
Christian Andreu, Joseph Duplantier, Mario Duplantier, Christian Roger Andreu

Lyrics Translation

Every step you take is to the end
Chaos, duplicate the human slaves
Mother nature so far away, why?
Perfect is the race you dream

Right now, I'll make my choice
Perfection you fake is not
The soul, not a genetic code
You fools, you ignoramuses

Hatchery, the newborn to celebrate
Ashes to ashes, I see respect in the dust
Life is so perfect, aah

Now for the weak an abortion
Celebrate perfection that grows
The flesh, a gift of science
The soul, a fault of a god

Life on its way to the state of fire
From the cold taste of steel
Light embraces the dark, lava flowing free
And the cradle is
Forgot the reasons why we all lie so pale
On the playground of cold
Mother nature is at saturation point
And the cradle is falling down

Right now, I'll make my choice
Perfection you fake is not
The soul, not a genetic code
You fools, you ignoramuses

Every step you take is to the end
Cada passo que você dá é para o fim
Chaos, duplicate the human slaves
Caos, duplica os escravos humanos
Mother nature so far away, why?
Mãe natureza tão longe, por quê?
Perfect is the race you dream
Perfeita é a corrida que você sonha
Right now, I'll make my choice
Agora mesmo, farei minha escolha
Perfection you fake is not
Perfeição que você finge não é
The soul, not a genetic code
A alma, não um código genético
You fools, you ignoramuses
Vocês tolos, vocês ignorantes
Hatchery, the newborn to celebrate
Chocadeira, o recém-nascido para celebrar
Ashes to ashes, I see respect in the dust
Cinzas para cinzas, vejo respeito na poeira
Life is so perfect, aah
A vida é tão perfeita, aah
Now for the weak an abortion
Agora para os fracos um aborto
Celebrate perfection that grows
Celebre a perfeição que cresce
The flesh, a gift of science
A carne, um presente da ciência
The soul, a fault of a god
A alma, uma falha de um deus
Life on its way to the state of fire
A vida a caminho do estado de fogo
From the cold taste of steel
Do frio gosto de aço
Light embraces the dark, lava flowing free
A luz abraça a escuridão, lava fluindo livre
And the cradle is
E o berço é
Forgot the reasons why we all lie so pale
Esqueceu as razões pelas quais todos nós mentimos tão pálidos
On the playground of cold
No playground do frio
Mother nature is at saturation point
Mãe natureza está no ponto de saturação
And the cradle is falling down
E o berço está caindo
Right now, I'll make my choice
Agora mesmo, farei minha escolha
Perfection you fake is not
Perfeição que você finge não é
The soul, not a genetic code
A alma, não um código genético
You fools, you ignoramuses
Vocês tolos, vocês ignorantes
Every step you take is to the end
Cada paso que das es hacia el final
Chaos, duplicate the human slaves
Caos, duplica a los esclavos humanos
Mother nature so far away, why?
Madre naturaleza tan lejos, ¿por qué?
Perfect is the race you dream
Perfecta es la raza que sueñas
Right now, I'll make my choice
Ahora mismo, haré mi elección
Perfection you fake is not
La perfección que finges no es
The soul, not a genetic code
El alma, no un código genético
You fools, you ignoramuses
Ustedes tontos, ustedes ignorantes
Hatchery, the newborn to celebrate
Criadero, el recién nacido para celebrar
Ashes to ashes, I see respect in the dust
Cenizas a las cenizas, veo respeto en el polvo
Life is so perfect, aah
La vida es tan perfecta, aah
Now for the weak an abortion
Ahora para los débiles un aborto
Celebrate perfection that grows
Celebra la perfección que crece
The flesh, a gift of science
La carne, un regalo de la ciencia
The soul, a fault of a god
El alma, un defecto de un dios
Life on its way to the state of fire
La vida en camino al estado de fuego
From the cold taste of steel
Del frío sabor del acero
Light embraces the dark, lava flowing free
La luz abraza la oscuridad, la lava fluye libre
And the cradle is
Y la cuna es
Forgot the reasons why we all lie so pale
Olvidó las razones por las que todos mentimos tan pálidos
On the playground of cold
En el patio de recreo del frío
Mother nature is at saturation point
Madre naturaleza está en punto de saturación
And the cradle is falling down
Y la cuna está cayendo
Right now, I'll make my choice
Ahora mismo, haré mi elección
Perfection you fake is not
La perfección que finges no es
The soul, not a genetic code
El alma, no un código genético
You fools, you ignoramuses
Ustedes tontos, ustedes ignorantes
Every step you take is to the end
Chaque pas que tu fais est vers la fin
Chaos, duplicate the human slaves
Chaos, duplique les esclaves humains
Mother nature so far away, why?
Mère nature si loin, pourquoi ?
Perfect is the race you dream
Parfait est la race dont tu rêves
Right now, I'll make my choice
Maintenant, je vais faire mon choix
Perfection you fake is not
La perfection que tu simules n'est pas
The soul, not a genetic code
L'âme, pas un code génétique
You fools, you ignoramuses
Vous idiots, vous ignorants
Hatchery, the newborn to celebrate
Écloserie, le nouveau-né à célébrer
Ashes to ashes, I see respect in the dust
Des cendres aux cendres, je vois du respect dans la poussière
Life is so perfect, aah
La vie est si parfaite, aah
Now for the weak an abortion
Maintenant pour les faibles un avortement
Celebrate perfection that grows
Célébrez la perfection qui grandit
The flesh, a gift of science
La chair, un cadeau de la science
The soul, a fault of a god
L'âme, une faute d'un dieu
Life on its way to the state of fire
La vie en route vers l'état de feu
From the cold taste of steel
Du goût froid de l'acier
Light embraces the dark, lava flowing free
La lumière embrasse l'obscurité, la lave coule librement
And the cradle is
Et le berceau est
Forgot the reasons why we all lie so pale
Oublié les raisons pour lesquelles nous mentons tous si pâles
On the playground of cold
Sur l'aire de jeux du froid
Mother nature is at saturation point
Mère nature est à son point de saturation
And the cradle is falling down
Et le berceau tombe
Right now, I'll make my choice
Maintenant, je vais faire mon choix
Perfection you fake is not
La perfection que tu simules n'est pas
The soul, not a genetic code
L'âme, pas un code génétique
You fools, you ignoramuses
Vous idiots, vous ignorants
Every step you take is to the end
Jeder Schritt, den du machst, führt zum Ende
Chaos, duplicate the human slaves
Chaos, vervielfacht die menschlichen Sklaven
Mother nature so far away, why?
Mutter Natur so weit weg, warum?
Perfect is the race you dream
Perfekt ist das Rennen, von dem du träumst
Right now, I'll make my choice
Jetzt werde ich meine Wahl treffen
Perfection you fake is not
Die Perfektion, die du vortäuschst, ist es nicht
The soul, not a genetic code
Die Seele, kein genetischer Code
You fools, you ignoramuses
Ihr Narren, ihr Ignoranten
Hatchery, the newborn to celebrate
Brutstätte, den Neugeborenen feiern
Ashes to ashes, I see respect in the dust
Asche zu Asche, ich sehe Respekt im Staub
Life is so perfect, aah
Das Leben ist so perfekt, aah
Now for the weak an abortion
Jetzt für die Schwachen eine Abtreibung
Celebrate perfection that grows
Feiert die Perfektion, die wächst
The flesh, a gift of science
Das Fleisch, ein Geschenk der Wissenschaft
The soul, a fault of a god
Die Seele, ein Fehler eines Gottes
Life on its way to the state of fire
Das Leben auf dem Weg zum Feuerzustand
From the cold taste of steel
Vom kalten Geschmack des Stahls
Light embraces the dark, lava flowing free
Licht umarmt die Dunkelheit, Lava fließt frei
And the cradle is
Und die Wiege ist
Forgot the reasons why we all lie so pale
Vergaß die Gründe, warum wir alle so blass liegen
On the playground of cold
Auf dem Spielplatz der Kälte
Mother nature is at saturation point
Mutter Natur ist am Sättigungspunkt
And the cradle is falling down
Und die Wiege fällt herunter
Right now, I'll make my choice
Jetzt werde ich meine Wahl treffen
Perfection you fake is not
Die Perfektion, die du vortäuschst, ist es nicht
The soul, not a genetic code
Die Seele, kein genetischer Code
You fools, you ignoramuses
Ihr Narren, ihr Ignoranten
Every step you take is to the end
Ogni passo che fai è verso la fine
Chaos, duplicate the human slaves
Caos, duplica gli schiavi umani
Mother nature so far away, why?
Madre natura così lontana, perché?
Perfect is the race you dream
Perfetta è la razza che sogni
Right now, I'll make my choice
Adesso, farò la mia scelta
Perfection you fake is not
La perfezione che fingi non lo è
The soul, not a genetic code
L'anima, non un codice genetico
You fools, you ignoramuses
Voi sciocchi, voi ignoranti
Hatchery, the newborn to celebrate
Incubatoio, il neonato da celebrare
Ashes to ashes, I see respect in the dust
Ceneri alle ceneri, vedo rispetto nella polvere
Life is so perfect, aah
La vita è così perfetta, aah
Now for the weak an abortion
Ora per i deboli un aborto
Celebrate perfection that grows
Celebra la perfezione che cresce
The flesh, a gift of science
La carne, un dono della scienza
The soul, a fault of a god
L'anima, un errore di un dio
Life on its way to the state of fire
La vita in cammino verso lo stato di fuoco
From the cold taste of steel
Dal freddo sapore dell'acciaio
Light embraces the dark, lava flowing free
La luce abbraccia l'oscurità, la lava scorre libera
And the cradle is
E la culla è
Forgot the reasons why we all lie so pale
Dimenticato i motivi per cui tutti noi mentiamo così pallidi
On the playground of cold
Sul campo di gioco del freddo
Mother nature is at saturation point
Madre natura è al punto di saturazione
And the cradle is falling down
E la culla sta cadendo
Right now, I'll make my choice
Adesso, farò la mia scelta
Perfection you fake is not
La perfezione che fingi non lo è
The soul, not a genetic code
L'anima, non un codice genetico
You fools, you ignoramuses
Voi sciocchi, voi ignoranti
Every step you take is to the end
Setiap langkah yang kamu ambil adalah menuju akhir
Chaos, duplicate the human slaves
Kekacauan, menduplikasi budak manusia
Mother nature so far away, why?
Ibu alam begitu jauh, mengapa?
Perfect is the race you dream
Sempurna adalah ras yang kamu impikan
Right now, I'll make my choice
Sekarang juga, aku akan membuat pilihan
Perfection you fake is not
Kesempurnaan yang kau palsukan itu tidak nyata
The soul, not a genetic code
Jiwa, bukan kode genetik
You fools, you ignoramuses
Kalian bodoh, kalian orang-orang yang tidak tahu apa-apa
Hatchery, the newborn to celebrate
Pemeliharaan, bayi baru untuk dirayakan
Ashes to ashes, I see respect in the dust
Abu ke abu, aku melihat rasa hormat dalam debu
Life is so perfect, aah
Hidup sangat sempurna, aah
Now for the weak an abortion
Sekarang untuk yang lemah sebuah aborsi
Celebrate perfection that grows
Merayakan kesempurnaan yang tumbuh
The flesh, a gift of science
Daging, hadiah dari ilmu pengetahuan
The soul, a fault of a god
Jiwa, kesalahan dari sebuah dewa
Life on its way to the state of fire
Hidup dalam perjalanan menuju keadaan api
From the cold taste of steel
Dari rasa dingin baja
Light embraces the dark, lava flowing free
Cahaya memeluk kegelapan, lava mengalir bebas
And the cradle is
Dan buaian adalah
Forgot the reasons why we all lie so pale
Lupa alasan mengapa kita semua terlihat pucat
On the playground of cold
Di taman bermain yang dingin
Mother nature is at saturation point
Ibu alam berada di titik jenuh
And the cradle is falling down
Dan buaian itu jatuh
Right now, I'll make my choice
Sekarang juga, aku akan membuat pilihan
Perfection you fake is not
Kesempurnaan yang kau palsukan itu tidak nyata
The soul, not a genetic code
Jiwa, bukan kode genetik
You fools, you ignoramuses
Kalian bodoh, kalian orang-orang yang tidak tahu apa-apa
Every step you take is to the end
ทุกก้าวที่คุณเดินไปนั้น คือไปสู่จุดจบ
Chaos, duplicate the human slaves
ความโกลาหล ทวีคูณทาสมนุษย์
Mother nature so far away, why?
แม่ธรรมชาติที่ห่างไกลเหลือเกิน ทำไม?
Perfect is the race you dream
Right now, I'll make my choice
ตอนนี้ ฉันจะตัดสินใจของฉัน
Perfection you fake is not
The soul, not a genetic code
จิตวิญญาณ ไม่ใช่รหัสพันธุกรรม
You fools, you ignoramuses
คุณโง่เขลา คุณไม่รู้อะไรเลย
Hatchery, the newborn to celebrate
ฟาร์มเพาะพันธุ์ ฉลองเด็กที่เกิดใหม่
Ashes to ashes, I see respect in the dust
จากเถ้าถ่านสู่เถ้าถ่าน ฉันเห็นความเคารพในฝุ่น
Life is so perfect, aah
Now for the weak an abortion
Celebrate perfection that grows
The flesh, a gift of science
เนื้อหนัง เป็นของขวัญจากวิทยาศาสตร์
The soul, a fault of a god
จิตวิญญาณ เป็นความผิดพลาดของพระเจ้า
Life on its way to the state of fire
From the cold taste of steel
Light embraces the dark, lava flowing free
แสงสว่างกอดความมืด ลาวาไหลอิสระ
And the cradle is
Forgot the reasons why we all lie so pale
On the playground of cold
Mother nature is at saturation point
And the cradle is falling down
Right now, I'll make my choice
ตอนนี้ ฉันจะตัดสินใจของฉัน
Perfection you fake is not
The soul, not a genetic code
จิตวิญญาณ ไม่ใช่รหัสพันธุกรรม
You fools, you ignoramuses
คุณโง่เขลา คุณไม่รู้อะไรเลย
Every step you take is to the end
Chaos, duplicate the human slaves
Mother nature so far away, why?
Perfect is the race you dream
Right now, I'll make my choice
Perfection you fake is not
The soul, not a genetic code
You fools, you ignoramuses
Hatchery, the newborn to celebrate
Ashes to ashes, I see respect in the dust
Life is so perfect, aah
Now for the weak an abortion
Celebrate perfection that grows
The flesh, a gift of science
The soul, a fault of a god
Life on its way to the state of fire
From the cold taste of steel
Light embraces the dark, lava flowing free
And the cradle is
Forgot the reasons why we all lie so pale
On the playground of cold
Mother nature is at saturation point
And the cradle is falling down
Right now, I'll make my choice
Perfection you fake is not
The soul, not a genetic code
You fools, you ignoramuses

Trivia about the song Clone by Gojira

When was the song “Clone” released by Gojira?
The song Clone was released in 1998, on the album “Saturate”.
Who composed the song “Clone” by Gojira?
The song “Clone” by Gojira was composed by Christian Andreu, Joseph Duplantier, Mario Duplantier, Christian Roger Andreu.

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