Bring It On Down

Noel Gallagher

Lyrics Translation

What was that sound ringing around your brain?
Today was just a blur, you've got a head like a ghost train
What was that sound ringing around your brain?
You're here on your own who you gonna find to blame?

You're the outcast - you're the underclass
But you don't care - because you're living fast

You're the un-invited guest who stays 'till the end
I know you've got a problem that the devil sends
You think they're talking 'bout you but you don't know who
I'll be scraping your life from the sole of my shoe tonight.

Bring it on down. Bring it down for me
Your head's in a fish tank
Your body and your mind can't breath

Bring it on down. Bring it down for me
Your head's in a fish tank
Your body and your mind can't breath

You're the outcast - you're the underclass
But you don't care - because you're living fast

You're the un-invited guest who stays 'till the end
I know you've got a problem that the devil sends
You think they're talking 'bout you but you don't know who
I'll be scraping their lives from the sole of my shoe tonight

What was that sound ringing around your brain?
Qual era aquele som ecoando em seu cérebro?
Today was just a blur, you've got a head like a ghost train
Hoje foi apenas um borrão, você tem uma cabeça como um trem fantasma
What was that sound ringing around your brain?
Qual era aquele som ecoando em seu cérebro?
You're here on your own who you gonna find to blame?
Você está aqui sozinho, quem você vai encontrar para culpar?
You're the outcast - you're the underclass
Você é o excluído, você é a classe baixa
But you don't care - because you're living fast
Mas você não se importa, porque você está vivendo rápido
You're the un-invited guest who stays 'till the end
Você é o convidado não convidado que fica até o fim
I know you've got a problem that the devil sends
Eu sei que você tem um problema que o diabo envia
You think they're talking 'bout you but you don't know who
Você acha que estão falando de você, mas você não sabe quem
I'll be scraping your life from the sole of my shoe tonight.
Estarei raspando sua vida da sola do meu sapato esta noite
Bring it on down. Bring it down for me
Traga para baixo, traga para mim
Your head's in a fish tank
Sua cabeça está em um aquário
Your body and your mind can't breath
Seu corpo e sua mente não conseguem respirar
Bring it on down. Bring it down for me
Traga para baixo, traga para mim
Your head's in a fish tank
Sua cabeça está em um aquário
Your body and your mind can't breath
Seu corpo e sua mente não conseguem respirar
You're the outcast - you're the underclass
Você é o excluído, você é a classe baixa
But you don't care - because you're living fast
Mas você não se importa, porque você está vivendo rápido
You're the un-invited guest who stays 'till the end
Você é o convidado não convidado que fica até o fim
I know you've got a problem that the devil sends
Eu sei que você tem um problema que o diabo envia
You think they're talking 'bout you but you don't know who
Você acha que estão falando de você, mas você não sabe quem
I'll be scraping their lives from the sole of my shoe tonight
Estarei raspando suas vidas da sola do meu sapato esta noite
What was that sound ringing around your brain?
¿Qué era ese sonido resonando en tu cerebro?
Today was just a blur, you've got a head like a ghost train
Hoy fue solo un borrón, tienes una cabeza como un tren fantasma
What was that sound ringing around your brain?
¿Qué era ese sonido resonando en tu cerebro?
You're here on your own who you gonna find to blame?
Estás aquí solo, ¿a quién vas a encontrar para culpar?
You're the outcast - you're the underclass
Eres el marginado, eres la clase baja
But you don't care - because you're living fast
Pero no te importa, porque estás viviendo rápido
You're the un-invited guest who stays 'till the end
Eres el invitado no invitado que se queda hasta el final
I know you've got a problem that the devil sends
Sé que tienes un problema que el diablo envía
You think they're talking 'bout you but you don't know who
Crees que están hablando de ti pero no sabes quién
I'll be scraping your life from the sole of my shoe tonight.
Estaré raspando tu vida desde la suela de mi zapato esta noche
Bring it on down. Bring it down for me
Tráelo, tráelo para mí
Your head's in a fish tank
Tu cabeza está en una pecera
Your body and your mind can't breath
Tu cuerpo y tu mente no pueden respirar
Bring it on down. Bring it down for me
Tráelo, tráelo para mí
Your head's in a fish tank
Tu cabeza está en una pecera
Your body and your mind can't breath
Tu cuerpo y tu mente no pueden respirar
You're the outcast - you're the underclass
Eres el marginado, eres la clase baja
But you don't care - because you're living fast
Pero no te importa, porque estás viviendo rápido
You're the un-invited guest who stays 'till the end
Eres el invitado no invitado que se queda hasta el final
I know you've got a problem that the devil sends
Sé que tienes un problema que el diablo envía
You think they're talking 'bout you but you don't know who
Crees que están hablando de ti pero no sabes quién
I'll be scraping their lives from the sole of my shoe tonight
Estaré raspando sus vidas desde la suela de mi zapato esta noche
What was that sound ringing around your brain?
Quel était ce son qui résonnait autour de ton cerveau ?
Today was just a blur, you've got a head like a ghost train
Aujourd'hui n'était qu'un flou, tu as la tête comme un train fantôme
What was that sound ringing around your brain?
Quel était ce son qui résonnait autour de ton cerveau ?
You're here on your own who you gonna find to blame?
Tu es ici tout seul, qui vas-tu trouver à blâmer ?
You're the outcast - you're the underclass
Tu es le paria, tu es la classe inférieure
But you don't care - because you're living fast
Mais tu t'en fiches, parce que tu vis vite
You're the un-invited guest who stays 'till the end
Tu es l'invité non invité qui reste jusqu'à la fin
I know you've got a problem that the devil sends
Je sais que tu as un problème que le diable envoie
You think they're talking 'bout you but you don't know who
Tu penses qu'ils parlent de toi mais tu ne sais pas qui
I'll be scraping your life from the sole of my shoe tonight.
Je vais gratter ta vie du semelle de ma chaussure ce soir
Bring it on down. Bring it down for me
Amène-le, descends-le pour moi
Your head's in a fish tank
Ta tête est dans un aquarium
Your body and your mind can't breath
Ton corps et ton esprit ne peuvent pas respirer
Bring it on down. Bring it down for me
Amène-le, descends-le pour moi
Your head's in a fish tank
Ta tête est dans un aquarium
Your body and your mind can't breath
Ton corps et ton esprit ne peuvent pas respirer
You're the outcast - you're the underclass
Tu es le paria, tu es la classe inférieure
But you don't care - because you're living fast
Mais tu t'en fiches, parce que tu vis vite
You're the un-invited guest who stays 'till the end
Tu es l'invité non invité qui reste jusqu'à la fin
I know you've got a problem that the devil sends
Je sais que tu as un problème que le diable envoie
You think they're talking 'bout you but you don't know who
Tu penses qu'ils parlent de toi mais tu ne sais pas qui
I'll be scraping their lives from the sole of my shoe tonight
Je vais gratter leur vie du semelle de ma chaussure ce soir
What was that sound ringing around your brain?
Was war das für ein Geräusch, das in deinem Kopf hallte?
Today was just a blur, you've got a head like a ghost train
Heute war nur ein verschwommener Tag, du hast einen Kopf wie eine Geisterbahn
What was that sound ringing around your brain?
Was war das für ein Geräusch, das in deinem Kopf hallte?
You're here on your own who you gonna find to blame?
Du bist hier ganz alleine, wen wirst du zum Schuldigen machen?
You're the outcast - you're the underclass
Du bist der Außenseiter, du bist die Unterschicht
But you don't care - because you're living fast
Aber das ist dir egal, denn du lebst schnell
You're the un-invited guest who stays 'till the end
Du bist der ungebetene Gast, der bis zum Ende bleibt
I know you've got a problem that the devil sends
Ich weiß, du hast ein Problem, das der Teufel schickt
You think they're talking 'bout you but you don't know who
Du denkst, sie reden über dich, aber du weißt nicht wer
I'll be scraping your life from the sole of my shoe tonight.
Ich werde dein Leben heute Nacht von der Sohle meines Schuhs kratzen
Bring it on down. Bring it down for me
Bring es runter, bring es für mich runter
Your head's in a fish tank
Dein Kopf ist in einem Fischtank
Your body and your mind can't breath
Dein Körper und dein Geist können nicht atmen
Bring it on down. Bring it down for me
Bring es runter, bring es für mich runter
Your head's in a fish tank
Dein Kopf ist in einem Fischtank
Your body and your mind can't breath
Dein Körper und dein Geist können nicht atmen
You're the outcast - you're the underclass
Du bist der Außenseiter, du bist die Unterschicht
But you don't care - because you're living fast
Aber das ist dir egal, denn du lebst schnell
You're the un-invited guest who stays 'till the end
Du bist der ungebetene Gast, der bis zum Ende bleibt
I know you've got a problem that the devil sends
Ich weiß, du hast ein Problem, das der Teufel schickt
You think they're talking 'bout you but you don't know who
Du denkst, sie reden über dich, aber du weißt nicht wer
I'll be scraping their lives from the sole of my shoe tonight
Ich werde ihr Leben heute Nacht von der Sohle meines Schuhs kratzen
What was that sound ringing around your brain?
Che cos'era quel suono che risuonava intorno al tuo cervello?
Today was just a blur, you've got a head like a ghost train
Oggi è stato solo un'immagine sfocata, hai la testa come un treno fantasma
What was that sound ringing around your brain?
Che cos'era quel suono che risuonava intorno al tuo cervello?
You're here on your own who you gonna find to blame?
Sei qui da solo, chi troverai da incolpare?
You're the outcast - you're the underclass
Sei l'emarginato, sei la sottoclasse
But you don't care - because you're living fast
Ma non ti importa, perché stai vivendo velocemente
You're the un-invited guest who stays 'till the end
Sei l'ospite non invitato che resta fino alla fine
I know you've got a problem that the devil sends
So che hai un problema che il diavolo manda
You think they're talking 'bout you but you don't know who
Pensi che stiano parlando di te ma non sai chi
I'll be scraping your life from the sole of my shoe tonight.
Stasera raschierò la tua vita dalla suola della mia scarpa
Bring it on down. Bring it down for me
Portalo giù, portalo giù per me
Your head's in a fish tank
La tua testa è in un acquario
Your body and your mind can't breath
Il tuo corpo e la tua mente non possono respirare
Bring it on down. Bring it down for me
Portalo giù, portalo giù per me
Your head's in a fish tank
La tua testa è in un acquario
Your body and your mind can't breath
Il tuo corpo e la tua mente non possono respirare
You're the outcast - you're the underclass
Sei l'emarginato, sei la sottoclasse
But you don't care - because you're living fast
Ma non ti importa, perché stai vivendo velocemente
You're the un-invited guest who stays 'till the end
Sei l'ospite non invitato che resta fino alla fine
I know you've got a problem that the devil sends
So che hai un problema che il diavolo manda
You think they're talking 'bout you but you don't know who
Pensi che stiano parlando di te ma non sai chi
I'll be scraping their lives from the sole of my shoe tonight
Stasera raschierò le loro vite dalla suola della mia scarpa
What was that sound ringing around your brain?
Apa itu suara yang berdentang di sekitar otakmu?
Today was just a blur, you've got a head like a ghost train
Hari ini hanya kabur, kepalamu seperti kereta hantu
What was that sound ringing around your brain?
Apa itu suara yang berdentang di sekitar otakmu?
You're here on your own who you gonna find to blame?
Kamu di sini sendirian, siapa yang akan kamu salahkan?
You're the outcast - you're the underclass
Kamu adalah orang buangan, kamu adalah kelas bawah
But you don't care - because you're living fast
Tapi kamu tidak peduli, karena kamu hidup cepat
You're the un-invited guest who stays 'till the end
Kamu adalah tamu yang tidak diundang yang tinggal sampai akhir
I know you've got a problem that the devil sends
Aku tahu kamu punya masalah yang dikirim oleh setan
You think they're talking 'bout you but you don't know who
Kamu pikir mereka berbicara tentangmu tapi kamu tidak tahu siapa
I'll be scraping your life from the sole of my shoe tonight.
Aku akan mengikis hidupmu dari telapak sepatuku malam ini
Bring it on down. Bring it down for me
Bawalah ke bawah, bawalah turun untukku
Your head's in a fish tank
Kepalamu di dalam akuarium
Your body and your mind can't breath
Tubuh dan pikiranmu tidak bisa bernafas
Bring it on down. Bring it down for me
Bawalah ke bawah, bawalah turun untukku
Your head's in a fish tank
Kepalamu di dalam akuarium
Your body and your mind can't breath
Tubuh dan pikiranmu tidak bisa bernafas
You're the outcast - you're the underclass
Kamu adalah orang buangan, kamu adalah kelas bawah
But you don't care - because you're living fast
Tapi kamu tidak peduli, karena kamu hidup cepat
You're the un-invited guest who stays 'till the end
Kamu adalah tamu yang tidak diundang yang tinggal sampai akhir
I know you've got a problem that the devil sends
Aku tahu kamu punya masalah yang dikirim oleh setan
You think they're talking 'bout you but you don't know who
Kamu pikir mereka berbicara tentangmu tapi kamu tidak tahu siapa
I'll be scraping their lives from the sole of my shoe tonight
Aku akan mengikis hidup mereka dari telapak sepatuku malam ini
What was that sound ringing around your brain?
เสียงนั้นที่กำลังส่งเสียงรอบ ๆ สมองของคุณคืออะไร?
Today was just a blur, you've got a head like a ghost train
วันนี้เป็นแค่ภาพลับ ๆ ลา ๆ คุณมีหัวเหมือนรถไฟผี
What was that sound ringing around your brain?
เสียงนั้นที่กำลังส่งเสียงรอบ ๆ สมองของคุณคืออะไร?
You're here on your own who you gonna find to blame?
คุณอยู่ที่นี่คนเดียว คุณจะหาใครมาโทษ?
You're the outcast - you're the underclass
คุณคือผู้ที่ถูกขับไล่, คุณคือชั้นชนที่ถูกเหยียดหยาม
But you don't care - because you're living fast
แต่คุณไม่สนใจ เพราะคุณมีชีวิตอยู่อย่างรวดเร็ว
You're the un-invited guest who stays 'till the end
I know you've got a problem that the devil sends
You think they're talking 'bout you but you don't know who
คุณคิดว่าพวกเขากำลังพูดถึงคุณ แต่คุณไม่รู้ว่าใคร
I'll be scraping your life from the sole of my shoe tonight.
Bring it on down. Bring it down for me
นำมันมาลง, นำมันมาลงให้ฉัน
Your head's in a fish tank
Your body and your mind can't breath
Bring it on down. Bring it down for me
นำมันมาลง, นำมันมาลงให้ฉัน
Your head's in a fish tank
Your body and your mind can't breath
You're the outcast - you're the underclass
คุณคือผู้ที่ถูกขับไล่, คุณคือชั้นชนที่ถูกเหยียดหยาม
But you don't care - because you're living fast
แต่คุณไม่สนใจ เพราะคุณมีชีวิตอยู่อย่างรวดเร็ว
You're the un-invited guest who stays 'till the end
I know you've got a problem that the devil sends
You think they're talking 'bout you but you don't know who
คุณคิดว่าพวกเขากำลังพูดถึงคุณ แต่คุณไม่รู้ว่าใคร
I'll be scraping their lives from the sole of my shoe tonight
What was that sound ringing around your brain?
Today was just a blur, you've got a head like a ghost train
What was that sound ringing around your brain?
You're here on your own who you gonna find to blame?
You're the outcast - you're the underclass
But you don't care - because you're living fast
You're the un-invited guest who stays 'till the end
I know you've got a problem that the devil sends
You think they're talking 'bout you but you don't know who
I'll be scraping your life from the sole of my shoe tonight.
Bring it on down. Bring it down for me
Your head's in a fish tank
Your body and your mind can't breath
Bring it on down. Bring it down for me
Your head's in a fish tank
Your body and your mind can't breath
You're the outcast - you're the underclass
But you don't care - because you're living fast
You're the un-invited guest who stays 'till the end
I know you've got a problem that the devil sends
You think they're talking 'bout you but you don't know who
I'll be scraping their lives from the sole of my shoe tonight

Trivia about the song Bring It On Down by Oasis

On which albums was the song “Bring It On Down” released by Oasis?
Oasis released the song on the albums “Definitely Maybe” in 1994, “Shakermaker” in 1994, “Shakermaker - Single” in 1994, and “Definitely Maybe : Singles” in 1996.
Who composed the song “Bring It On Down” by Oasis?
The song “Bring It On Down” by Oasis was composed by Noel Gallagher.

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