I Stand Alone

Salvatore P. Erna

Lyrics Translation

Now I've told you this once before
You can't control me
If you try to take me down, you're gonna break
I feel your every nothing that you're doing for me
I'm picking you out of me
You run away

I stand alone, inside
I stand alone

You're always hiding behind your so-called goddess
So, what? You don't think that we can see your face
Resurrected back before the final fallen
I'll never rest until I can make my own way
I'm not afraid of fading

I stand alone
Feeling your sting down inside me
I'm not dying for it
I stand alone
Everything that I believe is fading
I stand alone, inside
I stand alone

And now it's my time (now it's my time)
It's my time to dream (my time to dream)
Dream of the sky (dream of the sky)
Make me believe that this place isn't plagued by the poison in me
Help me decide if my fire will burn out before you can breathe
Breathe into me

I stand alone, inside
I stand alone
Feeling your sting down inside me
I'm not dying for it
I stand alone
Everything that I believe is fading
I stand alone, inside
I stand alone, inside
I stand alone, inside
I stand alone, inside

Now I've told you this once before
Agora eu já te disse isso uma vez
You can't control me
Você não pode me controlar
If you try to take me down, you're gonna break
Se você tentar me derrubar, vai se quebrar
I feel your every nothing that you're doing for me
Sinto cada nada que você está fazendo por mim
I'm picking you out of me
Estou te tirando de mim
You run away
Você foge
I stand alone, inside
Eu fico sozinho, por dentro
I stand alone
Eu fico sozinho
You're always hiding behind your so-called goddess
Você está sempre se escondendo atrás de sua suposta deusa
So, what? You don't think that we can see your face
Então, o quê? Você não acha que podemos ver seu rosto
Resurrected back before the final fallen
Ressuscitado antes da queda final
I'll never rest until I can make my own way
Eu nunca descansarei até conseguir seguir meu próprio caminho
I'm not afraid of fading
Não tenho medo de desaparecer
I stand alone
Eu fico sozinho
Feeling your sting down inside me
Sentindo sua picada dentro de mim
I'm not dying for it
Não estou morrendo por isso
I stand alone
Eu fico sozinho
Everything that I believe is fading
Tudo em que acredito está desaparecendo
I stand alone, inside
Eu fico sozinho, por dentro
I stand alone
Eu fico sozinho
And now it's my time (now it's my time)
E agora é a minha vez (agora é a minha vez)
It's my time to dream (my time to dream)
É a minha vez de sonhar (minha vez de sonhar)
Dream of the sky (dream of the sky)
Sonhar com o céu (sonhar com o céu)
Make me believe that this place isn't plagued by the poison in me
Faça-me acreditar que este lugar não está contaminado pelo veneno em mim
Help me decide if my fire will burn out before you can breathe
Ajude-me a decidir se meu fogo vai se apagar antes que você possa respirar
Breathe into me
Respire em mim
I stand alone, inside
Eu fico sozinho, por dentro
I stand alone
Eu fico sozinho
Feeling your sting down inside me
Sentindo sua picada dentro de mim
I'm not dying for it
Não estou morrendo por isso
I stand alone
Eu fico sozinho
Everything that I believe is fading
Tudo em que acredito está desaparecendo
I stand alone, inside
Eu fico sozinho, por dentro
I stand alone, inside
Eu fico sozinho, por dentro
I stand alone, inside
Eu fico sozinho, por dentro
I stand alone, inside
Eu fico sozinho, por dentro
Now I've told you this once before
Ya te he dicho esto antes
You can't control me
No puedes controlarme
If you try to take me down, you're gonna break
Si intentas tumbarme, te romperás
I feel your every nothing that you're doing for me
Siento tu nada que haces por mí
I'm picking you out of me
Te sacaré de mí
You run away
Tú corres
I stand alone, inside
Permanezco solo, adentro
I stand alone
Permanezco solo
You're always hiding behind your so-called goddess
Siempre te ocultas detrás de tu dizque diosa
So, what? You don't think that we can see your face
¿Y qué? No crees que podemos ver tu cara
Resurrected back before the final fallen
Resucitado de regreso antes de la última caída
I'll never rest until I can make my own way
Nunca descansaré hasta poder hacer mi camino
I'm not afraid of fading
No me asusta desaparecer
I stand alone
Permanezco solo
Feeling your sting down inside me
Siento tu aguijón dentro de mí
I'm not dying for it
No moriré por ello
I stand alone
Permanezco solo
Everything that I believe is fading
Todo en lo que creo desaparece
I stand alone, inside
Permanezco solo, adentro
I stand alone
Permanezco solo
And now it's my time (now it's my time)
Y ahora es mi tiempo (ahora es mi tiempo)
It's my time to dream (my time to dream)
Es mi tiempo de soñar (mi tiempo de soñar)
Dream of the sky (dream of the sky)
Soñar con el cielo (soñar con el cielo)
Make me believe that this place isn't plagued by the poison in me
Hazme creer que este lugar no está contaminado con el veneno dentro de mí
Help me decide if my fire will burn out before you can breathe
Ayúdame a decidir si mi fuego se apagará antes de que puedas respirar
Breathe into me
Respirar vida en mí
I stand alone, inside
Permanezco solo, adentro
I stand alone
Permanezco solo
Feeling your sting down inside me
Siento tu aguijón dentro de mí
I'm not dying for it
No morire por ello
I stand alone
Permanezco solo
Everything that I believe is fading
Todo en lo que creo desaparecee
I stand alone, inside
Permanezco solo, adentro
I stand alone, inside
Permanezco solo, adentro
I stand alone, inside
Permanezco solo, adentro
I stand alone, inside
Permanezco solo, adentro
Now I've told you this once before
Maintenant, je te l'ai déjà dit une fois
You can't control me
Tu ne peux pas me contrôler
If you try to take me down, you're gonna break
Si tu essaies de me faire tomber, tu vas te briser
I feel your every nothing that you're doing for me
Je ressens ton néant que tu fais pour moi
I'm picking you out of me
Je te sors de moi
You run away
Tu t'enfuis
I stand alone, inside
Je reste seul, à l'intérieur
I stand alone
Je reste seul
You're always hiding behind your so-called goddess
Tu te caches toujours derrière ta soi-disant déesse
So, what? You don't think that we can see your face
Alors, quoi ? Tu ne penses pas que nous pouvons voir ton visage
Resurrected back before the final fallen
Ressuscité avant la chute finale
I'll never rest until I can make my own way
Je ne me reposerai jamais jusqu'à ce que je puisse faire mon propre chemin
I'm not afraid of fading
Je n'ai pas peur de disparaître
I stand alone
Je reste seul
Feeling your sting down inside me
Ressentant ton dard en moi
I'm not dying for it
Je ne meurs pas pour ça
I stand alone
Je reste seul
Everything that I believe is fading
Tout ce en quoi je crois est en train de disparaître
I stand alone, inside
Je reste seul, à l'intérieur
I stand alone
Je reste seul
And now it's my time (now it's my time)
Et maintenant c'est mon moment (maintenant c'est mon moment)
It's my time to dream (my time to dream)
C'est mon moment de rêver (mon moment de rêver)
Dream of the sky (dream of the sky)
Rêver du ciel (rêver du ciel)
Make me believe that this place isn't plagued by the poison in me
Fais-moi croire que cet endroit n'est pas touché par le poison en moi
Help me decide if my fire will burn out before you can breathe
Aide-moi à décider si mon feu s'éteindra avant que tu puisses respirer
Breathe into me
Respire en moi
I stand alone, inside
Je reste seul, à l'intérieur
I stand alone
Je reste seul
Feeling your sting down inside me
Ressentant ton dard en moi
I'm not dying for it
Je ne meurs pas pour ça
I stand alone
Je reste seul
Everything that I believe is fading
Tout ce en quoi je crois est en train de disparaître
I stand alone, inside
Je reste seul, à l'intérieur
I stand alone, inside
Je reste seul, à l'intérieur
I stand alone, inside
Je reste seul, à l'intérieur
I stand alone, inside
Je reste seul, à l'intérieur
Now I've told you this once before
Jetzt habe ich dir das schon einmal gesagt
You can't control me
Du kannst mich nicht kontrollieren
If you try to take me down, you're gonna break
Wenn du versuchst, mich zu Fall zu bringen, wirst du zerbrechen
I feel your every nothing that you're doing for me
Ich spüre jedes Nichts, das du für mich tust
I'm picking you out of me
Ich sortiere dich aus mir heraus
You run away
Du läufst weg
I stand alone, inside
Ich stehe alleine, innen
I stand alone
Ich stehe alleine
You're always hiding behind your so-called goddess
Du versteckst dich immer hinter deiner sogenannten Göttin
So, what? You don't think that we can see your face
Also, was? Du glaubst nicht, dass wir dein Gesicht sehen können
Resurrected back before the final fallen
Wiederbelebt, bevor der letzte gefallen ist
I'll never rest until I can make my own way
Ich werde nie ruhen, bis ich meinen eigenen Weg gehen kann
I'm not afraid of fading
Ich habe keine Angst vor dem Verblassen
I stand alone
Ich stehe alleine
Feeling your sting down inside me
Fühle deinen Stich in mir
I'm not dying for it
Ich sterbe nicht dafür
I stand alone
Ich stehe alleine
Everything that I believe is fading
Alles, an das ich glaube, verblasst
I stand alone, inside
Ich stehe alleine, innen
I stand alone
Ich stehe alleine
And now it's my time (now it's my time)
Und jetzt ist meine Zeit (jetzt ist meine Zeit)
It's my time to dream (my time to dream)
Es ist meine Zeit zu träumen (meine Zeit zu träumen)
Dream of the sky (dream of the sky)
Träume vom Himmel (träume vom Himmel)
Make me believe that this place isn't plagued by the poison in me
Lass mich glauben, dass dieser Ort nicht von dem Gift in mir geplagt wird
Help me decide if my fire will burn out before you can breathe
Hilf mir zu entscheiden, ob mein Feuer erlischt, bevor du atmen kannst
Breathe into me
Atme in mich hinein
I stand alone, inside
Ich stehe alleine, innen
I stand alone
Ich stehe alleine
Feeling your sting down inside me
Fühle deinen Stich in mir
I'm not dying for it
Ich sterbe nicht dafür
I stand alone
Ich stehe alleine
Everything that I believe is fading
Alles, an das ich glaube, verblasst
I stand alone, inside
Ich stehe alleine, innen
I stand alone, inside
Ich stehe alleine, innen
I stand alone, inside
Ich stehe alleine, innen
I stand alone, inside
Ich stehe alleine, innen
Now I've told you this once before
Ora te l'ho detto una volta prima
You can't control me
Non puoi controllarmi
If you try to take me down, you're gonna break
Se provi a farmi cadere, ti spezzerai
I feel your every nothing that you're doing for me
Sento ogni tuo nulla che stai facendo per me
I'm picking you out of me
Ti sto scegliendo fuori di me
You run away
Tu scappi
I stand alone, inside
Sto in piedi da solo, dentro
I stand alone
Sto in piedi da solo
You're always hiding behind your so-called goddess
Ti nascondi sempre dietro la tua cosiddetta dea
So, what? You don't think that we can see your face
Allora, cosa? Non pensi che possiamo vedere il tuo volto
Resurrected back before the final fallen
Risorto prima della caduta finale
I'll never rest until I can make my own way
Non mi riposerò mai fino a quando non potrò fare a modo mio
I'm not afraid of fading
Non ho paura di svanire
I stand alone
Sto in piedi da solo
Feeling your sting down inside me
Sentendo il tuo pungiglione dentro di me
I'm not dying for it
Non sto morendo per questo
I stand alone
Sto in piedi da solo
Everything that I believe is fading
Tutto ciò in cui credo sta svanendo
I stand alone, inside
Sto in piedi da solo, dentro
I stand alone
Sto in piedi da solo
And now it's my time (now it's my time)
E ora è il mio momento (ora è il mio momento)
It's my time to dream (my time to dream)
È il mio momento di sognare (il mio momento di sognare)
Dream of the sky (dream of the sky)
Sogna il cielo (sogna il cielo)
Make me believe that this place isn't plagued by the poison in me
Fammi credere che questo posto non sia afflitto dal veleno in me
Help me decide if my fire will burn out before you can breathe
Aiutami a decidere se il mio fuoco si spegnerà prima che tu possa respirare
Breathe into me
Respira in me
I stand alone, inside
Sto in piedi da solo, dentro
I stand alone
Sto in piedi da solo
Feeling your sting down inside me
Sentendo il tuo pungiglione dentro di me
I'm not dying for it
Non sto morendo per questo
I stand alone
Sto in piedi da solo
Everything that I believe is fading
Tutto ciò in cui credo sta svanendo
I stand alone, inside
Sto in piedi da solo, dentro
I stand alone, inside
Sto in piedi da solo, dentro
I stand alone, inside
Sto in piedi da solo, dentro
I stand alone, inside
Sto in piedi da solo, dentro
Now I've told you this once before
Sekarang aku sudah memberitahumu ini sebelumnya
You can't control me
Kamu tidak bisa mengendalikanku
If you try to take me down, you're gonna break
Jika kamu mencoba menjatuhkanku, kamu akan hancur
I feel your every nothing that you're doing for me
Aku merasakan setiap ketidakberartian yang kamu lakukan untukku
I'm picking you out of me
Aku memilihmu keluar dari diriku
You run away
Kamu lari
I stand alone, inside
Aku berdiri sendiri, di dalam
I stand alone
Aku berdiri sendiri
You're always hiding behind your so-called goddess
Kamu selalu bersembunyi di balik dewi yang kamu klaim
So, what? You don't think that we can see your face
Jadi, apa? Kamu tidak berpikir bahwa kami bisa melihat wajahmu
Resurrected back before the final fallen
Dibangkitkan kembali sebelum jatuh terakhir
I'll never rest until I can make my own way
Aku tidak akan pernah beristirahat sampai aku bisa menentukan jalan sendiri
I'm not afraid of fading
Aku tidak takut memudar
I stand alone
Aku berdiri sendiri
Feeling your sting down inside me
Merasa sengatanmu di dalam diriku
I'm not dying for it
Aku tidak akan mati untuk itu
I stand alone
Aku berdiri sendiri
Everything that I believe is fading
Semua yang aku percayai memudar
I stand alone, inside
Aku berdiri sendiri, di dalam
I stand alone
Aku berdiri sendiri
And now it's my time (now it's my time)
Dan sekarang ini waktuku (sekarang ini waktuku)
It's my time to dream (my time to dream)
Ini waktuku untuk bermimpi (waktuku untuk bermimpi)
Dream of the sky (dream of the sky)
Mimpi tentang langit (mimpi tentang langit)
Make me believe that this place isn't plagued by the poison in me
Buat aku percaya bahwa tempat ini tidak diracuni oleh racun di dalamku
Help me decide if my fire will burn out before you can breathe
Bantu aku memutuskan apakah api ku akan padam sebelum kamu bisa bernafas
Breathe into me
Bernafas ke dalam diriku
I stand alone, inside
Aku berdiri sendiri, di dalam
I stand alone
Aku berdiri sendiri
Feeling your sting down inside me
Merasa sengatanmu di dalam diriku
I'm not dying for it
Aku tidak akan mati untuk itu
I stand alone
Aku berdiri sendiri
Everything that I believe is fading
Semua yang aku percayai memudar
I stand alone, inside
Aku berdiri sendiri, di dalam
I stand alone, inside
Aku berdiri sendiri, di dalam
I stand alone, inside
Aku berdiri sendiri, di dalam
I stand alone, inside
Aku berdiri sendiri, di dalam
Now I've told you this once before
You can't control me
If you try to take me down, you're gonna break
I feel your every nothing that you're doing for me
I'm picking you out of me
You run away
I stand alone, inside
I stand alone
You're always hiding behind your so-called goddess
So, what? You don't think that we can see your face
だから、何だ? 俺たちがお前の顔を見えないと思っているんだろ
Resurrected back before the final fallen
I'll never rest until I can make my own way
I'm not afraid of fading
I stand alone
Feeling your sting down inside me
I'm not dying for it
I stand alone
Everything that I believe is fading
I stand alone, inside
I stand alone
And now it's my time (now it's my time)
そして今、俺の時がやって来た (今、俺の時がやって来た)
It's my time to dream (my time to dream)
俺が夢を見る時間だ (俺が夢を見る時間だ)
Dream of the sky (dream of the sky)
空を夢見る (空を夢見る)
Make me believe that this place isn't plagued by the poison in me
Help me decide if my fire will burn out before you can breathe
Breathe into me
I stand alone, inside
I stand alone
Feeling your sting down inside me
I'm not dying for it
I stand alone
Everything that I believe is fading
I stand alone, inside
I stand alone, inside
I stand alone, inside
I stand alone, inside
Now I've told you this once before
You can't control me
If you try to take me down, you're gonna break
ถ้าคุณพยายามทำลายฉัน คุณจะพัง
I feel your every nothing that you're doing for me
I'm picking you out of me
You run away
I stand alone, inside
ฉันยืนคนเดียว, ภายใน
I stand alone
You're always hiding behind your so-called goddess
So, what? You don't think that we can see your face
แล้วล่ะ? คุณไม่คิดว่าเราจะเห็นหน้าของคุณหรือ
Resurrected back before the final fallen
I'll never rest until I can make my own way
I'm not afraid of fading
I stand alone
Feeling your sting down inside me
I'm not dying for it
I stand alone
Everything that I believe is fading
I stand alone, inside
ฉันยืนคนเดียว, ภายใน
I stand alone
And now it's my time (now it's my time)
และตอนนี้เป็นเวลาของฉัน (ตอนนี้เป็นเวลาของฉัน)
It's my time to dream (my time to dream)
เป็นเวลาของฉันที่จะฝัน (เวลาของฉันที่จะฝัน)
Dream of the sky (dream of the sky)
ฝันถึงท้องฟ้า (ฝันถึงท้องฟ้า)
Make me believe that this place isn't plagued by the poison in me
Help me decide if my fire will burn out before you can breathe
Breathe into me
I stand alone, inside
ฉันยืนคนเดียว, ภายใน
I stand alone
Feeling your sting down inside me
I'm not dying for it
I stand alone
Everything that I believe is fading
I stand alone, inside
ฉันยืนคนเดียว, ภายใน
I stand alone, inside
ฉันยืนคนเดียว, ภายใน
I stand alone, inside
ฉันยืนคนเดียว, ภายใน
I stand alone, inside
ฉันยืนคนเดียว, ภายใน
Now I've told you this once before
You can't control me
If you try to take me down, you're gonna break
I feel your every nothing that you're doing for me
I'm picking you out of me
You run away
I stand alone, inside
I stand alone
You're always hiding behind your so-called goddess
So, what? You don't think that we can see your face
Resurrected back before the final fallen
I'll never rest until I can make my own way
I'm not afraid of fading
I stand alone
Feeling your sting down inside me
I'm not dying for it
I stand alone
Everything that I believe is fading
I stand alone, inside
I stand alone
And now it's my time (now it's my time)
It's my time to dream (my time to dream)
Dream of the sky (dream of the sky)
Make me believe that this place isn't plagued by the poison in me
Help me decide if my fire will burn out before you can breathe
Breathe into me
I stand alone, inside
I stand alone
Feeling your sting down inside me
I'm not dying for it
I stand alone
Everything that I believe is fading
I stand alone, inside
I stand alone, inside
I stand alone, inside
I stand alone, inside

Trivia about the song I Stand Alone by Godsmack

On which albums was the song “I Stand Alone” released by Godsmack?
Godsmack released the song on the albums “Faceless” in 2003, “Good Times, Bad Times... 10 Years of Godsmack” in 2007, “Live & Inspired” in 2012, and “Icon” in 2018.
Who composed the song “I Stand Alone” by Godsmack?
The song “I Stand Alone” by Godsmack was composed by Salvatore P. Erna.

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