born with horns

Colson Baker, Nick Long, Travis L. Barker

Lyrics Translation

Mm-hm, yeah

Part one, why is it so hard to live?
Part two, I shouldn't have done what I did
Part three, everyone left me alone
Part four, I don't wanna live anymore

Yeah, I'd rather be a freak than somebody's puppet
Release your leash, I don't belong in the circus
They cut each my wings soon as my name was in cursive
Now I'm six feet deep, I guess my life wasn't perfect

In this film I know (I know, I know, I know, I know)
There's no happy endings (there is, there is, there is, there is)
In this film I know (I know, I know, I know, I know)
There's no happy endings (there is, there is, there is, there is)

I'm afraid they're awake
I'm cautious who I'm serenading
Summoned them by mistake
Price you pay for entertaining
Can't decide what is fake
Mercury is retrograding
How much time can I waste
Constantly feeling the same thing?


Alienate me, I'm not the one you want
(I feel so) alienated like I'm the devil's spawn
A boy with horns (yeah)
Alienate me, I'm not the one you want
(I feel so) alienated like I'm the devil's spawn
A boy with horns
Bang, bang, bang
A boy with horns
Bang, bang, bang

Mm-hm, yeah
Mm-hm, sim
Part one, why is it so hard to live?
Parte um, por que é tão difícil viver?
Part two, I shouldn't have done what I did
Parte dois, eu não deveria ter feito o que fiz
Part three, everyone left me alone
Parte três, todos me deixaram sozinho
Part four, I don't wanna live anymore
Parte quatro, eu não quero mais viver
Yeah, I'd rather be a freak than somebody's puppet
Sim, eu prefiro ser um estranho do que um fantoche de alguém
Release your leash, I don't belong in the circus
Solte sua coleira, eu não pertenço ao circo
They cut each my wings soon as my name was in cursive
Eles cortaram cada uma das minhas asas assim que meu nome estava em cursivo
Now I'm six feet deep, I guess my life wasn't perfect
Agora estou a seis pés de profundidade, acho que minha vida não era perfeita
In this film I know (I know, I know, I know, I know)
Neste filme eu sei (eu sei, eu sei, eu sei, eu sei)
There's no happy endings (there is, there is, there is, there is)
Não há finais felizes (há, há, há, há)
In this film I know (I know, I know, I know, I know)
Neste filme eu sei (eu sei, eu sei, eu sei, eu sei)
There's no happy endings (there is, there is, there is, there is)
Não há finais felizes (há, há, há, há)
I'm afraid they're awake
Estou com medo de que eles estejam acordados
I'm cautious who I'm serenading
Estou cauteloso com quem estou serenando
Summoned them by mistake
Convocados por engano
Price you pay for entertaining
Preço que você paga por entreter
Can't decide what is fake
Não consigo decidir o que é falso
Mercury is retrograding
Mercúrio está retrógrado
How much time can I waste
Quanto tempo posso desperdiçar
Constantly feeling the same thing?
Constantemente sentindo a mesma coisa?
Alienate me, I'm not the one you want
Aliene-me, eu não sou o que você quer
(I feel so) alienated like I'm the devil's spawn
(Eu me sinto tão) alienado como se eu fosse a prole do diabo
A boy with horns (yeah)
Um menino com chifres (sim)
Alienate me, I'm not the one you want
Aliene-me, eu não sou o que você quer
(I feel so) alienated like I'm the devil's spawn
(Eu me sinto tão) alienado como se eu fosse a prole do diabo
A boy with horns
Um menino com chifres
Bang, bang, bang
Bang, bang, bang
A boy with horns
Um menino com chifres
Bang, bang, bang
Bang, bang, bang
Mm-hm, yeah
Mm-hm, sí
Part one, why is it so hard to live?
Parte uno, ¿por qué es tan difícil vivir?
Part two, I shouldn't have done what I did
Parde dos, no debí hacer lo que hice
Part three, everyone left me alone
Parte tres, todos me dejaron solo
Part four, I don't wanna live anymore
Parte cuatro, ya no quiero vivir
Yeah, I'd rather be a freak than somebody's puppet
Sí, preferiría ser un raro a ser marioneta de alguien
Release your leash, I don't belong in the circus
Desata tu cadena, no pertenezco al circo
They cut each my wings soon as my name was in cursive
Me cortaron cada ala tan pronto mi nombre estuvo en cursiva
Now I'm six feet deep, I guess my life wasn't perfect
Ahora estoy seis pies abajo, supongo mi vida no fue perfecta
In this film I know (I know, I know, I know, I know)
En esta película, yo sé (yo sé, yo sé, yo sé, yo sé)
There's no happy endings (there is, there is, there is, there is)
No hay finales felices (no hay, no hay, no hay, no hay)
In this film I know (I know, I know, I know, I know)
En esta película, yo sé (yo sé, yo sé, yo sé, yo sé)
There's no happy endings (there is, there is, there is, there is)
No hay finales felices (no hay, no hay, no hay, no hay)
I'm afraid they're awake
Me temo que están despiertos
I'm cautious who I'm serenading
Cauteloso a quien le canto serenata
Summoned them by mistake
Invocados por error
Price you pay for entertaining
Precio que pagas por entretener
Can't decide what is fake
No puedo deducir lo que es falso
Mercury is retrograding
Mercurio es retrógrada
How much time can I waste
¿Cuánto tiempo puedo gastar
Constantly feeling the same thing?
Constantemente sintiendo lo mismo?
Alienate me, I'm not the one you want
Aliéname, no soy el que quieres
(I feel so) alienated like I'm the devil's spawn
(Me siento tan)alienado como si fuera engendro del demonio
A boy with horns (yeah)
Un chico con cuernos (sí)
Alienate me, I'm not the one you want
Aliéname, no soy el que quieres
(I feel so) alienated like I'm the devil's spawn
(Me siento tan)alienado como si fuera engendro del demonio
A boy with horns
Un chico con cuernos
Bang, bang, bang
Bang, bang, bang
A boy with horns
Un chico con cuernos
Bang, bang, bang
Bang, bang, bang
Mm-hm, yeah
Mm-hm, ouais
Part one, why is it so hard to live?
Partie un, pourquoi est-ce si difficile de vivre ?
Part two, I shouldn't have done what I did
Partie deux, je n'aurais pas dû faire ce que j'ai fait
Part three, everyone left me alone
Partie trois, tout le monde m'a laissé seul
Part four, I don't wanna live anymore
Partie quatre, je ne veux plus vivre
Yeah, I'd rather be a freak than somebody's puppet
Ouais, je préfère être un freak qu'une marionnette de quelqu'un
Release your leash, I don't belong in the circus
Lâche ta laisse, je n'appartiens pas au cirque
They cut each my wings soon as my name was in cursive
Ils ont coupé chacune de mes ailes dès que mon nom était en cursive
Now I'm six feet deep, I guess my life wasn't perfect
Maintenant je suis six pieds sous terre, je suppose que ma vie n'était pas parfaite
In this film I know (I know, I know, I know, I know)
Dans ce film je sais (je sais, je sais, je sais, je sais)
There's no happy endings (there is, there is, there is, there is)
Il n'y a pas de fins heureuses (il y en a, il y en a, il y en a, il y en a)
In this film I know (I know, I know, I know, I know)
Dans ce film je sais (je sais, je sais, je sais, je sais)
There's no happy endings (there is, there is, there is, there is)
Il n'y a pas de fins heureuses (il y en a, il y en a, il y en a, il y en a)
I'm afraid they're awake
J'ai peur qu'ils soient réveillés
I'm cautious who I'm serenading
Je suis prudent à qui je fais la sérénade
Summoned them by mistake
Je les ai invoqués par erreur
Price you pay for entertaining
Le prix à payer pour divertir
Can't decide what is fake
Je ne peux pas décider ce qui est faux
Mercury is retrograding
Mercure est en rétrogradation
How much time can I waste
Combien de temps puis-je perdre
Constantly feeling the same thing?
À ressentir constamment la même chose ?
Alienate me, I'm not the one you want
Aliène-moi, je ne suis pas celui que tu veux
(I feel so) alienated like I'm the devil's spawn
(Je me sens si) aliéné comme si j'étais la progéniture du diable
A boy with horns (yeah)
Un garçon avec des cornes (ouais)
Alienate me, I'm not the one you want
Aliène-moi, je ne suis pas celui que tu veux
(I feel so) alienated like I'm the devil's spawn
(Je me sens si) aliéné comme si j'étais la progéniture du diable
A boy with horns
Un garçon avec des cornes
Bang, bang, bang
Bang, bang, bang
A boy with horns
Un garçon avec des cornes
Bang, bang, bang
Bang, bang, bang
Mm-hm, yeah
Mm-hm, ja
Part one, why is it so hard to live?
Teil eins, warum ist es so schwer zu leben?
Part two, I shouldn't have done what I did
Teil zwei, ich hätte nicht tun sollen, was ich getan habe
Part three, everyone left me alone
Teil drei, alle haben mich allein gelassen
Part four, I don't wanna live anymore
Teil vier, ich will nicht mehr leben
Yeah, I'd rather be a freak than somebody's puppet
Ja, ich wäre lieber ein Freak als jemandes Marionette
Release your leash, I don't belong in the circus
Löse deine Leine, ich gehöre nicht in den Zirkus
They cut each my wings soon as my name was in cursive
Sie schnitten jede meiner Flügel ab, sobald mein Name in Schreibschrift war
Now I'm six feet deep, I guess my life wasn't perfect
Jetzt bin ich sechs Fuß tief, ich schätze, mein Leben war nicht perfekt
In this film I know (I know, I know, I know, I know)
In diesem Film weiß ich (ich weiß, ich weiß, ich weiß, ich weiß)
There's no happy endings (there is, there is, there is, there is)
Es gibt keine glücklichen Enden (es gibt, es gibt, es gibt, es gibt)
In this film I know (I know, I know, I know, I know)
In diesem Film weiß ich (ich weiß, ich weiß, ich weiß, ich weiß)
There's no happy endings (there is, there is, there is, there is)
Es gibt keine glücklichen Enden (es gibt, es gibt, es gibt, es gibt)
I'm afraid they're awake
Ich fürchte, sie sind wach
I'm cautious who I'm serenading
Ich bin vorsichtig, wen ich besinge
Summoned them by mistake
Ich habe sie versehentlich herbeigerufen
Price you pay for entertaining
Der Preis, den man für Unterhaltung zahlt
Can't decide what is fake
Ich kann nicht entscheiden, was falsch ist
Mercury is retrograding
Der Merkur ist rückläufig
How much time can I waste
Wie viel Zeit kann ich verschwenden
Constantly feeling the same thing?
Ständig das Gleiche fühlen?
Alienate me, I'm not the one you want
Alieniere mich, ich bin nicht der, den du willst
(I feel so) alienated like I'm the devil's spawn
(Ich fühle mich so) alieniert, als wäre ich der Teufelsbrut
A boy with horns (yeah)
Ein Junge mit Hörnern (ja)
Alienate me, I'm not the one you want
Alieniere mich, ich bin nicht der, den du willst
(I feel so) alienated like I'm the devil's spawn
(Ich fühle mich so) alieniert, als wäre ich der Teufelsbrut
A boy with horns
Ein Junge mit Hörnern
Bang, bang, bang
Bang, bang, bang
A boy with horns
Ein Junge mit Hörnern
Bang, bang, bang
Bang, bang, bang
Mm-hm, yeah
Mm-hm, sì
Part one, why is it so hard to live?
Parte uno, perché è così difficile vivere?
Part two, I shouldn't have done what I did
Parte due, non avrei dovuto fare quello che ho fatto
Part three, everyone left me alone
Parte tre, tutti mi hanno lasciato solo
Part four, I don't wanna live anymore
Parte quattro, non voglio più vivere
Yeah, I'd rather be a freak than somebody's puppet
Sì, preferirei essere un freak piuttosto che il burattino di qualcuno
Release your leash, I don't belong in the circus
Rilascia il tuo guinzaglio, non appartengo al circo
They cut each my wings soon as my name was in cursive
Hanno tagliato ogni mia ala non appena il mio nome era in corsivo
Now I'm six feet deep, I guess my life wasn't perfect
Ora sono a sei piedi sotto, immagino che la mia vita non fosse perfetta
In this film I know (I know, I know, I know, I know)
In questo film lo so (lo so, lo so, lo so, lo so)
There's no happy endings (there is, there is, there is, there is)
Non ci sono finali felici (ci sono, ci sono, ci sono, ci sono)
In this film I know (I know, I know, I know, I know)
In questo film lo so (lo so, lo so, lo so, lo so)
There's no happy endings (there is, there is, there is, there is)
Non ci sono finali felici (ci sono, ci sono, ci sono, ci sono)
I'm afraid they're awake
Ho paura che siano svegli
I'm cautious who I'm serenading
Sto attento a chi sto serenando
Summoned them by mistake
Li ho evocati per errore
Price you pay for entertaining
Il prezzo che paghi per intrattenere
Can't decide what is fake
Non riesco a decidere cosa sia falso
Mercury is retrograding
Mercurio è in retrogrado
How much time can I waste
Quanto tempo posso sprecare
Constantly feeling the same thing?
Sentendo costantemente la stessa cosa?
Alienate me, I'm not the one you want
Alienami, non sono quello che vuoi
(I feel so) alienated like I'm the devil's spawn
(Mi sento così) alienato come se fossi il figlio del diavolo
A boy with horns (yeah)
Un ragazzo con le corna (sì)
Alienate me, I'm not the one you want
Alienami, non sono quello che vuoi
(I feel so) alienated like I'm the devil's spawn
(Mi sento così) alienato come se fossi il figlio del diavolo
A boy with horns
Un ragazzo con le corna
Bang, bang, bang
Bang, bang, bang
A boy with horns
Un ragazzo con le corna
Bang, bang, bang
Bang, bang, bang

Trivia about the song born with horns by mgk

On which albums was the song “born with horns” released by mgk?
mgk released the song on the albums “Mainstream Sellout” in 2022 and “mainstream sellout” in 2022.
Who composed the song “born with horns” by mgk?
The song “born with horns” by mgk was composed by Colson Baker, Nick Long, Travis L. Barker.

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