Captain Bateman

Gordon Sumner

Lyrics Translation

Lord Bateman was a noble lord
A noble lord of high degree
Imprisoned in some foreign country
To spend his life in captivity

He is a captain in the King's own Navy
He spent his life upon the cold grey sea
What would he give now for a plate of meat and gravy
Or for an angel to appear and set him free

For seven years, he lives on bread and dirty water
A single candle in his prison room for light
Into the cell will walk the pretty jailer's daughter
The cloak she's wearing is as black as any night

She is a creature of captivating beauty
As this bold captain's hungry eyes would ever see
She looks upon him with the eye of love's desire
And so he begs her, "lady, will ye set me free?"

"What can you offer if you gain your freedom?
I'll lose my heart if I should ever set you free
I have the keys if you'll deliver me a promise
Should I release you, then you'll vow to marry me"

"You are a creature of captivating beauty
We could run and make a life beyond the sea"
He takes her hand in his and makes a solemn promise
"Unchain me now and I will vow to marry thee"

Beneath the city walls and down into the harbour
She'll throw his chains into the wine-dark sea
They'll find a ship, but now his hand is forced to stay her
"In truth, I never could have married thee"

She was a creature of captivating beauty
He still has many miles of ocean to traverse
His broken promises will move the gods to anger
All broken promises will render matters worse

She sees the black storm clouds on the horizon
His solemn promises lie broken
And whispered on the wind, as if it's spoken
He'll hear a maiden's curse

Lord Bateman was a noble lord
Lord Bateman era um nobre senhor
A noble lord of high degree
Um nobre senhor de alta estirpe
Imprisoned in some foreign country
Preso em algum país estrangeiro
To spend his life in captivity
Para passar sua vida em cativeiro
He is a captain in the King's own Navy
Ele é um capitão na própria Marinha do Rei
He spent his life upon the cold grey sea
Ele passou sua vida no frio mar cinzento
What would he give now for a plate of meat and gravy
O que ele daria agora por um prato de carne e molho
Or for an angel to appear and set him free
Ou por um anjo para aparecer e libertá-lo
For seven years, he lives on bread and dirty water
Por sete anos, ele vive de pão e água suja
A single candle in his prison room for light
Uma única vela em sua cela para iluminar
Into the cell will walk the pretty jailer's daughter
Na cela entrará a bela filha do carcereiro
The cloak she's wearing is as black as any night
A capa que ela usa é tão negra quanto qualquer noite
She is a creature of captivating beauty
Ela é uma criatura de beleza cativante
As this bold captain's hungry eyes would ever see
Como os olhos famintos deste audaz capitão jamais viram
She looks upon him with the eye of love's desire
Ela olha para ele com o olhar do desejo de amor
And so he begs her, "lady, will ye set me free?"
E então ele a implora, "senhora, vais me libertar?"
"What can you offer if you gain your freedom?
"O que você pode oferecer se ganhar sua liberdade?
I'll lose my heart if I should ever set you free
Perderei meu coração se eu te libertar
I have the keys if you'll deliver me a promise
Tenho as chaves se você me der uma promessa
Should I release you, then you'll vow to marry me"
Se eu te libertar, então você promete me casar"
"You are a creature of captivating beauty
"Você é uma criatura de beleza cativante
We could run and make a life beyond the sea"
Poderíamos fugir e fazer uma vida além do mar"
He takes her hand in his and makes a solemn promise
Ele pega a mão dela e faz uma promessa solene
"Unchain me now and I will vow to marry thee"
"Desacorrente-me agora e eu prometo me casar contigo"
Beneath the city walls and down into the harbour
Abaixo das muralhas da cidade e até o porto
She'll throw his chains into the wine-dark sea
Ela jogará suas correntes no mar escuro como vinho
They'll find a ship, but now his hand is forced to stay her
Eles encontrarão um navio, mas agora sua mão é forçada a detê-la
"In truth, I never could have married thee"
"Na verdade, eu nunca poderia ter me casado contigo"
She was a creature of captivating beauty
Ela era uma criatura de beleza cativante
He still has many miles of ocean to traverse
Ele ainda tem muitas milhas de oceano para atravessar
His broken promises will move the gods to anger
Suas promessas quebradas moverão os deuses para a ira
All broken promises will render matters worse
Todas as promessas quebradas tornarão as coisas piores
She sees the black storm clouds on the horizon
Ela vê as nuvens negras de tempestade no horizonte
His solemn promises lie broken
Suas promessas solenes estão quebradas
And whispered on the wind, as if it's spoken
E sussurrado ao vento, como se fosse falado
He'll hear a maiden's curse
Ele ouvirá a maldição de uma donzela
Lord Bateman was a noble lord
El señor Bateman era un noble señor
A noble lord of high degree
Un noble señor de alto rango
Imprisoned in some foreign country
Encarcelado en algún país extranjero
To spend his life in captivity
Para pasar su vida en cautiverio
He is a captain in the King's own Navy
Es un capitán en la propia Marina del Rey
He spent his life upon the cold grey sea
Pasó su vida en el frío y gris mar
What would he give now for a plate of meat and gravy
¿Qué daría ahora por un plato de carne y salsa?
Or for an angel to appear and set him free
O por un ángel que aparezca y lo libere
For seven years, he lives on bread and dirty water
Durante siete años, vive de pan y agua sucia
A single candle in his prison room for light
Una sola vela en su celda para iluminar
Into the cell will walk the pretty jailer's daughter
En la celda entrará la bonita hija del carcelero
The cloak she's wearing is as black as any night
La capa que lleva es tan negra como cualquier noche
She is a creature of captivating beauty
Ella es una criatura de cautivadora belleza
As this bold captain's hungry eyes would ever see
Como los hambrientos ojos de este audaz capitán jamás verían
She looks upon him with the eye of love's desire
Ella lo mira con el ojo del deseo de amor
And so he begs her, "lady, will ye set me free?"
Y así él le ruega, "señora, ¿me liberarás?"
"What can you offer if you gain your freedom?
"¿Qué puedes ofrecer si ganas tu libertad?
I'll lose my heart if I should ever set you free
Perderé mi corazón si alguna vez te libero
I have the keys if you'll deliver me a promise
Tengo las llaves si me entregas una promesa
Should I release you, then you'll vow to marry me"
Si te libero, entonces prometerás casarte conmigo"
"You are a creature of captivating beauty
"Eres una criatura de cautivadora belleza
We could run and make a life beyond the sea"
Podríamos huir y hacer una vida más allá del mar"
He takes her hand in his and makes a solemn promise
Toma su mano en la suya y hace una promesa solemne
"Unchain me now and I will vow to marry thee"
"Desencadéname ahora y prometeré casarme contigo"
Beneath the city walls and down into the harbour
Bajo las murallas de la ciudad y hasta el puerto
She'll throw his chains into the wine-dark sea
Ella arrojará sus cadenas al mar oscuro como el vino
They'll find a ship, but now his hand is forced to stay her
Encontrarán un barco, pero ahora su mano se ve obligada a detenerla
"In truth, I never could have married thee"
"En verdad, nunca podría haberme casado contigo"
She was a creature of captivating beauty
Ella era una criatura de cautivadora belleza
He still has many miles of ocean to traverse
Aún le quedan muchas millas de océano por recorrer
His broken promises will move the gods to anger
Sus promesas rotas moverán a los dioses a la ira
All broken promises will render matters worse
Todas las promesas rotas empeorarán las cosas
She sees the black storm clouds on the horizon
Ella ve las negras nubes de tormenta en el horizonte
His solemn promises lie broken
Sus solemnes promesas yacen rotas
And whispered on the wind, as if it's spoken
Y susurrado en el viento, como si se hubiera hablado
He'll hear a maiden's curse
Escuchará la maldición de una doncella
Lord Bateman was a noble lord
Lord Bateman était un noble seigneur
A noble lord of high degree
Un noble seigneur de haut rang
Imprisoned in some foreign country
Emprisonné dans un pays étranger
To spend his life in captivity
Pour passer sa vie en captivité
He is a captain in the King's own Navy
Il est capitaine dans la marine du Roi
He spent his life upon the cold grey sea
Il a passé sa vie sur la mer grise et froide
What would he give now for a plate of meat and gravy
Que donnerait-il maintenant pour une assiette de viande et de sauce
Or for an angel to appear and set him free
Ou pour qu'un ange apparaisse et le libère
For seven years, he lives on bread and dirty water
Pendant sept ans, il vit de pain et d'eau sale
A single candle in his prison room for light
Une seule bougie dans sa cellule pour éclairer
Into the cell will walk the pretty jailer's daughter
Dans la cellule entrera la jolie fille du geôlier
The cloak she's wearing is as black as any night
Le manteau qu'elle porte est aussi noir que n'importe quelle nuit
She is a creature of captivating beauty
Elle est une créature d'une beauté captivante
As this bold captain's hungry eyes would ever see
Comme les yeux affamés de ce capitaine audacieux ne l'ont jamais vue
She looks upon him with the eye of love's desire
Elle le regarde avec l'œil du désir amoureux
And so he begs her, "lady, will ye set me free?"
Et alors il la supplie, "madame, voulez-vous me libérer?"
"What can you offer if you gain your freedom?
"Que pouvez-vous offrir si vous retrouvez votre liberté?
I'll lose my heart if I should ever set you free
Je perdrai mon cœur si je devais jamais te libérer
I have the keys if you'll deliver me a promise
J'ai les clés si tu me donnes une promesse
Should I release you, then you'll vow to marry me"
Si je te libère, alors tu promets de m'épouser"
"You are a creature of captivating beauty
"Tu es une créature d'une beauté captivante
We could run and make a life beyond the sea"
Nous pourrions fuir et faire une vie au-delà de la mer"
He takes her hand in his and makes a solemn promise
Il prend sa main dans la sienne et fait une promesse solennelle
"Unchain me now and I will vow to marry thee"
"Déchaîne-moi maintenant et je promets de t'épouser"
Beneath the city walls and down into the harbour
Sous les murs de la ville et jusqu'au port
She'll throw his chains into the wine-dark sea
Elle jettera ses chaînes dans la mer sombre comme le vin
They'll find a ship, but now his hand is forced to stay her
Ils trouveront un navire, mais maintenant sa main est forcée de la retenir
"In truth, I never could have married thee"
"En vérité, je n'aurais jamais pu t'épouser"
She was a creature of captivating beauty
Elle était une créature d'une beauté captivante
He still has many miles of ocean to traverse
Il lui reste encore beaucoup de miles d'océan à traverser
His broken promises will move the gods to anger
Ses promesses brisées mettront les dieux en colère
All broken promises will render matters worse
Toutes les promesses brisées ne feront qu'aggraver les choses
She sees the black storm clouds on the horizon
Elle voit les nuages d'orage noirs à l'horizon
His solemn promises lie broken
Ses promesses solennelles sont brisées
And whispered on the wind, as if it's spoken
Et chuchoté sur le vent, comme s'il était parlé
He'll hear a maiden's curse
Il entendra la malédiction d'une jeune fille
Lord Bateman was a noble lord
Lord Bateman war ein edler Herr
A noble lord of high degree
Ein edler Herr von hohem Rang
Imprisoned in some foreign country
Gefangen in einem fremden Land
To spend his life in captivity
Um sein Leben in Gefangenschaft zu verbringen
He is a captain in the King's own Navy
Er ist ein Kapitän in der eigenen Marine des Königs
He spent his life upon the cold grey sea
Er verbrachte sein Leben auf dem kalten grauen Meer
What would he give now for a plate of meat and gravy
Was würde er jetzt für einen Teller Fleisch und Soße geben
Or for an angel to appear and set him free
Oder für einen Engel, der erscheint und ihn befreit
For seven years, he lives on bread and dirty water
Sieben Jahre lang lebt er von Brot und schmutzigem Wasser
A single candle in his prison room for light
Eine einzige Kerze in seinem Gefängniszimmer für Licht
Into the cell will walk the pretty jailer's daughter
In die Zelle wird die hübsche Tochter des Gefängniswärters gehen
The cloak she's wearing is as black as any night
Der Mantel, den sie trägt, ist so schwarz wie jede Nacht
She is a creature of captivating beauty
Sie ist ein Geschöpf von fesselnder Schönheit
As this bold captain's hungry eyes would ever see
Wie diese mutigen Kapitänsaugen jemals sehen würden
She looks upon him with the eye of love's desire
Sie sieht ihn mit dem Auge der Liebeslust an
And so he begs her, "lady, will ye set me free?"
Und so fleht er sie an: „Dame, wirst du mich befreien?“
"What can you offer if you gain your freedom?
„Was kannst du anbieten, wenn du deine Freiheit erlangst?
I'll lose my heart if I should ever set you free
Ich werde mein Herz verlieren, wenn ich dich jemals befreie
I have the keys if you'll deliver me a promise
Ich habe die Schlüssel, wenn du mir ein Versprechen gibst
Should I release you, then you'll vow to marry me"
Sollte ich dich freilassen, dann schwörst du, mich zu heiraten“
"You are a creature of captivating beauty
„Du bist ein Geschöpf von fesselnder Schönheit
We could run and make a life beyond the sea"
Wir könnten fliehen und ein Leben jenseits des Meeres führen“
He takes her hand in his and makes a solemn promise
Er nimmt ihre Hand in seine und gibt ein feierliches Versprechen
"Unchain me now and I will vow to marry thee"
„Entfessle mich jetzt und ich werde schwören, dich zu heiraten“
Beneath the city walls and down into the harbour
Unter den Stadtmauern und hinunter in den Hafen
She'll throw his chains into the wine-dark sea
Sie wird seine Ketten in das weindunkle Meer werfen
They'll find a ship, but now his hand is forced to stay her
Sie werden ein Schiff finden, aber jetzt ist seine Hand gezwungen, sie zu halten
"In truth, I never could have married thee"
„In Wahrheit hätte ich dich nie heiraten können“
She was a creature of captivating beauty
Sie war ein Geschöpf von fesselnder Schönheit
He still has many miles of ocean to traverse
Er hat noch viele Meilen Ozean zu durchqueren
His broken promises will move the gods to anger
Seine gebrochenen Versprechen werden die Götter zum Zorn bewegen
All broken promises will render matters worse
Alle gebrochenen Versprechen werden die Dinge nur verschlimmern
She sees the black storm clouds on the horizon
Sie sieht die schwarzen Sturmwolken am Horizont
His solemn promises lie broken
Seine feierlichen Versprechen liegen gebrochen
And whispered on the wind, as if it's spoken
Und auf dem Wind geflüstert, als ob es gesprochen wird
He'll hear a maiden's curse
Er wird einen Jungfrauenfluch hören
Lord Bateman was a noble lord
Lord Bateman era un nobile signore
A noble lord of high degree
Un nobile signore di alto rango
Imprisoned in some foreign country
Imprigionato in qualche paese straniero
To spend his life in captivity
Per trascorrere la sua vita in cattività
He is a captain in the King's own Navy
È un capitano nella Marina del Re
He spent his life upon the cold grey sea
Ha trascorso la sua vita sul freddo mare grigio
What would he give now for a plate of meat and gravy
Cosa darebbe ora per un piatto di carne e sugo
Or for an angel to appear and set him free
O per un angelo che appaia e lo liberi
For seven years, he lives on bread and dirty water
Per sette anni, vive di pane e acqua sporca
A single candle in his prison room for light
Una singola candela nella sua cella per la luce
Into the cell will walk the pretty jailer's daughter
Nella cella entrerà la graziosa figlia del carceriere
The cloak she's wearing is as black as any night
Il mantello che indossa è nero come qualsiasi notte
She is a creature of captivating beauty
È una creatura di affascinante bellezza
As this bold captain's hungry eyes would ever see
Come gli occhi affamati di questo audace capitano avrebbero mai visto
She looks upon him with the eye of love's desire
Lo guarda con l'occhio del desiderio d'amore
And so he begs her, "lady, will ye set me free?"
E così lui la supplica, "signora, mi libererai?"
"What can you offer if you gain your freedom?
"Cosa puoi offrire se ottieni la tua libertà?
I'll lose my heart if I should ever set you free
Perderò il mio cuore se dovessi mai liberarti
I have the keys if you'll deliver me a promise
Ho le chiavi se mi darai una promessa
Should I release you, then you'll vow to marry me"
Se ti rilascio, allora prometterai di sposarmi"
"You are a creature of captivating beauty
"Sei una creatura di affascinante bellezza
We could run and make a life beyond the sea"
Potremmo scappare e fare una vita oltre il mare"
He takes her hand in his and makes a solemn promise
Prende la sua mano nella sua e fa una promessa solenne
"Unchain me now and I will vow to marry thee"
"Slegami ora e prometto di sposarti"
Beneath the city walls and down into the harbour
Sotto le mura della città e giù nel porto
She'll throw his chains into the wine-dark sea
Getta le sue catene nel mare scuro come il vino
They'll find a ship, but now his hand is forced to stay her
Troveranno una nave, ma ora la sua mano è costretta a fermarla
"In truth, I never could have married thee"
"In verità, non avrei mai potuto sposarti"
She was a creature of captivating beauty
Era una creatura di affascinante bellezza
He still has many miles of ocean to traverse
Ha ancora molte miglia di oceano da attraversare
His broken promises will move the gods to anger
Le sue promesse infrante muoveranno gli dei all'ira
All broken promises will render matters worse
Tutte le promesse infrante peggioreranno le cose
She sees the black storm clouds on the horizon
Vede le nere nuvole tempestose all'orizzonte
His solemn promises lie broken
Le sue promesse solenni giacciono infrante
And whispered on the wind, as if it's spoken
E sussurrato nel vento, come se fosse parlato
He'll hear a maiden's curse
Sentirà la maledizione di una fanciulla

Trivia about the song Captain Bateman by Sting

When was the song “Captain Bateman” released by Sting?
The song Captain Bateman was released in 2021, on the album “The Bridge”.
Who composed the song “Captain Bateman” by Sting?
The song “Captain Bateman” by Sting was composed by Gordon Sumner.

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