Piano Lessons

Christopher James Maitland, Colin Edwin Balch, Richard Barbieri, Steven John Wilson

Lyrics Translation

I remember piano lessons
The hours in freezing rooms
Cruel ears and tiny hands
Destroying timeless tunes

She said there's too much out there
Too much already said
You'd better give up hoping
You're better off in bed

You don't need much to speak of
No class, no wit, no soul
Forget you own agenda
Get ready to be sold

I feel now like Christine Keeler
Sleepwalking in the rain
I didn't mean to lose direction
I didn't want that kind of fame

(Take your hands)
(Off my land)

Credit me with some intelligence
(If not just credit me)
I come in value packs of ten
(In five varieties)

And even though I got it all now
My only stupid dream
I see you and me together
And how it should have been

I remember piano lessons
Now everything seems clear
You waiting under streetlights
For dreams to disappear

Credit me with some intelligence
(If not just credit me)
I come in value packs of ten
(In five varieties)

(Take your hands)
(Off my land)

Credit me with some intelligence
(If not just credit me)
I come in value packs of ten
(In five varieties)
Credit me with some intelligence
(If not just credit me)
I come in value packs of ten
(In five varieties)

(Credit me with some intelligence)
(I come in value packs of ten)

I remember piano lessons
Lembro-me das aulas de piano
The hours in freezing rooms
As horas em salas congelantes
Cruel ears and tiny hands
Orelhas cruéis e mãos pequenas
Destroying timeless tunes
Destruindo melodias atemporais
She said there's too much out there
Ela disse que há muito lá fora
Too much already said
Já se disse demais
You'd better give up hoping
É melhor você desistir de ter esperança
You're better off in bed
Você está melhor na cama
You don't need much to speak of
Você não precisa de muito para falar
No class, no wit, no soul
Sem classe, sem inteligência, sem alma
Forget you own agenda
Esqueça sua própria agenda
Get ready to be sold
Prepare-se para ser vendido
I feel now like Christine Keeler
Agora me sinto como Christine Keeler
Sleepwalking in the rain
Sonambulando na chuva
I didn't mean to lose direction
Eu não quis perder a direção
I didn't want that kind of fame
Eu não queria esse tipo de fama
(Take your hands)
(Tire suas mãos)
(Off my land)
(Do meu terreno)
Credit me with some intelligence
Me dê algum crédito por inteligência
(If not just credit me)
(Se não, apenas me dê crédito)
I come in value packs of ten
Eu venho em pacotes de dez
(In five varieties)
(Em cinco variedades)
And even though I got it all now
E mesmo que eu tenha tudo agora
My only stupid dream
Meu único sonho estúpido
I see you and me together
Eu vejo você e eu juntos
And how it should have been
E como deveria ter sido
I remember piano lessons
Lembro-me das aulas de piano
Now everything seems clear
Agora tudo parece claro
You waiting under streetlights
Você esperando sob os postes de luz
For dreams to disappear
Para os sonhos desaparecerem
Credit me with some intelligence
Me dê algum crédito por inteligência
(If not just credit me)
(Se não, apenas me dê crédito)
I come in value packs of ten
Eu venho em pacotes de dez
(In five varieties)
(Em cinco variedades)
(Take your hands)
(Tire suas mãos)
(Off my land)
(Do meu terreno)
Credit me with some intelligence
Me dê algum crédito por inteligência
(If not just credit me)
(Se não, apenas me dê crédito)
I come in value packs of ten
Eu venho em pacotes de dez
(In five varieties)
(Em cinco variedades)
Credit me with some intelligence
Me dê algum crédito por inteligência
(If not just credit me)
(Se não, apenas me dê crédito)
I come in value packs of ten
Eu venho em pacotes de dez
(In five varieties)
(Em cinco variedades)
(Credit me with some intelligence)
(Me dê algum crédito por inteligência)
(I come in value packs of ten)
(Eu venho em pacotes de dez)
I remember piano lessons
Recuerdo las lecciones de piano
The hours in freezing rooms
Las horas en habitaciones congeladas
Cruel ears and tiny hands
Oídos crueles y manos pequeñas
Destroying timeless tunes
Destruyendo melodías atemporales
She said there's too much out there
Ella dijo que hay demasiado allá afuera
Too much already said
Demasiado se ha dicho ya
You'd better give up hoping
Será mejor que dejes de tener esperanzas
You're better off in bed
Es mejor que estés en la cama
You don't need much to speak of
No necesitas mucho de qué hablar
No class, no wit, no soul
Sin clase, sin ingenio, sin alma
Forget you own agenda
Olvida tu propia agenda
Get ready to be sold
Prepárate para ser vendido
I feel now like Christine Keeler
Ahora me siento como Christine Keeler
Sleepwalking in the rain
Caminando dormido bajo la lluvia
I didn't mean to lose direction
No quería perder el rumbo
I didn't want that kind of fame
No quería ese tipo de fama
(Take your hands)
(Quita tus manos)
(Off my land)
(De mi tierra)
Credit me with some intelligence
Atribúyeme algo de inteligencia
(If not just credit me)
(Si no, solo dame créditos)
I come in value packs of ten
Vengo en paquetes de diez
(In five varieties)
(En cinco variedades)
And even though I got it all now
Y aunque ahora lo tengo todo
My only stupid dream
Mi único sueño estúpido
I see you and me together
Te veo a ti y a mí juntos
And how it should have been
Y cómo debería haber sido
I remember piano lessons
Recuerdo las lecciones de piano
Now everything seems clear
Ahora todo parece claro
You waiting under streetlights
Tú esperando bajo las farolas
For dreams to disappear
Para que los sueños desaparezcan
Credit me with some intelligence
Atribúyeme algo de inteligencia
(If not just credit me)
(Si no, solo dame créditos)
I come in value packs of ten
Vengo en paquetes de diez
(In five varieties)
(En cinco variedades)
(Take your hands)
(Quita tus manos)
(Off my land)
(De mi tierra)
Credit me with some intelligence
Atribúyeme algo de inteligencia
(If not just credit me)
(Si no, solo dame créditos)
I come in value packs of ten
Vengo en paquetes de diez
(In five varieties)
(En cinco variedades)
Credit me with some intelligence
Atribúyeme algo de inteligencia
(If not just credit me)
(Si no, solo dame créditos)
I come in value packs of ten
Vengo en paquetes de diez
(In five varieties)
(En cinco variedades)
(Credit me with some intelligence)
(Atribúyeme algo de inteligencia)
(I come in value packs of ten)
(Vengo en paquetes de diez)
I remember piano lessons
Je me souviens des leçons de piano
The hours in freezing rooms
Les heures dans des pièces glacées
Cruel ears and tiny hands
Des oreilles cruelles et de petites mains
Destroying timeless tunes
Détruisant des mélodies intemporelles
She said there's too much out there
Elle a dit qu'il y a trop de choses là-bas
Too much already said
Trop de choses déjà dites
You'd better give up hoping
Tu ferais mieux d'abandonner l'espoir
You're better off in bed
Tu es mieux au lit
You don't need much to speak of
Tu n'as pas besoin de grand-chose pour parler
No class, no wit, no soul
Pas de classe, pas d'esprit, pas d'âme
Forget you own agenda
Oublie ton propre agenda
Get ready to be sold
Prépare-toi à être vendu
I feel now like Christine Keeler
Je me sens maintenant comme Christine Keeler
Sleepwalking in the rain
Somnambule sous la pluie
I didn't mean to lose direction
Je ne voulais pas perdre le cap
I didn't want that kind of fame
Je ne voulais pas de ce genre de célébrité
(Take your hands)
(Enlève tes mains)
(Off my land)
(De ma terre)
Credit me with some intelligence
Crédite-moi d'une certaine intelligence
(If not just credit me)
(Si ce n'est pas le cas, crédite-moi simplement)
I come in value packs of ten
Je viens en packs de dix
(In five varieties)
(En cinq variétés)
And even though I got it all now
Et même si j'ai tout maintenant
My only stupid dream
Mon seul rêve stupide
I see you and me together
Je nous vois toi et moi ensemble
And how it should have been
Et comment cela aurait dû être
I remember piano lessons
Je me souviens des leçons de piano
Now everything seems clear
Maintenant tout semble clair
You waiting under streetlights
Tu attends sous les réverbères
For dreams to disappear
Pour que les rêves disparaissent
Credit me with some intelligence
Crédite-moi d'une certaine intelligence
(If not just credit me)
(Si ce n'est pas le cas, crédite-moi simplement)
I come in value packs of ten
Je viens en packs de dix
(In five varieties)
(En cinq variétés)
(Take your hands)
(Enlève tes mains)
(Off my land)
(De ma terre)
Credit me with some intelligence
Crédite-moi d'une certaine intelligence
(If not just credit me)
(Si ce n'est pas le cas, crédite-moi simplement)
I come in value packs of ten
Je viens en packs de dix
(In five varieties)
(En cinq variétés)
Credit me with some intelligence
Crédite-moi d'une certaine intelligence
(If not just credit me)
(Si ce n'est pas le cas, crédite-moi simplement)
I come in value packs of ten
Je viens en packs de dix
(In five varieties)
(En cinq variétés)
(Credit me with some intelligence)
(Crédite-moi d'une certaine intelligence)
(I come in value packs of ten)
(Je viens en packs de dix)
I remember piano lessons
Ich erinnere mich an Klavierstunden
The hours in freezing rooms
Die Stunden in eiskalten Räumen
Cruel ears and tiny hands
Grausame Ohren und winzige Hände
Destroying timeless tunes
Zerstören zeitlose Melodien
She said there's too much out there
Sie sagte, es gibt zu viel da draußen
Too much already said
Zu viel wurde bereits gesagt
You'd better give up hoping
Du solltest besser aufhören zu hoffen
You're better off in bed
Du bist besser im Bett aufgehoben
You don't need much to speak of
Du brauchst nicht viel, um von dir zu reden
No class, no wit, no soul
Keine Klasse, kein Witz, keine Seele
Forget you own agenda
Vergiss deine eigene Agenda
Get ready to be sold
Mach dich bereit, verkauft zu werden
I feel now like Christine Keeler
Ich fühle mich jetzt wie Christine Keeler
Sleepwalking in the rain
Schlafwandelnd im Regen
I didn't mean to lose direction
Ich wollte nicht die Richtung verlieren
I didn't want that kind of fame
Ich wollte diesen Ruhm nicht
(Take your hands)
(Nimm deine Hände)
(Off my land)
(Von meinem Land)
Credit me with some intelligence
Gib mir etwas Intelligenz
(If not just credit me)
(Wenn nicht, gib mir einfach Kredit)
I come in value packs of ten
Ich komme in Zehnerpacks
(In five varieties)
(In fünf Sorten)
And even though I got it all now
Und obwohl ich jetzt alles habe
My only stupid dream
Mein einziger dummer Traum
I see you and me together
Ich sehe dich und mich zusammen
And how it should have been
Und wie es hätte sein sollen
I remember piano lessons
Ich erinnere mich an Klavierstunden
Now everything seems clear
Jetzt scheint alles klar
You waiting under streetlights
Du wartest unter Straßenlaternen
For dreams to disappear
Auf Träume, die verschwinden
Credit me with some intelligence
Gib mir etwas Intelligenz
(If not just credit me)
(Wenn nicht, gib mir einfach Kredit)
I come in value packs of ten
Ich komme in Zehnerpacks
(In five varieties)
(In fünf Sorten)
(Take your hands)
(Nimm deine Hände)
(Off my land)
(Von meinem Land)
Credit me with some intelligence
Gib mir etwas Intelligenz
(If not just credit me)
(Wenn nicht, gib mir einfach Kredit)
I come in value packs of ten
Ich komme in Zehnerpacks
(In five varieties)
(In fünf Sorten)
Credit me with some intelligence
Gib mir etwas Intelligenz
(If not just credit me)
(Wenn nicht, gib mir einfach Kredit)
I come in value packs of ten
Ich komme in Zehnerpacks
(In five varieties)
(In fünf Sorten)
(Credit me with some intelligence)
(Gib mir etwas Intelligenz)
(I come in value packs of ten)
(Ich komme in Zehnerpacks)
I remember piano lessons
Ricordo le lezioni di pianoforte
The hours in freezing rooms
Le ore in stanze gelide
Cruel ears and tiny hands
Orecchie crudeli e mani piccole
Destroying timeless tunes
Distruggendo melodie senza tempo
She said there's too much out there
Lei disse che c'è troppo là fuori
Too much already said
È già stato detto troppo
You'd better give up hoping
Sarebbe meglio che tu smetta di sperare
You're better off in bed
Stai meglio a letto
You don't need much to speak of
Non hai bisogno di molto di cui parlare
No class, no wit, no soul
Nessuna classe, nessuna arguzia, nessuna anima
Forget you own agenda
Dimentica il tuo programma
Get ready to be sold
Preparati ad essere venduto
I feel now like Christine Keeler
Mi sento ora come Christine Keeler
Sleepwalking in the rain
Sonambula sotto la pioggia
I didn't mean to lose direction
Non volevo perdere la direzione
I didn't want that kind of fame
Non volevo quel tipo di fama
(Take your hands)
(Togli le tue mani)
(Off my land)
(Dalla mia terra)
Credit me with some intelligence
Accreditami un po' di intelligenza
(If not just credit me)
(Se non altro, dammi credito)
I come in value packs of ten
Vengo in confezioni da dieci
(In five varieties)
(In cinque varietà)
And even though I got it all now
E anche se ora ho tutto
My only stupid dream
Il mio unico stupido sogno
I see you and me together
Ti vedo e noi insieme
And how it should have been
E come avrebbe dovuto essere
I remember piano lessons
Ricordo le lezioni di pianoforte
Now everything seems clear
Ora tutto sembra chiaro
You waiting under streetlights
Tu che aspetti sotto i lampioni
For dreams to disappear
Per i sogni da scomparire
Credit me with some intelligence
Accreditami un po' di intelligenza
(If not just credit me)
(Se non altro, dammi credito)
I come in value packs of ten
Vengo in confezioni da dieci
(In five varieties)
(In cinque varietà)
(Take your hands)
(Togli le tue mani)
(Off my land)
(Dalla mia terra)
Credit me with some intelligence
Accreditami un po' di intelligenza
(If not just credit me)
(Se non altro, dammi credito)
I come in value packs of ten
Vengo in confezioni da dieci
(In five varieties)
(In cinque varietà)
Credit me with some intelligence
Accreditami un po' di intelligenza
(If not just credit me)
(Se non altro, dammi credito)
I come in value packs of ten
Vengo in confezioni da dieci
(In five varieties)
(In cinque varietà)
(Credit me with some intelligence)
(Accreditami un po' di intelligenza)
(I come in value packs of ten)
(Vengo in confezioni da dieci)
I remember piano lessons
Saya ingat pelajaran piano
The hours in freezing rooms
Jam-jam di ruangan yang beku
Cruel ears and tiny hands
Telinga yang kejam dan tangan kecil
Destroying timeless tunes
Menghancurkan melodi abadi
She said there's too much out there
Dia bilang ada terlalu banyak di luar sana
Too much already said
Terlalu banyak yang sudah dikatakan
You'd better give up hoping
Lebih baik kamu berhenti berharap
You're better off in bed
Lebih baik kamu di tempat tidur saja
You don't need much to speak of
Kamu tidak perlu banyak untuk dibicarakan
No class, no wit, no soul
Tidak perlu kelas, kecerdasan, atau jiwa
Forget you own agenda
Lupakan agenda pribadimu
Get ready to be sold
Bersiaplah untuk dijual
I feel now like Christine Keeler
Saya merasa sekarang seperti Christine Keeler
Sleepwalking in the rain
Berjalan tidur dalam hujan
I didn't mean to lose direction
Saya tidak bermaksud untuk kehilangan arah
I didn't want that kind of fame
Saya tidak ingin terkenal seperti itu
(Take your hands)
(Ambil tanganmu)
(Off my land)
(Dari tanahku)
Credit me with some intelligence
Berikan saya sedikit pengakuan kecerdasan
(If not just credit me)
(Jika tidak, cukup akui saya)
I come in value packs of ten
Saya datang dalam paket nilai sepuluh
(In five varieties)
(Dalam lima varietas)
And even though I got it all now
Dan meskipun saya sudah mendapatkan semuanya sekarang
My only stupid dream
Hanya mimpi bodoh saya
I see you and me together
Saya melihat Anda dan saya bersama
And how it should have been
Dan bagaimana seharusnya
I remember piano lessons
Saya ingat pelajaran piano
Now everything seems clear
Sekarang semuanya tampak jelas
You waiting under streetlights
Anda menunggu di bawah lampu jalan
For dreams to disappear
Untuk mimpi yang menghilang
Credit me with some intelligence
Berikan saya sedikit pengakuan kecerdasan
(If not just credit me)
(Jika tidak, cukup akui saya)
I come in value packs of ten
Saya datang dalam paket nilai sepuluh
(In five varieties)
(Dalam lima varietas)
(Take your hands)
(Ambil tanganmu)
(Off my land)
(Dari tanahku)
Credit me with some intelligence
Berikan saya sedikit pengakuan kecerdasan
(If not just credit me)
(Jika tidak, cukup akui saya)
I come in value packs of ten
Saya datang dalam paket nilai sepuluh
(In five varieties)
(Dalam lima varietas)
Credit me with some intelligence
Berikan saya sedikit pengakuan kecerdasan
(If not just credit me)
(Jika tidak, cukup akui saya)
I come in value packs of ten
Saya datang dalam paket nilai sepuluh
(In five varieties)
(Dalam lima varietas)
(Credit me with some intelligence)
(Berikan saya sedikit pengakuan kecerdasan)
(I come in value packs of ten)
(Saya datang dalam paket nilai sepuluh)
I remember piano lessons
The hours in freezing rooms
Cruel ears and tiny hands
Destroying timeless tunes
She said there's too much out there
Too much already said
You'd better give up hoping
You're better off in bed
You don't need much to speak of
No class, no wit, no soul
ไม่มีชั้นเรียน, ไม่มีไหวพริบ, ไม่มีวิญญาณ
Forget you own agenda
Get ready to be sold
I feel now like Christine Keeler
ฉันรู้สึกตอนนี้เหมือน Christine Keeler
Sleepwalking in the rain
I didn't mean to lose direction
I didn't want that kind of fame
(Take your hands)
(Off my land)
Credit me with some intelligence
(If not just credit me)
(ถ้าไม่ ก็เพียงแค่ให้เครดิตฉัน)
I come in value packs of ten
(In five varieties)
And even though I got it all now
My only stupid dream
ความฝันโง่ๆ ของฉันเพียงอย่างเดียว
I see you and me together
And how it should have been
I remember piano lessons
Now everything seems clear
You waiting under streetlights
For dreams to disappear
Credit me with some intelligence
(If not just credit me)
(ถ้าไม่ ก็เพียงแค่ให้เครดิตฉัน)
I come in value packs of ten
(In five varieties)
(Take your hands)
(Off my land)
Credit me with some intelligence
(If not just credit me)
(ถ้าไม่ ก็เพียงแค่ให้เครดิตฉัน)
I come in value packs of ten
(In five varieties)
Credit me with some intelligence
(If not just credit me)
(ถ้าไม่ ก็เพียงแค่ให้เครดิตฉัน)
I come in value packs of ten
(In five varieties)
(Credit me with some intelligence)
(I come in value packs of ten)
I remember piano lessons
The hours in freezing rooms
Cruel ears and tiny hands
Destroying timeless tunes
She said there's too much out there
Too much already said
You'd better give up hoping
You're better off in bed
You don't need much to speak of
No class, no wit, no soul
Forget you own agenda
Get ready to be sold
I feel now like Christine Keeler
Sleepwalking in the rain
I didn't mean to lose direction
I didn't want that kind of fame
(Take your hands)
(Off my land)
Credit me with some intelligence
(If not just credit me)
I come in value packs of ten
(In five varieties)
And even though I got it all now
My only stupid dream
I see you and me together
And how it should have been
I remember piano lessons
Now everything seems clear
You waiting under streetlights
For dreams to disappear
Credit me with some intelligence
(If not just credit me)
I come in value packs of ten
(In five varieties)
(Take your hands)
(Off my land)
Credit me with some intelligence
(If not just credit me)
I come in value packs of ten
(In five varieties)
Credit me with some intelligence
(If not just credit me)
I come in value packs of ten
(In five varieties)
(Credit me with some intelligence)
(I come in value packs of ten)

Trivia about the song Piano Lessons by Porcupine Tree

When was the song “Piano Lessons” released by Porcupine Tree?
The song Piano Lessons was released in 1999, on the album “Stupid Dream”.
Who composed the song “Piano Lessons” by Porcupine Tree?
The song “Piano Lessons” by Porcupine Tree was composed by Christopher James Maitland, Colin Edwin Balch, Richard Barbieri, Steven John Wilson.

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