
David Jon Gilmour, Roger Waters

Lyrics Translation

You say the hill's too steep to climb
You say you'd like to see me try
You pick the place and I'll choose the time
And I'll climb the hill in my own way
Just wait a while for the right day
And as I rise above the treeline and the clouds
I look down hearing the sound of the things you said today

Fearlessly the idiot faced the crowd
Merciless, the magistrate turns 'round
And who's the fool who wears the crown?
Go down in your own way
And everyday is the right day
And as you rise above the fear lines in his brow
You look down
Hear the sound of the faces in the crowd

(Walk on, walk on, with hope in your heart)
(And you'll never walk alone)
(You'll never walk alone)
(Liverpool! Liverpool!)

You say the hill's too steep to climb
Você diz que a colina é muito íngreme para escalar
You say you'd like to see me try
Você diz que gostaria de me ver tentar
You pick the place and I'll choose the time
Você escolhe o lugar e eu escolho a hora
And I'll climb the hill in my own way
E eu vou escalar a colina do meu jeito
Just wait a while for the right day
Apenas espere um pouco pelo dia certo
And as I rise above the treeline and the clouds
E enquanto eu me elevo acima da linha das árvores e das nuvens
I look down hearing the sound of the things you said today
Eu olho para baixo ouvindo o som das coisas que você disse hoje
Fearlessly the idiot faced the crowd
Destemidamente, o idiota enfrentou a multidão
Merciless, the magistrate turns 'round
Impiedoso, o magistrado se vira
Franzindo a testa
And who's the fool who wears the crown?
E quem é o tolo que usa a coroa?
Go down in your own way
Desça do seu próprio jeito
And everyday is the right day
E todos os dias é o dia certo
And as you rise above the fear lines in his brow
E enquanto você se eleva acima das linhas de medo em sua testa
You look down
Você olha para baixo
Hear the sound of the faces in the crowd
Ouça o som dos rostos na multidão
(Walk on, walk on, with hope in your heart)
(Continue, continue, com esperança em seu coração)
(And you'll never walk alone)
(E você nunca andará sozinho)
(You'll never walk alone)
(Você nunca andará sozinho)
(Liverpool! Liverpool!)
(Liverpool! Liverpool!)
You say the hill's too steep to climb
Dices que la colina es demasiado empinada para escalar
You say you'd like to see me try
Dices que te gustaría verme intentarlo
You pick the place and I'll choose the time
Eliges el lugar y yo elijo el momento
And I'll climb the hill in my own way
Y escalaré la colina a mi manera
Just wait a while for the right day
Solo espera un poco para el día correcto
And as I rise above the treeline and the clouds
Y mientras me elevo por encima de la línea de árboles y las nubes
I look down hearing the sound of the things you said today
Miro hacia abajo escuchando el sonido de las cosas que dijiste hoy
Fearlessly the idiot faced the crowd
Sin miedo, el idiota enfrenta a la multitud
Merciless, the magistrate turns 'round
Sin piedad, el magistrado se da la vuelta
Frunciendo el ceño
And who's the fool who wears the crown?
¿Y quién es el tonto que lleva la corona?
Go down in your own way
Baja a tu manera
And everyday is the right day
Y todos los días es el día correcto
And as you rise above the fear lines in his brow
Y mientras te elevas por encima de las líneas de miedo en su frente
You look down
Miras hacia abajo
Hear the sound of the faces in the crowd
Escucha el sonido de las caras en la multitud
(Walk on, walk on, with hope in your heart)
(Sigue adelante, sigue adelante, con esperanza en tu corazón)
(And you'll never walk alone)
(Y nunca caminarás solo)
(You'll never walk alone)
(Nunca caminarás solo)
(Liverpool! Liverpool!)
(¡Liverpool! ¡Liverpool!)
You say the hill's too steep to climb
Tu dis que la colline est trop raide pour grimper
You say you'd like to see me try
Tu dis que tu aimerais me voir essayer
You pick the place and I'll choose the time
Tu choisis l'endroit et je choisirai le moment
And I'll climb the hill in my own way
Et je grimperai la colline à ma façon
Just wait a while for the right day
Attends juste un peu pour le bon jour
And as I rise above the treeline and the clouds
Et alors que je m'élève au-dessus de la ligne des arbres et des nuages
I look down hearing the sound of the things you said today
Je regarde en bas en entendant le son des choses que tu as dites aujourd'hui
Fearlessly the idiot faced the crowd
Sans peur, l'idiot fait face à la foule
Merciless, the magistrate turns 'round
Impitoyable, le magistrat se retourne
Fronçant les sourcils
And who's the fool who wears the crown?
Et qui est le fou qui porte la couronne ?
Go down in your own way
Descends à ta façon
And everyday is the right day
Et chaque jour est le bon jour
And as you rise above the fear lines in his brow
Et alors que tu t'élèves au-dessus des lignes de peur sur son front
You look down
Tu regardes en bas
Hear the sound of the faces in the crowd
Entends le son des visages dans la foule
(Walk on, walk on, with hope in your heart)
(Marche, marche, avec de l'espoir dans ton cœur)
(And you'll never walk alone)
(Et tu ne marcheras jamais seul)
(You'll never walk alone)
(Tu ne marcheras jamais seul)
(Liverpool! Liverpool!)
(Liverpool ! Liverpool !)
You say the hill's too steep to climb
Du sagst, der Hügel sei zu steil zum Klettern
You say you'd like to see me try
Du sagst, du würdest gerne sehen, wie ich es versuche
You pick the place and I'll choose the time
Du wählst den Ort und ich wähle die Zeit
And I'll climb the hill in my own way
Und ich werde den Hügel auf meine Weise erklimmen
Just wait a while for the right day
Warte nur ein wenig auf den richtigen Tag
And as I rise above the treeline and the clouds
Und während ich über die Baumgrenze und die Wolken steige
I look down hearing the sound of the things you said today
Höre ich unten den Klang der Dinge, die du heute gesagt hast
Fearlessly the idiot faced the crowd
Furchtlos stellte sich der Idiot der Menge
Merciless, the magistrate turns 'round
Gnadenlos dreht sich der Magistrat um
And who's the fool who wears the crown?
Und wer ist der Narr, der die Krone trägt?
Go down in your own way
Geh auf deine eigene Weise unter
And everyday is the right day
Und jeder Tag ist der richtige Tag
And as you rise above the fear lines in his brow
Und während du über die Angstlinien in seiner Stirn steigst
You look down
Siehst du nach unten
Hear the sound of the faces in the crowd
Höre den Klang der Gesichter in der Menge
(Walk on, walk on, with hope in your heart)
(Geh weiter, geh weiter, mit Hoffnung in deinem Herzen)
(And you'll never walk alone)
(Und du wirst niemals alleine gehen)
(You'll never walk alone)
(Du wirst niemals alleine gehen)
(Liverpool! Liverpool!)
(Liverpool! Liverpool!)
You say the hill's too steep to climb
Dici che la collina è troppo ripida da scalare
You say you'd like to see me try
Dici che ti piacerebbe vedermi provare
You pick the place and I'll choose the time
Tu scegli il posto e io sceglierò il momento
And I'll climb the hill in my own way
E scalerò la collina a modo mio
Just wait a while for the right day
Aspetta solo un po' per il giorno giusto
And as I rise above the treeline and the clouds
E mentre mi innalzo sopra la linea degli alberi e le nuvole
I look down hearing the sound of the things you said today
Guardo in basso sentendo il suono delle cose che hai detto oggi
Fearlessly the idiot faced the crowd
Senza paura l'idiota affronta la folla
Merciless, the magistrate turns 'round
Senza pietà, il magistrato si gira
And who's the fool who wears the crown?
E chi è lo sciocco che indossa la corona?
Go down in your own way
Scendi a modo tuo
And everyday is the right day
E ogni giorno è il giorno giusto
And as you rise above the fear lines in his brow
E mentre ti innalzi sopra le linee di paura sulla sua fronte
You look down
Guardi in basso
Hear the sound of the faces in the crowd
Senti il suono dei volti nella folla
(Walk on, walk on, with hope in your heart)
(Cammina, cammina, con speranza nel tuo cuore)
(And you'll never walk alone)
(E non camminerai mai da solo)
(You'll never walk alone)
(Non camminerai mai da solo)
(Liverpool! Liverpool!)
(Liverpool! Liverpool!)
You say the hill's too steep to climb
Kamu bilang bukit itu terlalu curam untuk didaki
You say you'd like to see me try
Kamu bilang kamu ingin melihat aku mencoba
You pick the place and I'll choose the time
Kamu pilih tempatnya dan aku yang akan memilih waktunya
And I'll climb the hill in my own way
Dan aku akan mendaki bukit itu dengan caraku sendiri
Just wait a while for the right day
Tunggu sebentar untuk hari yang tepat
And as I rise above the treeline and the clouds
Dan saat aku naik melewati garis pohon dan awan
I look down hearing the sound of the things you said today
Aku menoleh ke bawah mendengar suara hal-hal yang kamu katakan hari ini
Fearlessly the idiot faced the crowd
Tanpa takut, si idiot menghadapi kerumunan
Merciless, the magistrate turns 'round
Tanpa ampun, hakim berbalik
Mengerutkan kening
And who's the fool who wears the crown?
Dan siapakah orang bodoh yang memakai mahkota?
Go down in your own way
Turun dengan caramu sendiri
And everyday is the right day
Dan setiap hari adalah hari yang tepat
And as you rise above the fear lines in his brow
Dan saat kamu naik melewati garis ketakutan di dahinya
You look down
Kamu menoleh ke bawah
Hear the sound of the faces in the crowd
Mendengar suara wajah-wajah di kerumunan
(Walk on, walk on, with hope in your heart)
(Berjalanlah, berjalanlah, dengan harapan di hatimu)
(And you'll never walk alone)
(Dan kamu tidak akan pernah berjalan sendiri)
(You'll never walk alone)
(Kamu tidak akan pernah berjalan sendiri)
(Liverpool! Liverpool!)
(Liverpool! Liverpool!)
You say the hill's too steep to climb
You say you'd like to see me try
You pick the place and I'll choose the time
And I'll climb the hill in my own way
Just wait a while for the right day
And as I rise above the treeline and the clouds
I look down hearing the sound of the things you said today
Fearlessly the idiot faced the crowd
ไร้เกรงกลัว คนโง่เผชิญหน้ากับฝูงชน
Merciless, the magistrate turns 'round
ไร้ความปรานี ผู้พิพากษาหันกลับมา
And who's the fool who wears the crown?
Go down in your own way
And everyday is the right day
And as you rise above the fear lines in his brow
You look down
Hear the sound of the faces in the crowd
(Walk on, walk on, with hope in your heart)
(เดินต่อไป, เดินต่อไป, พร้อมหัวใจที่หวัง)
(And you'll never walk alone)
(You'll never walk alone)
(Liverpool! Liverpool!)
(ลิเวอร์พูล! ลิเวอร์พูล!)
You say the hill's too steep to climb
You say you'd like to see me try
You pick the place and I'll choose the time
And I'll climb the hill in my own way
Just wait a while for the right day
And as I rise above the treeline and the clouds
I look down hearing the sound of the things you said today
Fearlessly the idiot faced the crowd
Merciless, the magistrate turns 'round
And who's the fool who wears the crown?
Go down in your own way
And everyday is the right day
And as you rise above the fear lines in his brow
You look down
Hear the sound of the faces in the crowd
(Walk on, walk on, with hope in your heart)
(And you'll never walk alone)
(You'll never walk alone)
(Liverpool! Liverpool!)

[Songtekst van "Fearless" (Vertaling)]

[Verse 1]
Je zegt dat de heuvel te stijl is om te beklimmen
Je zegt dat je me het wel zou willen zien proberen
Je kiest de plek en ik zal de tijd kiezen

[Refrein 1]
En ik zal die heuvel op mijn eigen manier beklimmen
Wacht gewoon even tot de juiste dag
En als ik boven de boomlijn en wolken rijs
Ik kijk naar beneden, hoor het geluid van de dingen die je hebt gezegd

[Verse 2]
De idioot keek onbevreesd naar het publiek
De magistraat draait zich genadeloos om
En wie is de dwaas dat de kroon draagt?

[Refrein 2]
En ga naar beneden op mijn eigen manier
En elke dag is de juiste dag
En als ik rijs boven de angst-lijnen op zijn voorhoofd
Je kijkt beneden, hoort het geluid van de gezichten in het publiek

Wandel verder, wandel verder, met hoop in je hart
En je zal nooit alleen wandelen
Je zal nooit alleen wandelen
Liverpool! Liverpool!

Trivia about the song Fearless by Pink Floyd

On which albums was the song “Fearless” released by Pink Floyd?
Pink Floyd released the song on the albums “Meddle” in 1971, “Works” in 1983, “Shine On” in 1992, “Oh, By the Way” in 2007, and “Discovery” in 2011.
Who composed the song “Fearless” by Pink Floyd?
The song “Fearless” by Pink Floyd was composed by David Jon Gilmour, Roger Waters.

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