Silence Between Songs

Jeremy Dussolliet, Leroy Clampitt, Madison Beer, Timothy Sommers

Lyrics Translation

You wanna know, the demons in my head
But you don't know, they're sleeping in your bed
I pop a pill to try and numb the pain
When it's just me and my brain
I medicate, that's what you made me do
My broken heart, and dreams in baby blue
The music fades and then I think of you

Oh, I never knew
That the silence between songs (songs)
Could ever be so lonely and so low
'Til I lost you

It's killing me, I know it's killing you
The violins are playing out of tune
I never sleep, just naked in my room

Oh, I never knew
That the silence between songs
Could ever be so lonely and so low
'Til I lost you

Lately can't be alone
With my thoughts
When the music stops
No, I can't turn it down
Tune them out
Don't know how

Oh, I never knew
That the silence between songs (songs)
Could ever be so lonely and so low
So listen close to the silence after this song

You wanna know, the demons in my head
Você quer saber, os demônios na minha cabeça
But you don't know, they're sleeping in your bed
Mas você não sabe, eles estão dormindo na sua cama
I pop a pill to try and numb the pain
Eu tomo uma pílula para tentar anestesiar a dor
When it's just me and my brain
Quando sou só eu e meu cérebro
I medicate, that's what you made me do
Eu me medico, isso é o que você me fez fazer
My broken heart, and dreams in baby blue
Meu coração partido, e sonhos em azul bebê
The music fades and then I think of you
A música desaparece e então eu penso em você
Oh, I never knew
Oh, eu nunca soube
That the silence between songs (songs)
Que o silêncio entre as músicas (músicas)
Could ever be so lonely and so low
Poderia ser tão solitário e tão baixo
'Til I lost you
Até que eu perdi você
It's killing me, I know it's killing you
Está me matando, eu sei que está te matando
The violins are playing out of tune
Os violinos estão tocando desafinados
I never sleep, just naked in my room
Eu nunca durmo, apenas nu no meu quarto
Oh, I never knew
Oh, eu nunca soube
That the silence between songs
Que o silêncio entre as músicas
Could ever be so lonely and so low
Poderia ser tão solitário e tão baixo
'Til I lost you
Até que eu perdi você
Lately can't be alone
Ultimamente não posso ficar sozinho
With my thoughts
Com meus pensamentos
When the music stops
Quando a música para
No, I can't turn it down
Não, eu não consigo abaixar o volume
Tune them out
Don't know how
Não sei como
Oh, I never knew
Oh, eu nunca soube
That the silence between songs (songs)
Que o silêncio entre as músicas (músicas)
Could ever be so lonely and so low
Poderia ser tão solitário e tão baixo
So listen close to the silence after this song
Então escute bem o silêncio depois desta música
You wanna know, the demons in my head
Quieres saber, los demonios en mi cabeza
But you don't know, they're sleeping in your bed
Pero no sabes, están durmiendo en tu cama
I pop a pill to try and numb the pain
Tomo una pastilla para intentar adormecer el dolor
When it's just me and my brain
Cuando solo estoy yo y mi cerebro
I medicate, that's what you made me do
Me medico, eso es lo que me hiciste hacer
My broken heart, and dreams in baby blue
Mi corazón roto, y sueños en azul bebé
The music fades and then I think of you
La música se desvanece y luego pienso en ti
Oh, I never knew
Oh, nunca supe
That the silence between songs (songs)
Que el silencio entre canciones (canciones)
Could ever be so lonely and so low
Podría ser tan solitario y tan bajo
'Til I lost you
Hasta que te perdí
It's killing me, I know it's killing you
Me está matando, sé que te está matando
The violins are playing out of tune
Los violines están desafinados
I never sleep, just naked in my room
Nunca duermo, solo desnudo en mi habitación
Oh, I never knew
Oh, nunca supe
That the silence between songs
Que el silencio entre canciones
Could ever be so lonely and so low
Podría ser tan solitario y tan bajo
'Til I lost you
Hasta que te perdí
Lately can't be alone
Últimamente no puedo estar solo
With my thoughts
Con mis pensamientos
When the music stops
Cuando la música se detiene
No, I can't turn it down
No, no puedo bajar el volumen
Tune them out
Don't know how
No sé cómo
Oh, I never knew
Oh, nunca supe
That the silence between songs (songs)
Que el silencio entre canciones (canciones)
Could ever be so lonely and so low
Podría ser tan solitario y tan bajo
So listen close to the silence after this song
Así que escucha de cerca el silencio después de esta canción
You wanna know, the demons in my head
Tu veux savoir, les démons dans ma tête
But you don't know, they're sleeping in your bed
Mais tu ne sais pas, ils dorment dans ton lit
I pop a pill to try and numb the pain
Je prends une pilule pour essayer d'engourdir la douleur
When it's just me and my brain
Quand c'est juste moi et mon cerveau
I medicate, that's what you made me do
Je me soigne, c'est ce que tu m'as fait faire
My broken heart, and dreams in baby blue
Mon cœur brisé, et les rêves en bleu bébé
The music fades and then I think of you
La musique s'estompe et puis je pense à toi
Oh, I never knew
Oh, je n'ai jamais su
That the silence between songs (songs)
Que le silence entre les chansons (chansons)
Could ever be so lonely and so low
Pourrait être si solitaire et si bas
'Til I lost you
Jusqu'à ce que je te perde
It's killing me, I know it's killing you
Ça me tue, je sais que ça te tue
The violins are playing out of tune
Les violons jouent faux
I never sleep, just naked in my room
Je ne dors jamais, juste nu dans ma chambre
Oh, I never knew
Oh, je n'ai jamais su
That the silence between songs
Que le silence entre les chansons
Could ever be so lonely and so low
Pourrait être si solitaire et si bas
'Til I lost you
Jusqu'à ce que je te perde
Lately can't be alone
Dernièrement, je ne peux pas être seul
With my thoughts
Avec mes pensées
When the music stops
Quand la musique s'arrête
No, I can't turn it down
Non, je ne peux pas baisser le volume
Tune them out
Les ignorer
Don't know how
Je ne sais pas comment
Oh, I never knew
Oh, je n'ai jamais su
That the silence between songs (songs)
Que le silence entre les chansons (chansons)
Could ever be so lonely and so low
Pourrait être si solitaire et si bas
So listen close to the silence after this song
Alors écoute attentivement le silence après cette chanson
You wanna know, the demons in my head
Du willst wissen, die Dämonen in meinem Kopf
But you don't know, they're sleeping in your bed
Aber du weißt nicht, sie schlafen in deinem Bett
I pop a pill to try and numb the pain
Ich nehme eine Pille, um den Schmerz zu betäuben
When it's just me and my brain
Wenn es nur ich und mein Gehirn sind
I medicate, that's what you made me do
Ich medikamentiere, das hast du mich dazu gebracht
My broken heart, and dreams in baby blue
Mein gebrochenes Herz und Träume in Babyblau
The music fades and then I think of you
Die Musik verblasst und dann denke ich an dich
Oh, I never knew
Oh, ich wusste nie
That the silence between songs (songs)
Dass die Stille zwischen den Liedern (Liedern)
Could ever be so lonely and so low
So einsam und so niedrig sein könnte
'Til I lost you
Bis ich dich verloren habe
It's killing me, I know it's killing you
Es tötet mich, ich weiß, es tötet dich
The violins are playing out of tune
Die Violinen spielen verstimmt
I never sleep, just naked in my room
Ich schlafe nie, nur nackt in meinem Zimmer
Oh, I never knew
Oh, ich wusste nie
That the silence between songs
Dass die Stille zwischen den Liedern
Could ever be so lonely and so low
So einsam und so niedrig sein könnte
'Til I lost you
Bis ich dich verloren habe
Lately can't be alone
In letzter Zeit kann ich nicht alleine sein
With my thoughts
Mit meinen Gedanken
When the music stops
Wenn die Musik aufhört
No, I can't turn it down
Nein, ich kann es nicht leiser machen
Tune them out
Sie ausschalten
Don't know how
Weiß nicht wie
Oh, I never knew
Oh, ich wusste nie
That the silence between songs (songs)
Dass die Stille zwischen den Liedern (Liedern)
Could ever be so lonely and so low
So einsam und so niedrig sein könnte
So listen close to the silence after this song
Also hör genau auf die Stille nach diesem Lied
You wanna know, the demons in my head
Vuoi sapere, i demoni nella mia testa
But you don't know, they're sleeping in your bed
Ma non sai, stanno dormendo nel tuo letto
I pop a pill to try and numb the pain
Prendo una pillola per cercare di anestetizzare il dolore
When it's just me and my brain
Quando sono solo io e il mio cervello
I medicate, that's what you made me do
Mi curo, è quello che mi hai fatto fare
My broken heart, and dreams in baby blue
Il mio cuore spezzato, e i sogni in azzurro baby
The music fades and then I think of you
La musica svanisce e poi penso a te
Oh, I never knew
Oh, non ho mai saputo
That the silence between songs (songs)
Che il silenzio tra le canzoni (canzoni)
Could ever be so lonely and so low
Potrebbe essere così solitario e così basso
'Til I lost you
Finché non ti ho perso
It's killing me, I know it's killing you
Mi sta uccidendo, so che sta uccidendo anche te
The violins are playing out of tune
I violini stanno suonando fuori tono
I never sleep, just naked in my room
Non dormo mai, solo nudo nella mia stanza
Oh, I never knew
Oh, non ho mai saputo
That the silence between songs
Che il silenzio tra le canzoni
Could ever be so lonely and so low
Potrebbe essere così solitario e così basso
'Til I lost you
Finché non ti ho perso
Lately can't be alone
Ultimamente non riesco a stare da solo
With my thoughts
Con i miei pensieri
When the music stops
Quando la musica si ferma
No, I can't turn it down
No, non riesco a abbassare il volume
Tune them out
Don't know how
Non so come
Oh, I never knew
Oh, non ho mai saputo
That the silence between songs (songs)
Che il silenzio tra le canzoni (canzoni)
Could ever be so lonely and so low
Potrebbe essere così solitario e così basso
So listen close to the silence after this song
Quindi ascolta attentamente il silenzio dopo questa canzone

[Strofa 1]
Želiš da znaš o demonima u mojoj glavi
Ali ni ne znaš da ti spavaju u krevetu
Uzimam pilulu da probam da umirim bol
Kada sam nasamo sa svojim mislima
Lečim se, na to si me naterao
Moje slomljeno srce sanja samo tužne snove
Muzika se stiša kad pomosilim na tebe

O, nisam znala
Da tišina između pesama (Pesama)
Donosi usamljenost i da dugo traje
Dok te nisam izgubila

[Strofa 2]
Ubije me, znam da ubija i tebe
Violine neharmonično sviraju
Ne spavam, samo ležim gola u dobi

O, nisam znala
Da tišina između pesama (Pesama)
Donosi usamljenost i da dugo traje
Dok te nisam izgubila

I ne mogu da budem sama
Sa svojim mislima kada nema muzike
Jer nе mogu da ih utišam, prigušim
Ne znam kako

O, nisam znala
Da tišina između pesama (Pеsama)
Donosi usamljenost i da dugo traje
Dok te nisam izgubila

Zato pažljivo slušaj tišinu nakon ove pesme

Trivia about the song Silence Between Songs by Madison Beer

When was the song “Silence Between Songs” released by Madison Beer?
The song Silence Between Songs was released in 2023, on the album “Silence Between Songs”.
Who composed the song “Silence Between Songs” by Madison Beer?
The song “Silence Between Songs” by Madison Beer was composed by Jeremy Dussolliet, Leroy Clampitt, Madison Beer, Timothy Sommers.

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