The Stones I Throw
When obstruction blocks my way
I walk down that narrow way
'Til I can see the light of day
Shining at the world
And I realize that something here
Sure is wrong
The stones I throw will free all men
Make him walk proud through
This righteous land
He will know which way to go
I will show him by the stones that I throw
Don't build walls and barricades
So a man can't have his say
And barking dogs can't block my way
From taking my brother's hand
And something makes me want to stand up
And do what's right
The stones I throw will free all men
Make him walk proud through
This righteous land
He will know which way to go
I will show him by the stones that I throw
The stones I throw will free all men
Make him walk proud through
This righteous land
He will know which way to go
I will show him by the stones that I throw
I will show him by the stones that I throw
I will show him by the stones that I throw
I will show him by the stones that I throw