Pale September

Fiona Apple Maggart

Lyrics Translation

Pale September, I wore the time like a dress that year
The autumn days swung soft around me, like cotton on my skin
But as the embers of the summer lost their breath and disappeared
My heart went cold and only hollow rhythms resounded from within
But then he rose, brilliant as the moon in full
And sank in the burrows of my keep

And all my armor falling down
In a pile at my feet
And my winter giving way to warm
As I'm singing him to sleep

He goes along just as a water lily
Gentle on the surface of his thoughts his body floats
Unweighed down by passion or intensity
Yet unaware of the depth upon which he coasts
And he finds a home in me
For what misfortune sows, he knows my touch will reap

And all my armor falling down
In a pile at my feet
And my winter giving way to warm
As I'm singing him to sleep

All my armor falling down
In a pile at my feet
And my winter giving way to warm
As I'm singing him to sleep

All my armor falling down
In a pile at my feet
And my winter giving way to warm
As I'm singing him to sleep

Pale September, I wore the time like a dress that year
Pálido setembro, eu vesti o tempo como um vestido naquele ano
The autumn days swung soft around me, like cotton on my skin
Os dias de outono balançavam suavemente ao meu redor, como algodão na minha pele
But as the embers of the summer lost their breath and disappeared
Mas quando as brasas do verão perderam o fôlego e desapareceram
My heart went cold and only hollow rhythms resounded from within
Meu coração esfriou e apenas ritmos vazios ressoaram de dentro
But then he rose, brilliant as the moon in full
Mas então ele se levantou, brilhante como a lua cheia
And sank in the burrows of my keep
E afundou nas tocas do meu refúgio
And all my armor falling down
E toda a minha armadura caindo
In a pile at my feet
Em uma pilha aos meus pés
And my winter giving way to warm
E meu inverno dando lugar ao calor
As I'm singing him to sleep
Enquanto eu o canto para dormir
He goes along just as a water lily
Ele segue adiante como um lírio d'água
Gentle on the surface of his thoughts his body floats
Suave na superfície de seus pensamentos seu corpo flutua
Unweighed down by passion or intensity
Não pesado pela paixão ou intensidade
Yet unaware of the depth upon which he coasts
No entanto, inconsciente da profundidade sobre a qual ele navega
And he finds a home in me
E ele encontra um lar em mim
For what misfortune sows, he knows my touch will reap
Para o que a desgraça semeia, ele sabe que meu toque colherá
And all my armor falling down
E toda a minha armadura caindo
In a pile at my feet
Em uma pilha aos meus pés
And my winter giving way to warm
E meu inverno dando lugar ao calor
As I'm singing him to sleep
Enquanto eu o canto para dormir
All my armor falling down
Toda a minha armadura caindo
In a pile at my feet
Em uma pilha aos meus pés
And my winter giving way to warm
E meu inverno dando lugar ao calor
As I'm singing him to sleep
Enquanto eu o canto para dormir
All my armor falling down
Toda a minha armadura caindo
In a pile at my feet
Em uma pilha aos meus pés
And my winter giving way to warm
E meu inverno dando lugar ao calor
As I'm singing him to sleep
Enquanto eu o canto para dormir
Pale September, I wore the time like a dress that year
Septiembre pálido, llevé el tiempo como un vestido ese año
The autumn days swung soft around me, like cotton on my skin
Los días de otoño se me balanceaban suaves, como el algodón en mi piel
But as the embers of the summer lost their breath and disappeared
Pero cuando las brasas del verano perdieron el aliento y desaparecieron
My heart went cold and only hollow rhythms resounded from within
Mi corazón se enfrió y sólo huecos ritmos resonaron desde adentro
But then he rose, brilliant as the moon in full
Pero entonces él surgió, brillante como la luna llena
And sank in the burrows of my keep
Y se hundió en las madrigueras de mi fortaleza
And all my armor falling down
Y toda mi armadura se derrumbó
In a pile at my feet
En un montón a mis pies
And my winter giving way to warm
Y mi invierno dio paso al calor
As I'm singing him to sleep
Mientras lo arrullo
He goes along just as a water lily
Él sigue adelante como un lirio acuático
Gentle on the surface of his thoughts his body floats
Suave en la superficie de sus pensamientos su cuerpo flota
Unweighed down by passion or intensity
Sin estar abrumado por la pasión o la intensidad
Yet unaware of the depth upon which he coasts
Aun sin ser consciente de la profundidad sobre la que se desliza
And he finds a home in me
Y él encuentra un hogar en mí
For what misfortune sows, he knows my touch will reap
Por lo que la desgracia siembra, él sabe que mi toque cosechará
And all my armor falling down
Y toda mi armadura derrumbándose
In a pile at my feet
En un montón a mis pies
And my winter giving way to warm
Y mi invierno dio paso al calor
As I'm singing him to sleep
Mientras lo arrullo
All my armor falling down
Y toda mi armadura derrumbándose
In a pile at my feet
En un montón a mis pies
And my winter giving way to warm
Y mi invierno dio paso al calor
As I'm singing him to sleep
Mientras lo arrullo
All my armor falling down
Y toda mi armadura derrumbándose
In a pile at my feet
En un montón a mis pies
And my winter giving way to warm
Y mi invierno dio paso al calor
As I'm singing him to sleep
Mientras lo arrullo
Pale September, I wore the time like a dress that year
Pâle septembre, j'ai porté le temps comme une robe cette année
The autumn days swung soft around me, like cotton on my skin
Les jours d'automne se balançaient doucement autour de moi, comme du coton sur ma peau
But as the embers of the summer lost their breath and disappeared
Mais alors que les braises de l'été perdaient leur souffle et disparaissaient
My heart went cold and only hollow rhythms resounded from within
Mon cœur est devenu froid et seuls des rythmes creux résonnaient de l'intérieur
But then he rose, brilliant as the moon in full
Mais alors il s'est levé, brillant comme la lune en pleine
And sank in the burrows of my keep
Et a coulé dans les terriers de ma forteresse
And all my armor falling down
Et toute mon armure tombant
In a pile at my feet
Dans un tas à mes pieds
And my winter giving way to warm
Et mon hiver cédant la place à la chaleur
As I'm singing him to sleep
Alors que je le berce pour l'endormir
He goes along just as a water lily
Il avance comme un nénuphar
Gentle on the surface of his thoughts his body floats
Doux à la surface de ses pensées, son corps flotte
Unweighed down by passion or intensity
Non alourdi par la passion ou l'intensité
Yet unaware of the depth upon which he coasts
Pourtant inconscient de la profondeur sur laquelle il navigue
And he finds a home in me
Et il trouve un foyer en moi
For what misfortune sows, he knows my touch will reap
Pour ce que le malheur sème, il sait que ma toucher récoltera
And all my armor falling down
Et toute mon armure tombant
In a pile at my feet
Dans un tas à mes pieds
And my winter giving way to warm
Et mon hiver cédant la place à la chaleur
As I'm singing him to sleep
Alors que je le berce pour l'endormir
All my armor falling down
Toute mon armure tombant
In a pile at my feet
Dans un tas à mes pieds
And my winter giving way to warm
Et mon hiver cédant la place à la chaleur
As I'm singing him to sleep
Alors que je le berce pour l'endormir
All my armor falling down
Toute mon armure tombant
In a pile at my feet
Dans un tas à mes pieds
And my winter giving way to warm
Et mon hiver cédant la place à la chaleur
As I'm singing him to sleep
Alors que je le berce pour l'endormir
Pale September, I wore the time like a dress that year
Blasser September, ich trug die Zeit wie ein Kleid in jenem Jahr
The autumn days swung soft around me, like cotton on my skin
Die Herbsttage schaukelten sanft um mich herum, wie Baumwolle auf meiner Haut
But as the embers of the summer lost their breath and disappeared
Aber als die Glut des Sommers ihren Atem verlor und verschwand
My heart went cold and only hollow rhythms resounded from within
Wurde mein Herz kalt und nur hohle Rhythmen hallten von innen wider
But then he rose, brilliant as the moon in full
Aber dann stieg er auf, strahlend wie der Vollmond
And sank in the burrows of my keep
Und sank in die Burgen meines Schutzes
And all my armor falling down
Und all meine Rüstung fällt herunter
In a pile at my feet
In einem Haufen zu meinen Füßen
And my winter giving way to warm
Und mein Winter weicht der Wärme
As I'm singing him to sleep
Während ich ihn in den Schlaf singe
He goes along just as a water lily
Er geht dahin, genau wie eine Seerose
Gentle on the surface of his thoughts his body floats
Sanft an der Oberfläche seiner Gedanken schwebt sein Körper
Unweighed down by passion or intensity
Nicht belastet von Leidenschaft oder Intensität
Yet unaware of the depth upon which he coasts
Doch sich der Tiefe, auf der er treibt, nicht bewusst
And he finds a home in me
Und er findet ein Zuhause in mir
For what misfortune sows, he knows my touch will reap
Denn was das Unglück sät, weiß er, wird meine Berührung ernten
And all my armor falling down
Und all meine Rüstung fällt herunter
In a pile at my feet
In einem Haufen zu meinen Füßen
And my winter giving way to warm
Und mein Winter weicht der Wärme
As I'm singing him to sleep
Während ich ihn in den Schlaf singe
All my armor falling down
All meine Rüstung fällt herunter
In a pile at my feet
In einem Haufen zu meinen Füßen
And my winter giving way to warm
Und mein Winter weicht der Wärme
As I'm singing him to sleep
Während ich ihn in den Schlaf singe
All my armor falling down
All meine Rüstung fällt herunter
In a pile at my feet
In einem Haufen zu meinen Füßen
And my winter giving way to warm
Und mein Winter weicht der Wärme
As I'm singing him to sleep
Während ich ihn in den Schlaf singe
Pale September, I wore the time like a dress that year
Pallido settembre, quell'anno indossavo il tempo come un vestito
The autumn days swung soft around me, like cotton on my skin
I giorni autunnali mi avvolgevano dolcemente, come cotone sulla mia pelle
But as the embers of the summer lost their breath and disappeared
Ma quando le braci dell'estate persero il respiro e scomparvero
My heart went cold and only hollow rhythms resounded from within
Il mio cuore si raffreddò e solo ritmi vuoti risuonavano dentro di me
But then he rose, brilliant as the moon in full
Ma poi lui si alzò, brillante come la luna piena
And sank in the burrows of my keep
E sprofondò nelle tane del mio rifugio
And all my armor falling down
E tutta la mia armatura cadeva
In a pile at my feet
In un mucchio ai miei piedi
And my winter giving way to warm
E il mio inverno cedeva al caldo
As I'm singing him to sleep
Mentre lo canto per farlo addormentare
He goes along just as a water lily
Lui procede tranquillo come un giglio d'acqua
Gentle on the surface of his thoughts his body floats
Leggero sulla superficie dei suoi pensieri il suo corpo galleggia
Unweighed down by passion or intensity
Non appesantito dalla passione o dall'intensità
Yet unaware of the depth upon which he coasts
Eppure inconsapevole della profondità su cui naviga
And he finds a home in me
E trova una casa in me
For what misfortune sows, he knows my touch will reap
Per quello che la sfortuna semina, sa che il mio tocco raccoglierà
And all my armor falling down
E tutta la mia armatura cadeva
In a pile at my feet
In un mucchio ai miei piedi
And my winter giving way to warm
E il mio inverno cedeva al caldo
As I'm singing him to sleep
Mentre lo canto per farlo addormentare
All my armor falling down
Tutta la mia armatura cadeva
In a pile at my feet
In un mucchio ai miei piedi
And my winter giving way to warm
E il mio inverno cedeva al caldo
As I'm singing him to sleep
Mentre lo canto per farlo addormentare
All my armor falling down
Tutta la mia armatura cadeva
In a pile at my feet
In un mucchio ai miei piedi
And my winter giving way to warm
E il mio inverno cedeva al caldo
As I'm singing him to sleep
Mentre lo canto per farlo addormentare
Pale September, I wore the time like a dress that year
September yang pucat, aku mengenakan waktu seperti gaun tahun itu
The autumn days swung soft around me, like cotton on my skin
Hari-hari musim gugur berayun lembut di sekitarku, seperti kapas di kulitku
But as the embers of the summer lost their breath and disappeared
Tapi ketika bara musim panas kehilangan nafas dan menghilang
My heart went cold and only hollow rhythms resounded from within
Hatiku menjadi dingin dan hanya irama hampa yang bergema dari dalam
But then he rose, brilliant as the moon in full
Tapi kemudian dia bangkit, cemerlang seperti bulan purnama
And sank in the burrows of my keep
Dan tenggelam di dalam lubang pertahananku
And all my armor falling down
Dan semua baju besiku jatuh
In a pile at my feet
Menumpuk di kaki saya
And my winter giving way to warm
Dan musim dinginku memberi jalan kepada hangat
As I'm singing him to sleep
Saat aku menyanyikannya tidur
He goes along just as a water lily
Dia berjalan seperti teratai
Gentle on the surface of his thoughts his body floats
Lembut di permukaan pikirannya tubuhnya mengapung
Unweighed down by passion or intensity
Tidak dibebani oleh hasrat atau intensitas
Yet unaware of the depth upon which he coasts
Namun tidak sadar akan kedalaman tempat dia berlayar
And he finds a home in me
Dan dia menemukan rumah di dalamku
For what misfortune sows, he knows my touch will reap
Untuk apa yang ditabur oleh kesialan, dia tahu sentuhanku akan menuai
And all my armor falling down
Dan semua baju besiku jatuh
In a pile at my feet
Menumpuk di kaki saya
And my winter giving way to warm
Dan musim dinginku memberi jalan kepada hangat
As I'm singing him to sleep
Saat aku menyanyikannya tidur
All my armor falling down
Semua baju besiku jatuh
In a pile at my feet
Menumpuk di kaki saya
And my winter giving way to warm
Dan musim dinginku memberi jalan kepada hangat
As I'm singing him to sleep
Saat aku menyanyikannya tidur
All my armor falling down
Semua baju besiku jatuh
In a pile at my feet
Menumpuk di kaki saya
And my winter giving way to warm
Dan musim dinginku memberi jalan kepada hangat
As I'm singing him to sleep
Saat aku menyanyikannya tidur
Pale September, I wore the time like a dress that year
เซปเทมเบอร์ที่ซีดเหลือง, ปีนั้นฉันสวมเวลาเหมือนชุดเดรส
The autumn days swung soft around me, like cotton on my skin
วันในฤดูใบไม้ร่วงโบยบินอย่างนุ่มนวลรอบตัวฉัน, เหมือนฝ้ายบนผิวหนังของฉัน
But as the embers of the summer lost their breath and disappeared
My heart went cold and only hollow rhythms resounded from within
But then he rose, brilliant as the moon in full
แต่แล้วเขาก็ขึ้น, สว่างเหมือนดวงจันทร์เต็มดวง
And sank in the burrows of my keep
And all my armor falling down
In a pile at my feet
And my winter giving way to warm
As I'm singing him to sleep
He goes along just as a water lily
Gentle on the surface of his thoughts his body floats
อ่อนโยนบนผิวของความคิดของเขา ร่างกายของเขาลอย
Unweighed down by passion or intensity
Yet unaware of the depth upon which he coasts
And he finds a home in me
For what misfortune sows, he knows my touch will reap
สำหรับสิ่งที่โชคร้ายหว่าน, เขารู้ว่าการสัมผัสของฉันจะเก็บเกี่ยว
And all my armor falling down
In a pile at my feet
And my winter giving way to warm
As I'm singing him to sleep
All my armor falling down
In a pile at my feet
And my winter giving way to warm
As I'm singing him to sleep
All my armor falling down
In a pile at my feet
And my winter giving way to warm
As I'm singing him to sleep
Pale September, I wore the time like a dress that year
The autumn days swung soft around me, like cotton on my skin
But as the embers of the summer lost their breath and disappeared
My heart went cold and only hollow rhythms resounded from within
But then he rose, brilliant as the moon in full
And sank in the burrows of my keep
And all my armor falling down
In a pile at my feet
And my winter giving way to warm
As I'm singing him to sleep
He goes along just as a water lily
Gentle on the surface of his thoughts his body floats
Unweighed down by passion or intensity
Yet unaware of the depth upon which he coasts
And he finds a home in me
For what misfortune sows, he knows my touch will reap
And all my armor falling down
In a pile at my feet
And my winter giving way to warm
As I'm singing him to sleep
All my armor falling down
In a pile at my feet
And my winter giving way to warm
As I'm singing him to sleep
All my armor falling down
In a pile at my feet
And my winter giving way to warm
As I'm singing him to sleep

Trivia about the song Pale September by Fiona Apple

On which albums was the song “Pale September” released by Fiona Apple?
Fiona Apple released the song on the albums “Tidal” in 1996 and “Sleep To Dream - Single” in 1997.
Who composed the song “Pale September” by Fiona Apple?
The song “Pale September” by Fiona Apple was composed by Fiona Apple Maggart.

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