'm sick of trying to take back time
J'en ai marre d'essayer de récupérer le temps
Today, I live for something more
Aujourd'hui, je vis pour quelque chose de plus
At both ends, burnt once more
Aux deux extrémités, brûlé une fois de plus
But now I live for something more
Mais maintenant je vis pour quelque chose de plus
Live for something more
Vivre pour quelque chose de plus
Live for something more
Vivre pour quelque chose de plus
Today, I found my own embrace
Aujourd'hui, j'ai trouvé mon propre étreinte
I'll never regret who I am today
Je ne regretterai jamais qui je suis aujourd'hui
Today, I found my open door
Aujourd'hui, j'ai trouvé ma porte ouverte
I set my sights
J'ai fixé mon regard
I set my sights on something more
J'ai fixé mon regard sur quelque chose de plus
Today, I found my open door
Aujourd'hui, j'ai trouvé ma porte ouverte
I set my sights on something more
J'ai fixé mon regard sur quelque chose de plus
I'm done reliving the pain you dealt me
J'en ai fini de revivre la douleur que tu m'as infligée
I'm sick of trying to take back time
J'en ai marre d'essayer de récupérer le temps
Today, I live for something more
Aujourd'hui, je vis pour quelque chose de plus
I still feel you crawling under my skin
Ich fühle dich immer noch unter meiner Haut kriechen
You left a certain kind of sick that I can't let go of
Du hast eine bestimmte Art von Krankheit hinterlassen, die ich nicht loslassen kann
I'm thinking back on all the time that I've wasted
Ich denke zurück an all die verschwendete Zeit
I'm afraid that it's only leading to darker places
Ich fürchte, es führt nur zu dunkleren Orten
The curse you left, it ends tonight
Der Fluch, den du hinterlassen hast, endet heute Nacht
Even if I have to tear out my insides
Auch wenn ich meine Innereien herausreißen muss
Never again will this heart be your home
Nie wieder wird dieses Herz dein Zuhause sein
I'll be happy as someone else
Ich werde glücklich sein als jemand anderes
Today, I found my open door
Heute habe ich meine offene Tür gefunden
I set my sights on something more
Ich habe meine Ziele auf etwas Größeres gesetzt
I live for something more
Ich lebe für etwas mehr
Another day spent waiting on a sign
Ein weiterer Tag, der auf ein Zeichen wartet
For anything to tell me I'm doing something right
Für irgendetwas, das mir sagt, dass ich etwas richtig mache
Somewhere, there's a love that I long for
Irgendwo gibt es eine Liebe, nach der ich mich sehne
But I can't see through the smoke in my window
Aber ich kann nicht durch den Rauch in meinem Fenster sehen
Leaving you behind left me aimless
Dich zurückzulassen hat mich ziellos gemacht
Staring in the mirror and I feel like I'm faceless
Ich starre in den Spiegel und fühle mich gesichtslos
The only thing I know is that I'd rather die
Das einzige, was ich weiß, ist, dass ich lieber sterben würde
Than live in a world where you still control my life
Als in einer Welt zu leben, in der du immer noch mein Leben kontrollierst
The curse you left, it ends tonight
Der Fluch, den du hinterlassen hast, endet heute Nacht
Even if I have to tear out my insides
Auch wenn ich meine Innereien herausreißen muss
Never again will this heart be your home
Nie wieder wird dieses Herz dein Zuhause sein
I'll be happy as someone else
Ich werde glücklich sein als jemand anderes
Today, I found my open door
Heute habe ich meine offene Tür gefunden
I set my sights on something more
Ich habe meine Ziele auf etwas Größeres gesetzt
I'm done reliving the pain you dealt me
Ich bin es leid, den Schmerz, den du mir zugefügt hast, immer wieder zu erleben
I'm sick of trying to take back time
Ich habe es satt, die Zeit zurücknehmen zu wollen
Today, I live for something more
Heute lebe ich für etwas mehr
At both ends, burnt once more
An beiden Enden, noch einmal verbrannt
But now I live for something more
Aber jetzt lebe ich für etwas mehr
Live for something more
Lebe für etwas mehr
Live for something more
Lebe für etwas mehr
Today, I found my own embrace
Heute habe ich meine eigene Umarmung gefunden
I'll never regret who I am today
Ich werde nie bereuen, wer ich heute bin
Today, I found my open door
Heute habe ich meine offene Tür gefunden
I set my sights
Ich habe meine Ziele gesetzt
I set my sights on something more
Ich habe meine Ziele auf etwas Größeres gesetzt
Today, I found my open door
Heute habe ich meine offene Tür gefunden
I set my sights on something more
Ich habe meine Ziele auf etwas Größeres gesetzt
I'm done reliving the pain you dealt me
Ich bin es leid, den Schmerz, den du mir zugefügt hast, immer wieder zu erleben
I'm sick of trying to take back time
Ich habe es satt, die Zeit zurücknehmen zu wollen
Today, I live for something more
Heute lebe ich für etwas mehr
I still feel you crawling under my skin
Sento ancora che ti insinui sotto la mia pelle
You left a certain kind of sick that I can't let go of
Hai lasciato un certo tipo di malattia di cui non riesco a liberarmi
I'm thinking back on all the time that I've wasted
Sto ripensando a tutto il tempo che ho sprecato
I'm afraid that it's only leading to darker places
Ho paura che stia solo portando a luoghi più oscuri
The curse you left, it ends tonight
La maledizione che hai lasciato, finisce stasera
Even if I have to tear out my insides
Anche se devo strappare le mie viscere
Never again will this heart be your home
Mai più questo cuore sarà la tua casa
I'll be happy as someone else
Sarò felice come qualcun altro
Today, I found my open door
Oggi, ho trovato la mia porta aperta
I set my sights on something more
Ho puntato a qualcosa di più
I live for something more
Vivo per qualcosa di più
Another day spent waiting on a sign
Un altro giorno passato ad aspettare un segno
For anything to tell me I'm doing something right
Per qualsiasi cosa che mi dica che sto facendo qualcosa di giusto
Somewhere, there's a love that I long for
Da qualche parte, c'è un amore che desidero
But I can't see through the smoke in my window
Ma non riesco a vedere attraverso il fumo nella mia finestra
Leaving you behind left me aimless
Lasciarti dietro mi ha reso senza scopo
Staring in the mirror and I feel like I'm faceless
Guardando nello specchio e mi sento come se fossi senza volto
The only thing I know is that I'd rather die
L'unica cosa che so è che preferirei morire
Than live in a world where you still control my life
Che vivere in un mondo dove controlli ancora la mia vita
The curse you left, it ends tonight
La maledizione che hai lasciato, finisce stasera
Even if I have to tear out my insides
Anche se devo strappare le mie viscere
Never again will this heart be your home
Mai più questo cuore sarà la tua casa
I'll be happy as someone else
Sarò felice come qualcun altro
Today, I found my open door
Oggi, ho trovato la mia porta aperta
I set my sights on something more
Ho puntato a qualcosa di più
I'm done reliving the pain you dealt me
Ho finito di rivivere il dolore che mi hai inflitto
I'm sick of trying to take back time
Sono stanco di cercare di recuperare il tempo
Today, I live for something more
Oggi, vivo per qualcosa di più
At both ends, burnt once more
Bruciato ancora una volta da entrambe le parti
But now I live for something more
Ma ora vivo per qualcosa di più
Live for something more
Vivo per qualcosa di più
Live for something more
Vivo per qualcosa di più
Today, I found my own embrace
Oggi, ho trovato il mio abbraccio
I'll never regret who I am today
Non rimpiangerò mai chi sono oggi
Today, I found my open door
Oggi, ho trovato la mia porta aperta
I set my sights
Ho puntato i miei obiettivi
I set my sights on something more
Ho puntato i miei obiettivi su qualcosa di più
Today, I found my open door
Oggi, ho trovato la mia porta aperta
I set my sights on something more
Ho puntato a qualcosa di più
I'm done reliving the pain you dealt me
Ho finito di rivivere il dolore che mi hai inflitto
I'm sick of trying to take back time
Sono stanco di cercare di recuperare il tempo
Today, I live for something more
Oggi, vivo per qualcosa di più

Trivia about the song Burned at Both Ends II by Motionless in White

When was the song “Burned at Both Ends II” released by Motionless in White?
The song Burned at Both Ends II was released in 2022, on the album “Scoring the End of the World”.
Who composed the song “Burned at Both Ends II” by Motionless in White?
The song “Burned at Both Ends II” by Motionless in White was composed by Chris Cerulli, Jon McLean, Jordan Curran, Justin Deblieck.

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