In the Wilderness

Christian Roger Andreu, Jean Michel Labadie, Joseph Duplantier, Mario Duplantier

Lyrics Translation

On my way to the vision-come-true
I enter a galaxy rising
And I land on this brown and green old place
Whose wild is giant trees

Trees so strong that they never can fall
Four suns alight in silver grey sky
Wild river flows with rage alive
Lions of fire approach me

Carved by the wind
And the fall of water
From the treetops
I can see the end of time

Living respectful
Lower your axe
And learn from the trees

Second dawn, meet the Silver Rings
Passageways into the deep
Invitations to explore the forest
Lion's gales and chambers

A tree trunk larger than a mountain
Stands on the top of this hill
made of rock and mist

Living respectful
Lower you axe
And learn from the trees

We'll be always there
Planet earth will overcome
Men destroyed
Scorned and killed their lives
But the world is on Her way

We'll be always there
Planet earth will overcome
Men destroyed
Scorned and killed their lives
But the world is on Her way

On my way to the vision-come-true
No meu caminho para a visão que se torna realidade
I enter a galaxy rising
Eu entro numa galáxia ascendente
And I land on this brown and green old place
E aterro neste velho lugar marrom e verde
Whose wild is giant trees
Cuja selvageria são árvores gigantes
Trees so strong that they never can fall
Árvores tão fortes que nunca podem cair
Four suns alight in silver grey sky
Quatro sóis iluminam o céu cinza prateado
Wild river flows with rage alive
O rio selvagem flui com raiva viva
Lions of fire approach me
Leões de fogo se aproximam de mim
Carved by the wind
Esculpido pelo vento
And the fall of water
E a queda da água
From the treetops
Do topo das árvores
I can see the end of time
Eu posso ver o fim dos tempos
Living respectful
Vivendo respeitosamente
Lower your axe
Abaixe seu machado
And learn from the trees
E aprenda com as árvores
Second dawn, meet the Silver Rings
Segundo amanhecer, encontre os Anéis de Prata
Passageways into the deep
Passagens para o profundo
Invitations to explore the forest
Convites para explorar a floresta
Lion's gales and chambers
Ventos de leão e câmaras
A tree trunk larger than a mountain
Um tronco de árvore maior que uma montanha
Stands on the top of this hill
Fica no topo desta colina
made of rock and mist
Feita de rocha e névoa
Living respectful
Vivendo respeitosamente
Lower you axe
Abaixe seu machado
And learn from the trees
E aprenda com as árvores
We'll be always there
Estaremos sempre lá
Planet earth will overcome
O planeta Terra vai superar
Men destroyed
Os homens destruíram
Scorned and killed their lives
Desprezaram e mataram suas vidas
But the world is on Her way
Mas o mundo está a caminho
We'll be always there
Estaremos sempre lá
Planet earth will overcome
O planeta Terra vai superar
Men destroyed
Os homens destruíram
Scorned and killed their lives
Desprezaram e mataram suas vidas
But the world is on Her way
Mas o mundo está a caminho
On my way to the vision-come-true
En mi camino hacia la visión hecha realidad
I enter a galaxy rising
Entro en una galaxia en ascenso
And I land on this brown and green old place
Y aterrizo en este viejo lugar de marrón y verde
Whose wild is giant trees
Cuyo salvaje son árboles gigantes
Trees so strong that they never can fall
Árboles tan fuertes que nunca pueden caer
Four suns alight in silver grey sky
Cuatro soles se encienden en el cielo gris plateado
Wild river flows with rage alive
El río salvaje fluye con furia viva
Lions of fire approach me
Leones de fuego se acercan a mí
Carved by the wind
Tallado por el viento
And the fall of water
Y la caída del agua
From the treetops
Desde las copas de los árboles
I can see the end of time
Puedo ver el fin de los tiempos
Living respectful
Viviendo respetuosamente
Lower your axe
Baja tu hacha
And learn from the trees
Y aprende de los árboles
Second dawn, meet the Silver Rings
Segundo amanecer, conoce los Anillos de Plata
Passageways into the deep
Pasajes hacia lo profundo
Invitations to explore the forest
Invitaciones para explorar el bosque
Lion's gales and chambers
Galernas de león y cámaras
A tree trunk larger than a mountain
Un tronco de árbol más grande que una montaña
Stands on the top of this hill
Se encuentra en la cima de esta colina
made of rock and mist
hecha de roca y niebla
Living respectful
Viviendo respetuosamente
Lower you axe
Baja tu hacha
And learn from the trees
Y aprende de los árboles
De aquí en adelante
We'll be always there
Siempre estaremos allí
Planet earth will overcome
El planeta tierra superará
Men destroyed
Los hombres destruyeron
Scorned and killed their lives
Despreciaron y mataron sus vidas
But the world is on Her way
Pero el mundo está en Su camino
De aquí en adelante
We'll be always there
Siempre estaremos allí
Planet earth will overcome
El planeta tierra superará
Men destroyed
Los hombres destruyeron
Scorned and killed their lives
Despreciaron y mataron sus vidas
But the world is on Her way
Pero el mundo está en Su camino
On my way to the vision-come-true
Sur mon chemin vers la vision devenue réalité
I enter a galaxy rising
J'entre dans une galaxie en ascension
And I land on this brown and green old place
Et j'atterris sur cet ancien lieu brun et vert
Whose wild is giant trees
Dont la nature sauvage est des arbres géants
Trees so strong that they never can fall
Des arbres si forts qu'ils ne peuvent jamais tomber
Four suns alight in silver grey sky
Quatre soleils s'allument dans un ciel gris argenté
Wild river flows with rage alive
La rivière sauvage coule avec une rage vivante
Lions of fire approach me
Des lions de feu s'approchent de moi
Carved by the wind
Sculpté par le vent
And the fall of water
Et la chute de l'eau
From the treetops
Depuis la cime des arbres
I can see the end of time
Je peux voir la fin des temps
Living respectful
Vivre respectueusement
Lower your axe
Abaisse ta hache
And learn from the trees
Et apprends des arbres
Second dawn, meet the Silver Rings
Deuxième aube, rencontre les Anneaux d'Argent
Passageways into the deep
Passages vers les profondeurs
Invitations to explore the forest
Invitations à explorer la forêt
Lion's gales and chambers
Les rafales et les chambres du lion
A tree trunk larger than a mountain
Un tronc d'arbre plus grand qu'une montagne
Stands on the top of this hill
Se dresse au sommet de cette colline
made of rock and mist
Faite de roche et de brume
Living respectful
Vivre respectueusement
Lower you axe
Abaisse ta hache
And learn from the trees
Et apprends des arbres
We'll be always there
Nous serons toujours là
Planet earth will overcome
La planète Terre surmontera
Men destroyed
Les hommes ont détruit
Scorned and killed their lives
Méprisé et tué leurs vies
But the world is on Her way
Mais le monde est en route
We'll be always there
Nous serons toujours là
Planet earth will overcome
La planète Terre surmontera
Men destroyed
Les hommes ont détruit
Scorned and killed their lives
Méprisé et tué leurs vies
But the world is on Her way
Mais le monde est en route
On my way to the vision-come-true
Auf meinem Weg zur Vision-die-wahr-wird
I enter a galaxy rising
Betrete ich eine aufsteigende Galaxie
And I land on this brown and green old place
Und ich lande auf diesem braunen und grünen alten Ort
Whose wild is giant trees
Dessen Wildnis riesige Bäume sind
Trees so strong that they never can fall
Bäume so stark, dass sie niemals fallen können
Four suns alight in silver grey sky
Vier Sonnen leuchten im silbergrauen Himmel
Wild river flows with rage alive
Wilder Fluss fließt mit lebendiger Wut
Lions of fire approach me
Feuerlöwen nähern sich mir
Carved by the wind
Geschnitzt vom Wind
And the fall of water
Und dem Fall des Wassers
From the treetops
Von den Baumkronen
I can see the end of time
Kann ich das Ende der Zeit sehen
Living respectful
Lebe respektvoll
Lower your axe
Senke deine Axt
And learn from the trees
Und lerne von den Bäumen
Second dawn, meet the Silver Rings
Zweite Morgendämmerung, triff die Silberringe
Passageways into the deep
Gänge in die Tiefe
Invitations to explore the forest
Einladungen, den Wald zu erkunden
Lion's gales and chambers
Löwengale und Kammern
A tree trunk larger than a mountain
Ein Baumstamm größer als ein Berg
Stands on the top of this hill
Steht auf der Spitze dieses Hügels
made of rock and mist
aus Fels und Nebel
Living respectful
Lebe respektvoll
Lower you axe
Senke deine Axt
And learn from the trees
Und lerne von den Bäumen
Von nun an
We'll be always there
Werden wir immer da sein
Planet earth will overcome
Die Erde wird es überwinden
Men destroyed
Menschen zerstört
Scorned and killed their lives
Verachtet und ihr Leben getötet
But the world is on Her way
Aber die Welt ist auf Ihrem Weg
Von nun an
We'll be always there
Werden wir immer da sein
Planet earth will overcome
Die Erde wird es überwinden
Men destroyed
Menschen zerstört
Scorned and killed their lives
Verachtet und ihr Leben getötet
But the world is on Her way
Aber die Welt ist auf Ihrem Weg
On my way to the vision-come-true
Sulla mia strada per la visione che si avvera
I enter a galaxy rising
Entro in una galassia nascente
And I land on this brown and green old place
E atterro in questo vecchio posto marrone e verde
Whose wild is giant trees
Il cui selvaggio sono alberi giganti
Trees so strong that they never can fall
Alberi così forti che non possono mai cadere
Four suns alight in silver grey sky
Quattro soli illuminano il cielo grigio argento
Wild river flows with rage alive
Il fiume selvaggio scorre con rabbia viva
Lions of fire approach me
Leoni di fuoco si avvicinano a me
Carved by the wind
Scolpito dal vento
And the fall of water
E la caduta dell'acqua
From the treetops
Dalle cime degli alberi
I can see the end of time
Posso vedere la fine del tempo
Living respectful
Vivere rispettosi
Lower your axe
Abbassa la tua ascia
And learn from the trees
E impara dagli alberi
Second dawn, meet the Silver Rings
Seconda alba, incontra gli Anelli d'Argento
Passageways into the deep
Passaggi verso il profondo
Invitations to explore the forest
Inviti ad esplorare la foresta
Lion's gales and chambers
Le raffiche e le camere dei leoni
A tree trunk larger than a mountain
Un tronco d'albero più grande di una montagna
Stands on the top of this hill
Si trova sulla cima di questa collina
made of rock and mist
fatta di roccia e nebbia
Living respectful
Vivere rispettosi
Lower you axe
Abbassa la tua ascia
And learn from the trees
E impara dagli alberi
D'ora in poi
We'll be always there
Saremo sempre lì
Planet earth will overcome
Il pianeta Terra supererà
Men destroyed
Gli uomini distrutti
Scorned and killed their lives
Disprezzati e uccisi le loro vite
But the world is on Her way
Ma il mondo è sulla Sua strada
D'ora in poi
We'll be always there
Saremo sempre lì
Planet earth will overcome
Il pianeta Terra supererà
Men destroyed
Gli uomini distrutti
Scorned and killed their lives
Disprezzati e uccisi le loro vite
But the world is on Her way
Ma il mondo è sulla Sua strada
On my way to the vision-come-true
Dalam perjalanan menuju visi yang menjadi kenyataan
I enter a galaxy rising
Aku memasuki galaksi yang sedang naik
And I land on this brown and green old place
Dan aku mendarat di tempat tua berwarna coklat dan hijau ini
Whose wild is giant trees
Yang liar adalah pohon-pohon raksasa
Trees so strong that they never can fall
Pohon-pohon begitu kuat sehingga mereka tidak pernah bisa jatuh
Four suns alight in silver grey sky
Empat matahari bersinar di langit abu-abu perak
Wild river flows with rage alive
Sungai liar mengalir dengan amarah yang hidup
Lions of fire approach me
Singa-singa api mendekatiku
Carved by the wind
Dipahat oleh angin
And the fall of water
Dan jatuhnya air
From the treetops
Dari puncak pohon
I can see the end of time
Aku bisa melihat akhir waktu
Living respectful
Hidup dengan hormat
Lower your axe
Turunkan kapakmu
And learn from the trees
Dan belajar dari pohon-pohon
Second dawn, meet the Silver Rings
Fajar kedua, temui Cincin Perak
Passageways into the deep
Jalan masuk ke dalam yang dalam
Invitations to explore the forest
Undangan untuk menjelajahi hutan
Lion's gales and chambers
Angin badai dan ruangan singa
A tree trunk larger than a mountain
Batang pohon yang lebih besar dari gunung
Stands on the top of this hill
Berdiri di puncak bukit ini
made of rock and mist
terbuat dari batu dan kabut
Living respectful
Hidup dengan hormat
Lower you axe
Turunkan kapakmu
And learn from the trees
Dan belajar dari pohon-pohon
Mulai sekarang
We'll be always there
Kami akan selalu ada di sana
Planet earth will overcome
Bumi akan mengatasi
Men destroyed
Manusia menghancurkan
Scorned and killed their lives
Menghina dan membunuh kehidupan mereka
But the world is on Her way
Tapi dunia sedang dalam perjalanannya
Mulai sekarang
We'll be always there
Kami akan selalu ada di sana
Planet earth will overcome
Bumi akan mengatasi
Men destroyed
Manusia menghancurkan
Scorned and killed their lives
Menghina dan membunuh kehidupan mereka
But the world is on Her way
Tapi dunia sedang dalam perjalanannya
On my way to the vision-come-true
I enter a galaxy rising
And I land on this brown and green old place
Whose wild is giant trees
Trees so strong that they never can fall
Four suns alight in silver grey sky
Wild river flows with rage alive
Lions of fire approach me
Carved by the wind
And the fall of water
From the treetops
I can see the end of time
Living respectful
Lower your axe
And learn from the trees
Second dawn, meet the Silver Rings
รุ่งอรุณครั้งที่สอง, พบกับแหวนเงิน
Passageways into the deep
Invitations to explore the forest
Lion's gales and chambers
A tree trunk larger than a mountain
Stands on the top of this hill
made of rock and mist
Living respectful
Lower you axe
And learn from the trees
We'll be always there
Planet earth will overcome
Men destroyed
Scorned and killed their lives
But the world is on Her way
We'll be always there
Planet earth will overcome
Men destroyed
Scorned and killed their lives
But the world is on Her way

Trivia about the song In the Wilderness by Gojira

When was the song “In the Wilderness” released by Gojira?
The song In the Wilderness was released in 2005, on the album “From Mars to Sirius”.
Who composed the song “In the Wilderness” by Gojira?
The song “In the Wilderness” by Gojira was composed by Christian Roger Andreu, Jean Michel Labadie, Joseph Duplantier, Mario Duplantier.

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