Wayfaring Stranger

T Bone Burnett, Anthony Minghella

Lyrics Translation

I am a poor wayfaring stranger
Traveling through this world alone
There is no sickness, toil, nor danger
In that fair land to which I go

I'm going home
To see my mother
I'm going home
No more to roam
I am just going over Jordan
I am just going over home

I know dark clouds will hover o'er me
I know my pathway is rough and steep
But golden fields lie out before me
Where weary eyes no more will weep

I'm going home to see my father
I'm going home no more to roam
I am just going over Jordan
I am just going over home

I'll soon be free from every trial
This form shall rest beneath the sun
I'll drop the cross of self-denial
And enter in that home with God

I'm going home to see my savior
I'm going home no more to roam
I am just going over Jordan
I am just going over home

I am a poor wayfaring stranger
Eu sou um pobre estranho errante
Traveling through this world alone
Viajando por este mundo sozinho
There is no sickness, toil, nor danger
Não há doença, trabalho, nem perigo
In that fair land to which I go
Naquela bela terra para onde eu vou
I'm going home
Estou indo para casa
To see my mother
Para ver minha mãe
I'm going home
Estou indo para casa
No more to roam
Não mais para vagar
I am just going over Jordan
Eu estou apenas atravessando o Jordão
I am just going over home
Eu estou apenas indo para casa
I know dark clouds will hover o'er me
Eu sei que nuvens escuras vão pairar sobre mim
I know my pathway is rough and steep
Eu sei que meu caminho é áspero e íngreme
But golden fields lie out before me
Mas campos dourados se estendem diante de mim
Where weary eyes no more will weep
Onde olhos cansados não chorarão mais
I'm going home to see my father
Estou indo para casa para ver meu pai
I'm going home no more to roam
Estou indo para casa, não mais para vagar
I am just going over Jordan
Eu estou apenas atravessando o Jordão
I am just going over home
Eu estou apenas indo para casa
I'll soon be free from every trial
Em breve estarei livre de cada provação
This form shall rest beneath the sun
Esta forma descansará sob o sol
I'll drop the cross of self-denial
Eu vou largar a cruz da auto-negação
And enter in that home with God
E entrar naquela casa com Deus
I'm going home to see my savior
Estou indo para casa para ver meu salvador
I'm going home no more to roam
Estou indo para casa, não mais para vagar
I am just going over Jordan
Eu estou apenas atravessando o Jordão
I am just going over home
Eu estou apenas indo para casa
I am a poor wayfaring stranger
Soy un pobre extraño errante
Traveling through this world alone
Viajando solo por este mundo
There is no sickness, toil, nor danger
No hay enfermedad, trabajo ni peligro
In that fair land to which I go
En esa hermosa tierra a la que voy
I'm going home
Voy a casa
To see my mother
Para ver a mi madre
I'm going home
Voy a casa
No more to roam
Sin más vagar
I am just going over Jordan
Solo estoy cruzando el Jordán
I am just going over home
Solo estoy yendo a casa
I know dark clouds will hover o'er me
Sé que nubes oscuras flotarán sobre mí
I know my pathway is rough and steep
Sé que mi camino es áspero y empinado
But golden fields lie out before me
Pero campos dorados se extienden ante mí
Where weary eyes no more will weep
Donde ojos cansados ya no llorarán
I'm going home to see my father
Voy a casa para ver a mi padre
I'm going home no more to roam
Voy a casa sin más vagar
I am just going over Jordan
Solo estoy cruzando el Jordán
I am just going over home
Solo estoy yendo a casa
I'll soon be free from every trial
Pronto estaré libre de toda prueba
This form shall rest beneath the sun
Esta forma descansará bajo el sol
I'll drop the cross of self-denial
Dejaré la cruz de la negación de uno mismo
And enter in that home with God
Y entraré en ese hogar con Dios
I'm going home to see my savior
Voy a casa para ver a mi salvador
I'm going home no more to roam
Voy a casa sin más vagar
I am just going over Jordan
Solo estoy cruzando el Jordán
I am just going over home
Solo estoy yendo a casa
I am a poor wayfaring stranger
Je suis un pauvre étranger errant
Traveling through this world alone
Voyageant seul à travers ce monde
There is no sickness, toil, nor danger
Il n'y a pas de maladie, de labeur, ni de danger
In that fair land to which I go
Dans cette belle terre où je vais
I'm going home
Je rentre à la maison
To see my mother
Pour voir ma mère
I'm going home
Je rentre à la maison
No more to roam
Plus jamais pour errer
I am just going over Jordan
Je vais simplement traverser le Jourdain
I am just going over home
Je vais simplement rentrer chez moi
I know dark clouds will hover o'er me
Je sais que des nuages sombres vont me survoler
I know my pathway is rough and steep
Je sais que mon chemin est rude et escarpé
But golden fields lie out before me
Mais des champs dorés s'étendent devant moi
Where weary eyes no more will weep
Où les yeux fatigués ne pleureront plus
I'm going home to see my father
Je rentre à la maison pour voir mon père
I'm going home no more to roam
Je rentre à la maison, plus jamais pour errer
I am just going over Jordan
Je vais simplement traverser le Jourdain
I am just going over home
Je vais simplement rentrer chez moi
I'll soon be free from every trial
Je serai bientôt libre de chaque épreuve
This form shall rest beneath the sun
Cette forme se reposera sous le soleil
I'll drop the cross of self-denial
Je laisserai tomber la croix de l'abnégation
And enter in that home with God
Et entrerai dans cette maison avec Dieu
I'm going home to see my savior
Je rentre à la maison pour voir mon sauveur
I'm going home no more to roam
Je rentre à la maison, plus jamais pour errer
I am just going over Jordan
Je vais simplement traverser le Jourdain
I am just going over home
Je vais simplement rentrer chez moi
I am a poor wayfaring stranger
Ich bin ein armer wandernder Fremder
Traveling through this world alone
Reise allein durch diese Welt
There is no sickness, toil, nor danger
Es gibt keine Krankheit, Mühe, noch Gefahr
In that fair land to which I go
In jenem schönen Land, zu dem ich gehe
I'm going home
Ich gehe nach Hause
To see my mother
Um meine Mutter zu sehen
I'm going home
Ich gehe nach Hause
No more to roam
Nicht mehr umherwandern
I am just going over Jordan
Ich gehe gerade über den Jordan
I am just going over home
Ich gehe gerade nach Hause
I know dark clouds will hover o'er me
Ich weiß, dunkle Wolken werden über mir schweben
I know my pathway is rough and steep
Ich weiß, mein Weg ist rau und steil
But golden fields lie out before me
Aber goldene Felder liegen vor mir
Where weary eyes no more will weep
Wo müde Augen nicht mehr weinen werden
I'm going home to see my father
Ich gehe nach Hause, um meinen Vater zu sehen
I'm going home no more to roam
Ich gehe nach Hause, nicht mehr umherwandern
I am just going over Jordan
Ich gehe gerade über den Jordan
I am just going over home
Ich gehe gerade nach Hause
I'll soon be free from every trial
Ich werde bald frei sein von jeder Prüfung
This form shall rest beneath the sun
Diese Form wird unter der Sonne ruhen
I'll drop the cross of self-denial
Ich werde das Kreuz der Selbstverleugnung ablegen
And enter in that home with God
Und in jenes Heim mit Gott eintreten
I'm going home to see my savior
Ich gehe nach Hause, um meinen Erlöser zu sehen
I'm going home no more to roam
Ich gehe nach Hause, nicht mehr umherwandern
I am just going over Jordan
Ich gehe gerade über den Jordan
I am just going over home
Ich gehe gerade nach Hause
I am a poor wayfaring stranger
Sono un povero straniero errante
Traveling through this world alone
Viaggiando da solo in questo mondo
There is no sickness, toil, nor danger
Non c'è malattia, fatica, né pericolo
In that fair land to which I go
In quella bella terra dove sto andando
I'm going home
Sto tornando a casa
To see my mother
Per vedere mia madre
I'm going home
Sto tornando a casa
No more to roam
Non più per vagare
I am just going over Jordan
Sto solo attraversando il Giordano
I am just going over home
Sto solo tornando a casa
I know dark clouds will hover o'er me
So che nuvole scure si addenseranno su di me
I know my pathway is rough and steep
So che il mio cammino è aspro e ripido
But golden fields lie out before me
Ma campi dorati si stendono davanti a me
Where weary eyes no more will weep
Dove occhi stanchi non piangeranno più
I'm going home to see my father
Sto tornando a casa per vedere mio padre
I'm going home no more to roam
Sto tornando a casa, non più per vagare
I am just going over Jordan
Sto solo attraversando il Giordano
I am just going over home
Sto solo tornando a casa
I'll soon be free from every trial
Presto sarò libero da ogni prova
This form shall rest beneath the sun
Questa forma riposerà sotto il sole
I'll drop the cross of self-denial
Lascierò la croce dell'auto-negazione
And enter in that home with God
E entrerò in quella casa con Dio
I'm going home to see my savior
Sto tornando a casa per vedere il mio salvatore
I'm going home no more to roam
Sto tornando a casa, non più per vagare
I am just going over Jordan
Sto solo attraversando il Giordano
I am just going over home
Sto solo tornando a casa
I am a poor wayfaring stranger
Saya adalah seorang pengembara miskin
Traveling through this world alone
Berjalan sendirian di dunia ini
There is no sickness, toil, nor danger
Tidak ada sakit, kerja keras, atau bahaya
In that fair land to which I go
Di tanah indah tempat saya pergi
I'm going home
Saya akan pulang
To see my mother
Untuk bertemu ibu saya
I'm going home
Saya akan pulang
No more to roam
Tidak lagi berkelana
I am just going over Jordan
Saya hanya akan menyeberangi Yordan
I am just going over home
Saya hanya akan menyeberangi rumah
I know dark clouds will hover o'er me
Saya tahu awan gelap akan menggantung di atas saya
I know my pathway is rough and steep
Saya tahu jalur saya kasar dan curam
But golden fields lie out before me
Tapi ladang emas terbentang di depan saya
Where weary eyes no more will weep
Dimana mata yang lelah tidak akan menangis lagi
I'm going home to see my father
Saya akan pulang untuk bertemu ayah saya
I'm going home no more to roam
Saya akan pulang, tidak lagi berkelana
I am just going over Jordan
Saya hanya akan menyeberangi Yordan
I am just going over home
Saya hanya akan menyeberangi rumah
I'll soon be free from every trial
Saya akan segera bebas dari setiap cobaan
This form shall rest beneath the sun
Bentuk ini akan beristirahat di bawah matahari
I'll drop the cross of self-denial
Saya akan melepaskan salib penyangkalan diri
And enter in that home with God
Dan masuk ke rumah itu bersama Tuhan
I'm going home to see my savior
Saya akan pulang untuk bertemu penyelamat saya
I'm going home no more to roam
Saya akan pulang, tidak lagi berkelana
I am just going over Jordan
Saya hanya akan menyeberangi Yordan
I am just going over home
Saya hanya akan menyeberangi rumah
I am a poor wayfaring stranger
Traveling through this world alone
There is no sickness, toil, nor danger
ไม่มีโรคร้าย, การทำงานหนัก, หรืออันตราย
In that fair land to which I go
I'm going home
To see my mother
I'm going home
No more to roam
I am just going over Jordan
I am just going over home
I know dark clouds will hover o'er me
I know my pathway is rough and steep
But golden fields lie out before me
Where weary eyes no more will weep
I'm going home to see my father
I'm going home no more to roam
I am just going over Jordan
I am just going over home
I'll soon be free from every trial
ฉันจะเร็วๆ นี้หลุดพ้นจากทุกการทดลอง
This form shall rest beneath the sun
I'll drop the cross of self-denial
And enter in that home with God
I'm going home to see my savior
I'm going home no more to roam
I am just going over Jordan
I am just going over home
I am a poor wayfaring stranger
Traveling through this world alone
There is no sickness, toil, nor danger
In that fair land to which I go
I'm going home
To see my mother
I'm going home
No more to roam
I am just going over Jordan
I am just going over home
I know dark clouds will hover o'er me
I know my pathway is rough and steep
But golden fields lie out before me
Where weary eyes no more will weep
I'm going home to see my father
I'm going home no more to roam
I am just going over Jordan
I am just going over home
I'll soon be free from every trial
This form shall rest beneath the sun
I'll drop the cross of self-denial
And enter in that home with God
I'm going home to see my savior
I'm going home no more to roam
I am just going over Jordan
I am just going over home

Trivia about the song Wayfaring Stranger by Jack White

Who composed the song “Wayfaring Stranger” by Jack White?
The song “Wayfaring Stranger” by Jack White was composed by T Bone Burnett, Anthony Minghella.

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