Killer of Giants


Lyrics Translation

If none of us believe in war
Then can you tell me what the weapon's for
Listen to me everyone
If the button is pushed
There'll be nowhere to run

Giants sleeping giants winning wars
Within their dreams
Till they wake when it's too late
And in god's name blaspheme

Killer of giants threatens us all
Mountains of madness standing so tall
Marches of protest not stopping the war
Or the killer of giants
The killer of giants

Mother nature people state
Your case without its worth
Your seas run dry
Your sleepless eyes are turning red alert

Killer of giants threatens us all
Mountains of madness standing so tall
Rising so proudly it has nowhere to fall
This killer of giants
This killer of giants

Killer of giants threatens us all
Mountains of madness standing so tall
Marches of protest not stopping the war
Oh the killer of giants
Oh the killer of giants
Killer of giants
Killer of giants

If none of us believe in war
Se nenhum de nós acredita na guerra
Then can you tell me what the weapon's for
Então você pode me dizer para que serve a arma
Listen to me everyone
Escute-me todos
If the button is pushed
Se o botão for pressionado
There'll be nowhere to run
Não haverá para onde correr
Giants sleeping giants winning wars
Gigantes, gigantes adormecidos vencendo guerras
Within their dreams
Dentro de seus sonhos
Till they wake when it's too late
Até que acordem quando é tarde demais
And in god's name blaspheme
E em nome de Deus blasfemam
Killer of giants threatens us all
O assassino de gigantes nos ameaça a todos
Mountains of madness standing so tall
Montanhas de loucura de pé tão altas
Marches of protest not stopping the war
Marchas de protesto não estão parando a guerra
Or the killer of giants
Ou o assassino de gigantes
The killer of giants
O assassino de gigantes
Mother nature people state
Mãe natureza, pessoas afirmam
Your case without its worth
Seu caso sem seu valor
Your seas run dry
Seus mares secam
Your sleepless eyes are turning red alert
Seus olhos sem sono estão em alerta vermelho
Killer of giants threatens us all
O assassino de gigantes nos ameaça a todos
Mountains of madness standing so tall
Montanhas de loucura de pé tão altas
Rising so proudly it has nowhere to fall
Erguendo-se tão orgulhosamente que não tem para onde cair
This killer of giants
Este assassino de gigantes
This killer of giants
Este assassino de gigantes
Killer of giants threatens us all
O assassino de gigantes nos ameaça a todos
Mountains of madness standing so tall
Montanhas de loucura de pé tão altas
Marches of protest not stopping the war
Marchas de protesto não estão parando a guerra
Oh the killer of giants
Oh o assassino de gigantes
Oh the killer of giants
Oh o assassino de gigantes
Killer of giants
Assassino de gigantes
Killer of giants
Assassino de gigantes
If none of us believe in war
Si ninguno de nosotros cree en la guerra
Then can you tell me what the weapon's for
Entonces, ¿puedes decirme para qué sirve el arma?
Listen to me everyone
Escúchame todos
If the button is pushed
Si se presiona el botón
There'll be nowhere to run
No habrá a dónde correr
Giants sleeping giants winning wars
Gigantes, gigantes durmiendo ganando guerras
Within their dreams
Dentro de sus sueños
Till they wake when it's too late
Hasta que despiertan cuando es demasiado tarde
And in god's name blaspheme
Y en nombre de Dios blasfeman
Killer of giants threatens us all
El asesino de gigantes nos amenaza a todos
Mountains of madness standing so tall
Montañas de locura de pie tan altas
Marches of protest not stopping the war
Marchas de protesta no deteniendo la guerra
Or the killer of giants
O el asesino de gigantes
The killer of giants
El asesino de gigantes
Mother nature people state
Madre naturaleza, la gente declara
Your case without its worth
Tu caso sin su valor
Your seas run dry
Tus mares se secan
Your sleepless eyes are turning red alert
Tus ojos insomnes están dando la alarma
Killer of giants threatens us all
El asesino de gigantes nos amenaza a todos
Mountains of madness standing so tall
Montañas de locura de pie tan altas
Rising so proudly it has nowhere to fall
Elevándose tan orgullosamente que no tiene a dónde caer
This killer of giants
Este asesino de gigantes
This killer of giants
Este asesino de gigantes
Killer of giants threatens us all
El asesino de gigantes nos amenaza a todos
Mountains of madness standing so tall
Montañas de locura de pie tan altas
Marches of protest not stopping the war
Marchas de protesta no deteniendo la guerra
Oh the killer of giants
Oh el asesino de gigantes
Oh the killer of giants
Oh el asesino de gigantes
Killer of giants
Asesino de gigantes
Killer of giants
Asesino de gigantes
If none of us believe in war
Si aucun de nous ne croit en la guerre
Then can you tell me what the weapon's for
Alors peux-tu me dire à quoi sert l'arme
Listen to me everyone
Écoutez-moi tous
If the button is pushed
Si le bouton est enfoncé
There'll be nowhere to run
Il n'y aura nulle part où courir
Giants sleeping giants winning wars
Des géants, des géants endormis gagnant des guerres
Within their dreams
Dans leurs rêves
Till they wake when it's too late
Jusqu'à ce qu'ils se réveillent quand il est trop tard
And in god's name blaspheme
Et blasphèment au nom de Dieu
Killer of giants threatens us all
Le tueur de géants nous menace tous
Mountains of madness standing so tall
Des montagnes de folie se dressant si haut
Marches of protest not stopping the war
Des marches de protestation ne stoppant pas la guerre
Or the killer of giants
Ou le tueur de géants
The killer of giants
Le tueur de géants
Mother nature people state
Mère nature, les gens déclarent
Your case without its worth
Votre cas sans sa valeur
Your seas run dry
Vos mers s'assèchent
Your sleepless eyes are turning red alert
Vos yeux sans sommeil passent en alerte rouge
Killer of giants threatens us all
Le tueur de géants nous menace tous
Mountains of madness standing so tall
Des montagnes de folie se dressant si haut
Rising so proudly it has nowhere to fall
Se levant si fièrement qu'il n'a nulle part où tomber
This killer of giants
Ce tueur de géants
This killer of giants
Ce tueur de géants
Killer of giants threatens us all
Le tueur de géants nous menace tous
Mountains of madness standing so tall
Des montagnes de folie se dressant si haut
Marches of protest not stopping the war
Des marches de protestation ne stoppant pas la guerre
Oh the killer of giants
Oh le tueur de géants
Oh the killer of giants
Oh le tueur de géants
Killer of giants
Tueur de géants
Killer of giants
Tueur de géants
If none of us believe in war
Wenn keiner von uns an Krieg glaubt
Then can you tell me what the weapon's for
Dann sag mir, wofür die Waffe ist
Listen to me everyone
Hört mir alle zu
If the button is pushed
Wenn der Knopf gedrückt wird
There'll be nowhere to run
Gibt es nirgendwo zu fliehen
Giants sleeping giants winning wars
Riesen, schlafende Riesen, die Kriege gewinnen
Within their dreams
In ihren Träumen
Till they wake when it's too late
Bis sie aufwachen, wenn es zu spät ist
And in god's name blaspheme
Und im Namen Gottes lästern
Killer of giants threatens us all
Mörder der Riesen bedroht uns alle
Mountains of madness standing so tall
Berge des Wahnsinns, so hoch aufragend
Marches of protest not stopping the war
Protestmärsche stoppen den Krieg nicht
Or the killer of giants
Oder den Mörder der Riesen
The killer of giants
Den Mörder der Riesen
Mother nature people state
Mutter Natur, Menschen, stellt
Your case without its worth
Euren Fall ohne seinen Wert dar
Your seas run dry
Eure Meere trocknen aus
Your sleepless eyes are turning red alert
Eure schlaflosen Augen schlagen Alarm
Killer of giants threatens us all
Mörder der Riesen bedroht uns alle
Mountains of madness standing so tall
Berge des Wahnsinns, so hoch aufragend
Rising so proudly it has nowhere to fall
So stolz aufsteigend, dass es nirgendwo zu fallen hat
This killer of giants
Dieser Mörder der Riesen
This killer of giants
Dieser Mörder der Riesen
Killer of giants threatens us all
Mörder der Riesen bedroht uns alle
Mountains of madness standing so tall
Berge des Wahnsinns, so hoch aufragend
Marches of protest not stopping the war
Protestmärsche stoppen den Krieg nicht
Oh the killer of giants
Oh der Mörder der Riesen
Oh the killer of giants
Oh der Mörder der Riesen
Killer of giants
Mörder der Riesen
Killer of giants
Mörder der Riesen
If none of us believe in war
Se nessuno di noi crede nella guerra
Then can you tell me what the weapon's for
Allora puoi dirmi a cosa serve l'arma
Listen to me everyone
Ascoltami tutti
If the button is pushed
Se il pulsante viene premuto
There'll be nowhere to run
Non ci sarà da nessuna parte dove correre
Giants sleeping giants winning wars
Giganti, giganti addormentati che vincono guerre
Within their dreams
Nei loro sogni
Till they wake when it's too late
Fino a quando si svegliano quando è troppo tardi
And in god's name blaspheme
E in nome di Dio bestemmiano
Killer of giants threatens us all
L'assassino di giganti ci minaccia tutti
Mountains of madness standing so tall
Montagne di follia in piedi così alte
Marches of protest not stopping the war
Marce di protesta non fermano la guerra
Or the killer of giants
O l'assassino di giganti
The killer of giants
L'assassino di giganti
Mother nature people state
Madre natura, persone, esponete
Your case without its worth
Il vostro caso senza il suo valore
Your seas run dry
I vostri mari si prosciugano
Your sleepless eyes are turning red alert
I vostri occhi insonni stanno girando allarme rosso
Killer of giants threatens us all
L'assassino di giganti ci minaccia tutti
Mountains of madness standing so tall
Montagne di follia in piedi così alte
Rising so proudly it has nowhere to fall
Sorgendo così orgogliosamente che non ha da nessuna parte dove cadere
This killer of giants
Questo assassino di giganti
This killer of giants
Questo assassino di giganti
Killer of giants threatens us all
L'assassino di giganti ci minaccia tutti
Mountains of madness standing so tall
Montagne di follia in piedi così alte
Marches of protest not stopping the war
Marce di protesta non fermano la guerra
Oh the killer of giants
Oh l'assassino di giganti
Oh the killer of giants
Oh l'assassino di giganti
Killer of giants
Assassino di giganti
Killer of giants
Assassino di giganti
If none of us believe in war
Jika tidak ada dari kita yang percaya pada perang
Then can you tell me what the weapon's for
Lalu bisakah kamu katakan untuk apa senjata itu
Listen to me everyone
Dengarkan aku semua orang
If the button is pushed
Jika tombol itu ditekan
There'll be nowhere to run
Tidak akan ada tempat untuk lari
Giants sleeping giants winning wars
Raksasa tidur raksasa menang perang
Within their dreams
Dalam mimpi mereka
Till they wake when it's too late
Sampai mereka bangun saat sudah terlambat
And in god's name blaspheme
Dan dalam nama Tuhan mereka menghujat
Killer of giants threatens us all
Pembunuh raksasa mengancam kita semua
Mountains of madness standing so tall
Gunung kegilaan berdiri begitu tinggi
Marches of protest not stopping the war
Mars protes tidak menghentikan perang
Or the killer of giants
Atau pembunuh raksasa
The killer of giants
Pembunuh raksasa
Mother nature people state
Ibu alam orang-orang menyatakan
Your case without its worth
Kasusmu tanpa nilainya
Your seas run dry
Lautanmu mengering
Your sleepless eyes are turning red alert
Mata yang tidak bisa tidurmu berubah menjadi siaga merah
Killer of giants threatens us all
Pembunuh raksasa mengancam kita semua
Mountains of madness standing so tall
Gunung kegilaan berdiri begitu tinggi
Rising so proudly it has nowhere to fall
Bangkit dengan bangga tidak memiliki tempat untuk jatuh
This killer of giants
Pembunuh raksasa ini
This killer of giants
Pembunuh raksasa ini
Killer of giants threatens us all
Pembunuh raksasa mengancam kita semua
Mountains of madness standing so tall
Gunung kegilaan berdiri begitu tinggi
Marches of protest not stopping the war
Mars protes tidak menghentikan perang
Oh the killer of giants
Oh pembunuh raksasa
Oh the killer of giants
Oh pembunuh raksasa
Killer of giants
Pembunuh raksasa
Killer of giants
Pembunuh raksasa
If none of us believe in war
Then can you tell me what the weapon's for
Listen to me everyone
If the button is pushed
There'll be nowhere to run
Giants sleeping giants winning wars
ยักษ์ที่กำลังหลับ ยักษ์ที่ชนะสงคราม
Within their dreams
Till they wake when it's too late
And in god's name blaspheme
และในชื่อของพระเจ้า พวกเขาด่าทอ
Killer of giants threatens us all
Mountains of madness standing so tall
Marches of protest not stopping the war
Or the killer of giants
The killer of giants
Mother nature people state
Your case without its worth
Your seas run dry
Your sleepless eyes are turning red alert
ดวงตาของคุณที่ไม่สามารถหลับ กำลังเปลี่ยนเป็นสัญญาณเตือนภัย
Killer of giants threatens us all
Mountains of madness standing so tall
Rising so proudly it has nowhere to fall
This killer of giants
This killer of giants
Killer of giants threatens us all
Mountains of madness standing so tall
Marches of protest not stopping the war
Oh the killer of giants
โอ้ ฆาตกรของยักษ์
Oh the killer of giants
โอ้ ฆาตกรของยักษ์
Killer of giants
Killer of giants

Trivia about the song Killer of Giants by Ozzy Osbourne

When was the song “Killer of Giants” released by Ozzy Osbourne?
The song Killer of Giants was released in 1986, on the album “The Ultimate Sin”.
Who composed the song “Killer of Giants” by Ozzy Osbourne?
The song “Killer of Giants” by Ozzy Osbourne was composed by JAKE WILLIAMS, JOHN OSBOURNE, ROBERT DAISLEY.

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