papercuts [live from red rocks]

Richard Colson Baker, Travis L. Barker, Nicholas Long

Lyrics Translation

Bleach my hair, mess it up
Take my life, dress it up
Signed a deal, I got papercuts
They wanted them, but they got us
Yeah, yeah
Red Rocks, sing it

Sleepin' in, faked sick
Smoked a blunt, had a kid
Don't belong, I'm a punk
Hello world, you fuckin' suck

Hey, hey, keep my mouth shut and wave
Sing it
Hey, hey, I'm dancin' on my grave
Mhmm, mhmm

Everybody's so nice lately (everybody's not nice)
Polarized feelings, I don't wear them on my face lately
(I don't wear them on my face)
Internalized everything the headlines say lately
(Everything they say)
Demonized just because I was a angel face baby

What is this now?
Career suicide

Hey, hey, keep my mouth shut and wave
Sing it
Hey, sing it, hey, I'm dancin' on my grave
Mhmm, mhmm

I spend a lot of nights thinkin'
I might go to sleep and then never wake up
I spend a lot of money on these therapy sessions
Even though I'm not showin' up
I spend a lot of time healin' my mind and my heart
But I still put these drugs in my gut
Me and my girl were just screamin' at each other
Right before we both got out of the truck
I got some demons inside
I'm tryna free 'em inside
Came from the Cleveland East Side
Where the boy who was just starvin' with you
Now might try to eat you alive, fuck
Y'all said that I switched genres
I saw the limit and took it farther
I'm a genius, could've made Donda
But this song is for my dead father, uh

Yeah, yeah

Bleach my hair, mess it up
Descolore meu cabelo, bagunce-o
Take my life, dress it up
Pegue minha vida, vista-a
Signed a deal, I got papercuts
Assinei um contrato, tenho cortes de papel
They wanted them, but they got us
Eles queriam eles, mas eles nos pegaram
Yeah, yeah
Sim, sim
Red Rocks, sing it
Red Rocks, cante isso
Sleepin' in, faked sick
Dormindo até tarde, fingindo estar doente
Smoked a blunt, had a kid
Fumei um baseado, tive um filho
Don't belong, I'm a punk
Não pertenço, sou um punk
Hello world, you fuckin' suck
Olá mundo, você é uma merda
Hey, hey, keep my mouth shut and wave
Ei, ei, mantenho minha boca fechada e aceno
Sing it
Cante isso
Hey, hey, I'm dancin' on my grave
Ei, ei, estou dançando no meu túmulo
Mhmm, mhmm
Mhmm, mhmm
Everybody's so nice lately (everybody's not nice)
Todo mundo tem sido tão legal ultimamente (nem todo mundo é legal)
Polarized feelings, I don't wear them on my face lately
Sentimentos polarizados, eu não os mostro no meu rosto ultimamente
(I don't wear them on my face)
(Eu não os mostro no meu rosto)
Internalized everything the headlines say lately
Internalizei tudo o que as manchetes dizem ultimamente
(Everything they say)
(Tudo o que eles dizem)
Demonized just because I was a angel face baby
Demonizado apenas porque eu era um bebê de rosto angelical
What is this now?
O que é isso agora?
Career suicide
Suicídio de carreira
Hey, hey, keep my mouth shut and wave
Ei, ei, mantenho minha boca fechada e aceno
Sing it
Cante isso
Hey, sing it, hey, I'm dancin' on my grave
Ei, cante isso, ei, estou dançando no meu túmulo
Mhmm, mhmm
Mhmm, mhmm
I spend a lot of nights thinkin'
Passo muitas noites pensando
I might go to sleep and then never wake up
Eu posso ir dormir e nunca mais acordar
I spend a lot of money on these therapy sessions
Gasto muito dinheiro nessas sessões de terapia
Even though I'm not showin' up
Mesmo que eu não esteja aparecendo
I spend a lot of time healin' my mind and my heart
Passo muito tempo curando minha mente e meu coração
But I still put these drugs in my gut
Mas ainda coloco essas drogas no meu estômago
Me and my girl were just screamin' at each other
Eu e minha garota estávamos apenas gritando um com o outro
Right before we both got out of the truck
Logo antes de sairmos do caminhão
I got some demons inside
Eu tenho alguns demônios dentro
I'm tryna free 'em inside
Estou tentando libertá-los dentro
Came from the Cleveland East Side
Vim do lado leste de Cleveland
Where the boy who was just starvin' with you
Onde o garoto que estava apenas passando fome com você
Now might try to eat you alive, fuck
Agora pode tentar te devorar, merda
Y'all said that I switched genres
Vocês disseram que eu mudei de gênero
I saw the limit and took it farther
Vi o limite e fui mais longe
I'm a genius, could've made Donda
Sou um gênio, poderia ter feito Donda
But this song is for my dead father, uh
Mas essa música é para meu pai morto, uh
Yeah, yeah
Sim, sim
Bleach my hair, mess it up
Decolora mi cabello, desordénalo
Take my life, dress it up
Toma mi vida, vístela
Signed a deal, I got papercuts
Firmé un contrato, tengo cortes de papel
They wanted them, but they got us
Ellos los querían, pero nos consiguieron a nosotros
Yeah, yeah
Sí, sí
Red Rocks, sing it
Red Rocks, cántalo
Sleepin' in, faked sick
Durmiendo hasta tarde, fingí estar enfermo
Smoked a blunt, had a kid
Fumé un porro, tuve un hijo
Don't belong, I'm a punk
No pertenezco, soy un punk
Hello world, you fuckin' suck
Hola mundo, jodidamente apesta
Hey, hey, keep my mouth shut and wave
Hey, hey, mantengo mi boca cerrada y saludo
Sing it
Hey, hey, I'm dancin' on my grave
Hey, hey, estoy bailando sobre mi tumba
Mhmm, mhmm
Mhmm, mhmm
Everybody's so nice lately (everybody's not nice)
Todo el mundo es tan amable últimamente (no todo el mundo es amable)
Polarized feelings, I don't wear them on my face lately
Sentimientos polarizados, no los muestro en mi cara últimamente
(I don't wear them on my face)
(No los muestro en mi cara)
Internalized everything the headlines say lately
Interiorizado todo lo que los titulares dicen últimamente
(Everything they say)
(Todo lo que dicen)
Demonized just because I was a angel face baby
Demonizado solo porque era un bebé con cara de ángel
What is this now?
¿Qué es esto ahora?
Career suicide
Suicidio profesional
Hey, hey, keep my mouth shut and wave
Hey, hey, mantengo mi boca cerrada y saludo
Sing it
Hey, sing it, hey, I'm dancin' on my grave
Hey, cántalo, hey, estoy bailando sobre mi tumba
Mhmm, mhmm
Mhmm, mhmm
I spend a lot of nights thinkin'
Paso muchas noches pensando
I might go to sleep and then never wake up
Podría irme a dormir y luego nunca despertar
I spend a lot of money on these therapy sessions
Gasto mucho dinero en estas sesiones de terapia
Even though I'm not showin' up
Aunque no estoy asistiendo
I spend a lot of time healin' my mind and my heart
Paso mucho tiempo curando mi mente y mi corazón
But I still put these drugs in my gut
Pero aún meto estas drogas en mi estómago
Me and my girl were just screamin' at each other
Mi chica y yo solo nos gritábamos el uno al otro
Right before we both got out of the truck
Justo antes de que ambos saliéramos de la camioneta
I got some demons inside
Tengo algunos demonios dentro
I'm tryna free 'em inside
Estoy tratando de liberarlos dentro
Came from the Cleveland East Side
Vengo del lado este de Cleveland
Where the boy who was just starvin' with you
Donde el chico que estaba muriendo de hambre contigo
Now might try to eat you alive, fuck
Ahora podría intentar comerte vivo, joder
Y'all said that I switched genres
Dijisteis que cambié de género
I saw the limit and took it farther
Vi el límite y lo llevé más allá
I'm a genius, could've made Donda
Soy un genio, podría haber hecho Donda
But this song is for my dead father, uh
Pero esta canción es para mi padre muerto, uh
Yeah, yeah
Sí, sí
Bleach my hair, mess it up
Décolore mes cheveux, décoiffe-les
Take my life, dress it up
Prends ma vie, habille-la
Signed a deal, I got papercuts
J'ai signé un contrat, j'ai des coupures de papier
They wanted them, but they got us
Ils les voulaient, mais ils nous ont eus
Yeah, yeah
Ouais, ouais
Red Rocks, sing it
Red Rocks, chantez-le
Sleepin' in, faked sick
Dormir tard, feindre la maladie
Smoked a blunt, had a kid
Fumer un joint, avoir un enfant
Don't belong, I'm a punk
Je n'appartiens pas, je suis un punk
Hello world, you fuckin' suck
Bonjour le monde, tu es vraiment nul
Hey, hey, keep my mouth shut and wave
Hey, hey, je garde ma bouche fermée et je salue
Sing it
Hey, hey, I'm dancin' on my grave
Hey, hey, je danse sur ma tombe
Mhmm, mhmm
Mhmm, mhmm
Everybody's so nice lately (everybody's not nice)
Tout le monde est si gentil dernièrement (tout le monde n'est pas gentil)
Polarized feelings, I don't wear them on my face lately
Sentiments polarisés, je ne les porte pas sur mon visage dernièrement
(I don't wear them on my face)
(Je ne les porte pas sur mon visage)
Internalized everything the headlines say lately
J'ai internalisé tout ce que disent les gros titres dernièrement
(Everything they say)
(Tout ce qu'ils disent)
Demonized just because I was a angel face baby
Diabolisé juste parce que j'étais un bébé au visage d'ange
What is this now?
Qu'est-ce que c'est maintenant ?
Career suicide
Suicide de carrière
Hey, hey, keep my mouth shut and wave
Hey, hey, je garde ma bouche fermée et je salue
Sing it
Hey, sing it, hey, I'm dancin' on my grave
Hey, chantez-le, hey, je danse sur ma tombe
Mhmm, mhmm
Mhmm, mhmm
I spend a lot of nights thinkin'
Je passe beaucoup de nuits à penser
I might go to sleep and then never wake up
Je pourrais aller me coucher et ne jamais me réveiller
I spend a lot of money on these therapy sessions
Je dépense beaucoup d'argent dans ces séances de thérapie
Even though I'm not showin' up
Même si je ne me présente pas
I spend a lot of time healin' my mind and my heart
Je passe beaucoup de temps à soigner mon esprit et mon cœur
But I still put these drugs in my gut
Mais je continue à mettre ces drogues dans mon ventre
Me and my girl were just screamin' at each other
Ma fille et moi, on s'est juste crié dessus
Right before we both got out of the truck
Juste avant qu'on ne sorte tous les deux du camion
I got some demons inside
J'ai des démons à l'intérieur
I'm tryna free 'em inside
J'essaie de les libérer à l'intérieur
Came from the Cleveland East Side
Je viens de l'est de Cleveland
Where the boy who was just starvin' with you
Où le garçon qui avait juste faim avec toi
Now might try to eat you alive, fuck
Maintenant pourrait essayer de te dévorer vivant, merde
Y'all said that I switched genres
Vous avez dit que j'ai changé de genre
I saw the limit and took it farther
J'ai vu la limite et je l'ai poussée plus loin
I'm a genius, could've made Donda
Je suis un génie, j'aurais pu faire Donda
But this song is for my dead father, uh
Mais cette chanson est pour mon père décédé, uh
Yeah, yeah
Ouais, ouais
Bleach my hair, mess it up
Bleiche meine Haare, vermassle sie
Take my life, dress it up
Nimm mein Leben, kleide es auf
Signed a deal, I got papercuts
Habe einen Vertrag unterschrieben, ich habe Papierschnitte
They wanted them, but they got us
Sie wollten sie, aber sie haben uns bekommen
Yeah, yeah
Ja, ja
Red Rocks, sing it
Red Rocks, sing es
Sleepin' in, faked sick
Schlafen, krank spielen
Smoked a blunt, had a kid
Rauchte einen Joint, hatte ein Kind
Don't belong, I'm a punk
Gehöre nicht dazu, ich bin ein Punk
Hello world, you fuckin' suck
Hallo Welt, du saugst verdammt
Hey, hey, keep my mouth shut and wave
Hey, hey, halte meinen Mund und winke
Sing it
Sing es
Hey, hey, I'm dancin' on my grave
Hey, hey, ich tanze auf meinem Grab
Mhmm, mhmm
Mhmm, mhmm
Everybody's so nice lately (everybody's not nice)
Jeder ist in letzter Zeit so nett (jeder ist nicht nett)
Polarized feelings, I don't wear them on my face lately
Polarisierte Gefühle, ich trage sie in letzter Zeit nicht auf meinem Gesicht
(I don't wear them on my face)
(Ich trage sie nicht auf meinem Gesicht)
Internalized everything the headlines say lately
Verinnerlicht alles, was die Schlagzeilen in letzter Zeit sagen
(Everything they say)
(Alles, was sie sagen)
Demonized just because I was a angel face baby
Dämonisiert, nur weil ich ein Engelsgesicht Baby war
What is this now?
Was ist das jetzt?
Career suicide
Hey, hey, keep my mouth shut and wave
Hey, hey, halte meinen Mund und winke
Sing it
Sing es
Hey, sing it, hey, I'm dancin' on my grave
Hey, sing es, hey, ich tanze auf meinem Grab
Mhmm, mhmm
Mhmm, mhmm
I spend a lot of nights thinkin'
Ich verbringe viele Nächte damit zu denken
I might go to sleep and then never wake up
Ich könnte schlafen gehen und dann nie wieder aufwachen
I spend a lot of money on these therapy sessions
Ich gebe viel Geld für diese Therapiesitzungen aus
Even though I'm not showin' up
Obwohl ich nicht auftauche
I spend a lot of time healin' my mind and my heart
Ich verbringe viel Zeit damit, meinen Geist und mein Herz zu heilen
But I still put these drugs in my gut
Aber ich stecke immer noch diese Drogen in meinen Bauch
Me and my girl were just screamin' at each other
Meine Freundin und ich haben gerade miteinander geschrien
Right before we both got out of the truck
Kurz bevor wir beide aus dem Truck gestiegen sind
I got some demons inside
Ich habe einige Dämonen in mir
I'm tryna free 'em inside
Ich versuche, sie in mir zu befreien
Came from the Cleveland East Side
Kam aus der Cleveland East Side
Where the boy who was just starvin' with you
Wo der Junge, der gerade mit dir verhungert ist
Now might try to eat you alive, fuck
Jetzt könnte versuchen, dich lebendig zu fressen, verdammt
Y'all said that I switched genres
Ihr habt gesagt, dass ich das Genre gewechselt habe
I saw the limit and took it farther
Ich sah die Grenze und ging weiter
I'm a genius, could've made Donda
Ich bin ein Genie, hätte Donda machen können
But this song is for my dead father, uh
Aber dieses Lied ist für meinen toten Vater, äh
Yeah, yeah
Ja, ja
Bleach my hair, mess it up
Decolora i miei capelli, rovinateli
Take my life, dress it up
Prendi la mia vita, vestila
Signed a deal, I got papercuts
Ho firmato un contratto, mi sono tagliato con la carta
They wanted them, but they got us
Loro li volevano, ma hanno preso noi
Yeah, yeah
Sì, sì
Red Rocks, sing it
Red Rocks, cantala
Sleepin' in, faked sick
Dormendo dentro, fingendo di essere malato
Smoked a blunt, had a kid
Ho fumato uno spinello, ho avuto un figlio
Don't belong, I'm a punk
Non appartengo, sono un punk
Hello world, you fuckin' suck
Ciao mondo, fai schifo
Hey, hey, keep my mouth shut and wave
Ehi, ehi, tengo la bocca chiusa e saluto
Sing it
Hey, hey, I'm dancin' on my grave
Ehi, ehi, sto danzando sulla mia tomba
Mhmm, mhmm
Mhmm, mhmm
Everybody's so nice lately (everybody's not nice)
Tutti sono così gentili ultimamente (non tutti sono gentili)
Polarized feelings, I don't wear them on my face lately
Sentimenti polarizzati, non li mostro sul mio viso ultimamente
(I don't wear them on my face)
(Non li mostro sul mio viso)
Internalized everything the headlines say lately
Ho interiorizzato tutto quello che dicono i titoli ultimamente
(Everything they say)
(Tutto quello che dicono)
Demonized just because I was a angel face baby
Demonizzato solo perché ero un angelo da bambino
What is this now?
Cos'è questo ora?
Career suicide
Suicidio di carriera
Hey, hey, keep my mouth shut and wave
Ehi, ehi, tengo la bocca chiusa e saluto
Sing it
Hey, sing it, hey, I'm dancin' on my grave
Ehi, cantala, ehi, sto danzando sulla mia tomba
Mhmm, mhmm
Mhmm, mhmm
I spend a lot of nights thinkin'
Passo molte notti a pensare
I might go to sleep and then never wake up
Potrei andare a dormire e poi non svegliarmi mai più
I spend a lot of money on these therapy sessions
Spendo un sacco di soldi in queste sedute di terapia
Even though I'm not showin' up
Anche se non mi presento
I spend a lot of time healin' my mind and my heart
Passo molto tempo a curare la mia mente e il mio cuore
But I still put these drugs in my gut
Ma continuo a mettere queste droghe nel mio stomaco
Me and my girl were just screamin' at each other
Io e la mia ragazza stavamo solo urlando l'uno all'altra
Right before we both got out of the truck
Proprio prima che entrambi uscissimo dal camion
I got some demons inside
Ho dei demoni dentro
I'm tryna free 'em inside
Sto cercando di liberarli dentro
Came from the Cleveland East Side
Vengo dal lato est di Cleveland
Where the boy who was just starvin' with you
Dove il ragazzo che stava solo morendo di fame con te
Now might try to eat you alive, fuck
Ora potrebbe cercare di mangiarti vivo, cazzo
Y'all said that I switched genres
Voi avete detto che ho cambiato genere
I saw the limit and took it farther
Ho visto il limite e l'ho spinto oltre
I'm a genius, could've made Donda
Sono un genio, avrei potuto fare Donda
But this song is for my dead father, uh
Ma questa canzone è per mio padre morto, uh
Yeah, yeah
Sì, sì

Trivia about the song papercuts [live from red rocks] by mgk

On which albums was the song “papercuts [live from red rocks]” released by mgk?
mgk released the song on the albums “Mainstream Sellout” in 2022 and “mainstream sellout” in 2022.
Who composed the song “papercuts [live from red rocks]” by mgk?
The song “papercuts [live from red rocks]” by mgk was composed by Richard Colson Baker, Travis L. Barker, Nicholas Long.

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