King of Sorrow

Andrew Hale, Helen Folasade Adu, Paul Spencer Denman, Stuart Matthewman

Lyrics Translation

I'm crying everyone's tears
And there inside our private war
I died the night before
And all of these remnants of joy and disaster
What am I supposed to do?

I want to cook you a soup that warms your soul
But nothing would change, nothing would change at all
It's just a day that brings it all about
Just another day and nothing's any good

The DJ's playing the same song
I have so much to do
I have to carry on
I wonder if this grief will ever let me go
I feel like I am the king of sorrow, yeah
The king of sorrow

I suppose I could just walk away
Will I disappoint my future if I stay
It's just a day that brings it all about
Just another day and nothing's any good

The DJ's playing the same song
I have so much to do
I have to carry on
I wonder will this grief ever be gone
Will it ever go
I'm the king of sorrow, yeah
King of sorrow

I'm crying everyone's tears
I have already paid for all my future sins
There's nothing anyone
Can say to take this away
It's just another day and nothing's any good

I'm the king of sorrow, yeah
King of sorrow
I'm the king of sorrow, yeah
King of sorrow, oh
King of sorrow, oh yeah
King of sorrow, oh yeah
King of sorrow, oh yeah
King of sorrow, oh
King of sorrow, oh yeah

I'm crying everyone's tears
Estou chorando as lágrimas de todos
And there inside our private war
E lá dentro da nossa guerra privada
I died the night before
Eu morri na noite anterior
And all of these remnants of joy and disaster
E todos esses resquícios de alegria e desastre
What am I supposed to do?
O que eu deveria fazer?
I want to cook you a soup that warms your soul
Eu quero cozinhar para você uma sopa que aqueça sua alma
But nothing would change, nothing would change at all
Mas nada mudaria, nada mudaria mesmo
It's just a day that brings it all about
É apenas um dia que traz tudo à tona
Just another day and nothing's any good
Apenas mais um dia e nada está bom
The DJ's playing the same song
O DJ está tocando a mesma música
I have so much to do
Eu tenho tanto para fazer
I have to carry on
Eu tenho que continuar
I wonder if this grief will ever let me go
Me pergunto se essa tristeza algum dia me deixará
I feel like I am the king of sorrow, yeah
Eu me sinto como se fosse o rei da tristeza, sim
The king of sorrow
O rei da tristeza
I suppose I could just walk away
Eu suponho que eu poderia simplesmente ir embora
Will I disappoint my future if I stay
Eu vou decepcionar meu futuro se eu ficar?
It's just a day that brings it all about
É apenas um dia que traz tudo à tona
Just another day and nothing's any good
Apenas mais um dia e nada está bom
The DJ's playing the same song
O DJ está tocando a mesma música
I have so much to do
Eu tenho tanto para fazer
I have to carry on
Eu tenho que continuar
I wonder will this grief ever be gone
Me pergunto se essa tristeza algum dia se irá
Will it ever go
Ela irá embora?
I'm the king of sorrow, yeah
Eu sou o rei da tristeza, sim
King of sorrow
Rei da tristeza
I'm crying everyone's tears
Estou chorando as lágrimas de todos
I have already paid for all my future sins
Eu já paguei por todos os meus pecados futuros
There's nothing anyone
Não há nada que alguém
Can say to take this away
Possa dizer para tirar isso
It's just another day and nothing's any good
É apenas mais um dia e nada está bom
I'm the king of sorrow, yeah
Eu sou o rei da tristeza, sim
King of sorrow
Rei da tristeza
I'm the king of sorrow, yeah
Eu sou o rei da tristeza, sim
King of sorrow, oh
Rei da tristeza, oh
King of sorrow, oh yeah
Rei da tristeza, oh sim
King of sorrow, oh yeah
Rei da tristeza, oh sim
King of sorrow, oh yeah
Rei da tristeza, oh sim
King of sorrow, oh
Rei da tristeza, oh
King of sorrow, oh yeah
Rei da tristeza, oh sim
I'm crying everyone's tears
Estoy llorando las lágrimas de todos
And there inside our private war
Y allí dentro de nuestra guerra privada
I died the night before
Morí la noche anterior
And all of these remnants of joy and disaster
Y todos estos restos de alegría y desastre
What am I supposed to do?
¿Qué se supone que debo hacer?
I want to cook you a soup that warms your soul
Quiero cocinarte una sopa que caliente tu alma
But nothing would change, nothing would change at all
Pero nada cambiaría, nada cambiaría en absoluto
It's just a day that brings it all about
Es solo un día que lo trae todo
Just another day and nothing's any good
Solo otro día y nada es bueno
The DJ's playing the same song
El DJ está tocando la misma canción
I have so much to do
Tengo tanto que hacer
I have to carry on
Tengo que seguir adelante
I wonder if this grief will ever let me go
Me pregunto si este dolor me dejará alguna vez
I feel like I am the king of sorrow, yeah
Siento que soy el rey de la tristeza, sí
The king of sorrow
El rey de la tristeza
I suppose I could just walk away
Supongo que podría simplemente irme
Will I disappoint my future if I stay
Me decepcionará mi futuro si me quedo
It's just a day that brings it all about
Es solo un día que lo trae todo
Just another day and nothing's any good
Solo otro día y nada es bueno
The DJ's playing the same song
El DJ está tocando la misma canción
I have so much to do
Tengo tanto que hacer
I have to carry on
Tengo que seguir adelante
I wonder will this grief ever be gone
Me pregunto si este dolor alguna vez se irá
Will it ever go
¿Alguna vez se irá?
I'm the king of sorrow, yeah
Soy el rey de la tristeza, sí
King of sorrow
Rey de la tristeza
I'm crying everyone's tears
Estoy llorando las lágrimas de todos
I have already paid for all my future sins
Ya he pagado por todos mis pecados futuros
There's nothing anyone
No hay nada que nadie
Can say to take this away
Pueda decir para quitarme esto
It's just another day and nothing's any good
Es solo otro día y nada es bueno
I'm the king of sorrow, yeah
Soy el rey de la tristeza, sí
King of sorrow
Rey de la tristeza
I'm the king of sorrow, yeah
Soy el rey de la tristeza, sí
King of sorrow, oh
Rey de la tristeza, oh
King of sorrow, oh yeah
Rey de la tristeza, oh sí
King of sorrow, oh yeah
Rey de la tristeza, oh sí
King of sorrow, oh yeah
Rey de la tristeza, oh sí
King of sorrow, oh
Rey de la tristeza, oh
King of sorrow, oh yeah
Rey de la tristeza, oh sí
I'm crying everyone's tears
Je pleure les larmes de tout le monde
And there inside our private war
Et là, dans notre guerre privée
I died the night before
Je suis mort la nuit précédente
And all of these remnants of joy and disaster
Et tous ces restes de joie et de désastre
What am I supposed to do?
Que suis-je censé faire?
I want to cook you a soup that warms your soul
Je veux te cuisiner une soupe qui réchauffe ton âme
But nothing would change, nothing would change at all
Mais rien ne changerait, rien ne changerait du tout
It's just a day that brings it all about
C'est juste une journée qui apporte tout cela
Just another day and nothing's any good
Juste un autre jour et rien n'est bon
The DJ's playing the same song
Le DJ joue la même chanson
I have so much to do
J'ai tellement à faire
I have to carry on
Je dois continuer
I wonder if this grief will ever let me go
Je me demande si ce chagrin me laissera jamais partir
I feel like I am the king of sorrow, yeah
J'ai l'impression d'être le roi de la tristesse, ouais
The king of sorrow
Le roi de la tristesse
I suppose I could just walk away
Je suppose que je pourrais simplement partir
Will I disappoint my future if I stay
Vais-je décevoir mon avenir si je reste
It's just a day that brings it all about
C'est juste une journée qui apporte tout cela
Just another day and nothing's any good
Juste un autre jour et rien n'est bon
The DJ's playing the same song
Le DJ joue la même chanson
I have so much to do
J'ai tellement à faire
I have to carry on
Je dois continuer
I wonder will this grief ever be gone
Je me demande si ce chagrin disparaîtra jamais
Will it ever go
Est-ce qu'il partira jamais
I'm the king of sorrow, yeah
Je suis le roi de la tristesse, ouais
King of sorrow
Roi de la tristesse
I'm crying everyone's tears
Je pleure les larmes de tout le monde
I have already paid for all my future sins
J'ai déjà payé pour tous mes péchés futurs
There's nothing anyone
Il n'y a rien que quiconque
Can say to take this away
Peut dire pour enlever cela
It's just another day and nothing's any good
C'est juste un autre jour et rien n'est bon
I'm the king of sorrow, yeah
Je suis le roi de la tristesse, ouais
King of sorrow
Roi de la tristesse
I'm the king of sorrow, yeah
Je suis le roi de la tristesse, ouais
King of sorrow, oh
Roi de la tristesse, oh
King of sorrow, oh yeah
Roi de la tristesse, oh ouais
King of sorrow, oh yeah
Roi de la tristesse, oh ouais
King of sorrow, oh yeah
Roi de la tristesse, oh ouais
King of sorrow, oh
Roi de la tristesse, oh
King of sorrow, oh yeah
Roi de la tristesse, oh ouais
I'm crying everyone's tears
Ich weine die Tränen aller
And there inside our private war
Und dort in unserem privaten Krieg
I died the night before
Bin ich in der Nacht zuvor gestorben
And all of these remnants of joy and disaster
Und all diese Überreste von Freude und Katastrophe
What am I supposed to do?
Was soll ich tun?
I want to cook you a soup that warms your soul
Ich möchte dir eine Suppe kochen, die deine Seele wärmt
But nothing would change, nothing would change at all
Aber nichts würde sich ändern, nichts würde sich überhaupt ändern
It's just a day that brings it all about
Es ist nur ein Tag, der alles hervorbringt
Just another day and nothing's any good
Nur ein weiterer Tag und nichts ist gut
The DJ's playing the same song
Der DJ spielt das gleiche Lied
I have so much to do
Ich habe so viel zu tun
I have to carry on
Ich muss weitermachen
I wonder if this grief will ever let me go
Ich frage mich, ob diese Trauer mich jemals loslassen wird
I feel like I am the king of sorrow, yeah
Ich fühle mich wie der König des Kummers, ja
The king of sorrow
Der König des Kummers
I suppose I could just walk away
Ich könnte wohl einfach weggehen
Will I disappoint my future if I stay
Werde ich meine Zukunft enttäuschen, wenn ich bleibe
It's just a day that brings it all about
Es ist nur ein Tag, der alles hervorbringt
Just another day and nothing's any good
Nur ein weiterer Tag und nichts ist gut
The DJ's playing the same song
Der DJ spielt das gleiche Lied
I have so much to do
Ich habe so viel zu tun
I have to carry on
Ich muss weitermachen
I wonder will this grief ever be gone
Ich frage mich, ob dieser Kummer jemals verschwinden wird
Will it ever go
Wird er jemals gehen
I'm the king of sorrow, yeah
Ich bin der König des Kummers, ja
King of sorrow
König des Kummers
I'm crying everyone's tears
Ich weine die Tränen aller
I have already paid for all my future sins
Ich habe bereits für all meine zukünftigen Sünden bezahlt
There's nothing anyone
Es gibt nichts, was jemand
Can say to take this away
Sagen kann, um dies wegzunehmen
It's just another day and nothing's any good
Es ist nur ein weiterer Tag und nichts ist gut
I'm the king of sorrow, yeah
Ich bin der König des Kummers, ja
King of sorrow
König des Kummers
I'm the king of sorrow, yeah
Ich bin der König des Kummers, ja
King of sorrow, oh
König des Kummers, oh
King of sorrow, oh yeah
König des Kummers, oh ja
King of sorrow, oh yeah
König des Kummers, oh ja
King of sorrow, oh yeah
König des Kummers, oh ja
King of sorrow, oh
König des Kummers, oh
King of sorrow, oh yeah
König des Kummers, oh ja
I'm crying everyone's tears
Sto piangendo le lacrime di tutti
And there inside our private war
E lì dentro la nostra guerra privata
I died the night before
Sono morto la notte prima
And all of these remnants of joy and disaster
E tutti questi resti di gioia e disastro
What am I supposed to do?
Cosa dovrei fare?
I want to cook you a soup that warms your soul
Voglio cucinarti una zuppa che riscalda l'anima
But nothing would change, nothing would change at all
Ma niente cambierebbe, niente cambierebbe affatto
It's just a day that brings it all about
È solo un giorno che porta tutto
Just another day and nothing's any good
Solo un altro giorno e niente va bene
The DJ's playing the same song
Il DJ sta suonando la stessa canzone
I have so much to do
Ho così tanto da fare
I have to carry on
Devo andare avanti
I wonder if this grief will ever let me go
Mi chiedo se questo dolore mi lascerà mai andare
I feel like I am the king of sorrow, yeah
Mi sento come se fossi il re del dolore, sì
The king of sorrow
Il re del dolore
I suppose I could just walk away
Suppongo che potrei semplicemente andarmene
Will I disappoint my future if I stay
Deluderò il mio futuro se resto
It's just a day that brings it all about
È solo un giorno che porta tutto
Just another day and nothing's any good
Solo un altro giorno e niente va bene
The DJ's playing the same song
Il DJ sta suonando la stessa canzone
I have so much to do
Ho così tanto da fare
I have to carry on
Devo andare avanti
I wonder will this grief ever be gone
Mi chiedo se questo dolore se ne andrà mai
Will it ever go
Se ne andrà mai
I'm the king of sorrow, yeah
Sono il re del dolore, sì
King of sorrow
Re del dolore
I'm crying everyone's tears
Sto piangendo le lacrime di tutti
I have already paid for all my future sins
Ho già pagato per tutti i miei peccati futuri
There's nothing anyone
Non c'è niente che nessuno
Can say to take this away
Può dire per togliere questo
It's just another day and nothing's any good
È solo un altro giorno e niente va bene
I'm the king of sorrow, yeah
Sono il re del dolore, sì
King of sorrow
Re del dolore
I'm the king of sorrow, yeah
Sono il re del dolore, sì
King of sorrow, oh
Re del dolore, oh
King of sorrow, oh yeah
Re del dolore, oh sì
King of sorrow, oh yeah
Re del dolore, oh sì
King of sorrow, oh yeah
Re del dolore, oh sì
King of sorrow, oh
Re del dolore, oh
King of sorrow, oh yeah
Re del dolore, oh sì
I'm crying everyone's tears
Aku menangis air mata semua orang
And there inside our private war
Dan di sana dalam perang pribadi kita
I died the night before
Aku mati malam sebelumnya
And all of these remnants of joy and disaster
Dan semua sisa-sisa kegembiraan dan bencana ini
What am I supposed to do?
Apa yang seharusnya aku lakukan?
I want to cook you a soup that warms your soul
Aku ingin memasakmu sup yang menghangatkan jiwamu
But nothing would change, nothing would change at all
Tapi tidak ada yang akan berubah, tidak ada yang akan berubah sama sekali
It's just a day that brings it all about
Ini hanya hari yang membawa semuanya
Just another day and nothing's any good
Hanya hari lain dan tidak ada yang baik
The DJ's playing the same song
DJ memainkan lagu yang sama
I have so much to do
Aku punya banyak hal yang harus dilakukan
I have to carry on
Aku harus melanjutkan
I wonder if this grief will ever let me go
Aku bertanya-tanya apakah duka ini akan pernah membiarkanku pergi
I feel like I am the king of sorrow, yeah
Aku merasa seperti aku adalah raja kesedihan, ya
The king of sorrow
Raja kesedihan
I suppose I could just walk away
Aku kira aku bisa saja berjalan pergi
Will I disappoint my future if I stay
Apakah aku akan mengecewakan masa depanku jika aku tinggal
It's just a day that brings it all about
Ini hanya hari yang membawa semuanya
Just another day and nothing's any good
Hanya hari lain dan tidak ada yang baik
The DJ's playing the same song
DJ memainkan lagu yang sama
I have so much to do
Aku punya banyak hal yang harus dilakukan
I have to carry on
Aku harus melanjutkan
I wonder will this grief ever be gone
Aku bertanya-tanya apakah duka ini akan pernah hilang
Will it ever go
Apakah itu akan pernah pergi
I'm the king of sorrow, yeah
Aku adalah raja kesedihan, ya
King of sorrow
Raja kesedihan
I'm crying everyone's tears
Aku menangis air mata semua orang
I have already paid for all my future sins
Aku sudah membayar semua dosa masa depanku
There's nothing anyone
Tidak ada yang bisa siapa pun
Can say to take this away
Katakan untuk mengambil ini
It's just another day and nothing's any good
Ini hanya hari lain dan tidak ada yang baik
I'm the king of sorrow, yeah
Aku adalah raja kesedihan, ya
King of sorrow
Raja kesedihan
I'm the king of sorrow, yeah
Aku adalah raja kesedihan, ya
King of sorrow, oh
Raja kesedihan, oh
King of sorrow, oh yeah
Raja kesedihan, oh ya
King of sorrow, oh yeah
Raja kesedihan, oh ya
King of sorrow, oh yeah
Raja kesedihan, oh ya
King of sorrow, oh
Raja kesedihan, oh
King of sorrow, oh yeah
Raja kesedihan, oh ya
I'm crying everyone's tears
And there inside our private war
I died the night before
And all of these remnants of joy and disaster
What am I supposed to do?
I want to cook you a soup that warms your soul
ฉันอยากทำซุปให้คุณ ที่อบอวลใจคุณ
But nothing would change, nothing would change at all
แต่ไม่มีอะไรจะเปลี่ยน ไม่มีอะไรจะเปลี่ยนเลย
It's just a day that brings it all about
Just another day and nothing's any good
แค่อีกวัน และไม่มีอะไรดีเลย
The DJ's playing the same song
I have so much to do
I have to carry on
I wonder if this grief will ever let me go
I feel like I am the king of sorrow, yeah
ฉันรู้สึกเหมือนฉันเป็นราชาแห่งความเศร้า, ใช่
The king of sorrow
I suppose I could just walk away
Will I disappoint my future if I stay
It's just a day that brings it all about
Just another day and nothing's any good
แค่อีกวัน และไม่มีอะไรดีเลย
The DJ's playing the same song
I have so much to do
I have to carry on
I wonder will this grief ever be gone
Will it ever go
I'm the king of sorrow, yeah
ฉันคือราชาแห่งความเศร้า, ใช่
King of sorrow
I'm crying everyone's tears
I have already paid for all my future sins
There's nothing anyone
Can say to take this away
It's just another day and nothing's any good
มันเพียงแค่วันอื่นๆ และไม่มีอะไรดีเลย
I'm the king of sorrow, yeah
ฉันคือราชาแห่งความเศร้า, ใช่
King of sorrow
I'm the king of sorrow, yeah
ฉันคือราชาแห่งความเศร้า, ใช่
King of sorrow, oh
ราชาแห่งความเศร้า, โอ้
King of sorrow, oh yeah
ราชาแห่งความเศร้า, โอ้ ใช่
King of sorrow, oh yeah
ราชาแห่งความเศร้า, โอ้ ใช่
King of sorrow, oh yeah
ราชาแห่งความเศร้า, โอ้ ใช่
King of sorrow, oh
ราชาแห่งความเศร้า, โอ้
King of sorrow, oh yeah
ราชาแห่งความเศร้า, โอ้ ใช่
I'm crying everyone's tears
And there inside our private war
I died the night before
And all of these remnants of joy and disaster
What am I supposed to do?
I want to cook you a soup that warms your soul
But nothing would change, nothing would change at all
It's just a day that brings it all about
Just another day and nothing's any good
The DJ's playing the same song
I have so much to do
I have to carry on
I wonder if this grief will ever let me go
I feel like I am the king of sorrow, yeah
The king of sorrow
I suppose I could just walk away
Will I disappoint my future if I stay
It's just a day that brings it all about
Just another day and nothing's any good
The DJ's playing the same song
I have so much to do
I have to carry on
I wonder will this grief ever be gone
Will it ever go
I'm the king of sorrow, yeah
King of sorrow
I'm crying everyone's tears
I have already paid for all my future sins
There's nothing anyone
Can say to take this away
It's just another day and nothing's any good
I'm the king of sorrow, yeah
King of sorrow
I'm the king of sorrow, yeah
King of sorrow, oh
King of sorrow, oh yeah
King of sorrow, oh yeah
King of sorrow, oh yeah
King of sorrow, oh
King of sorrow, oh yeah

Trivia about the song King of Sorrow by Sade

On which albums was the song “King of Sorrow” released by Sade?
Sade released the song on the albums “Lovers Rock” in 2000, “King of Sorrow - Single” in 2001, “Lovers Live” in 2002, and “The Ultimate Collection” in 2011.
Who composed the song “King of Sorrow” by Sade?
The song “King of Sorrow” by Sade was composed by Andrew Hale, Helen Folasade Adu, Paul Spencer Denman, Stuart Matthewman.

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