Every Part of Me


Lyrics Translation

I'm living incomplete
My mind is racing day to day
It's bleeding every part of me
I've been swimming in desire
That's fueling my soul
But I can't feed this fire alone

I can't feel alive
If I can breathe the air
That's been frozen
When you're so far away
And I just need to find
A simple kind of way
To keep you closer
'Cause you're every part of me

Am I everything you need
Are you craving me the same way
Inside my body screaming
I'm addicted to your taste
And the way you like to show me
How we've become one and the same

I can't feel alive
If I can breathe the air
That's been frozen
When you're so far away
And I just need to find
A simple kind of way
To keep you closer
'Cause you're every part of me

Every night I've been bleeding
It's tearing me apart down to my bones
Every time I feel completed
There's always one more thing
Reminding me that I'm not whole
How can I let you go?

I can't feel alive
If I can breathe the air
That's been frozen
When you're so far away
And I just need to find
A simple kind of way
To keep you closer
'Cause you're every part of me
Every part of me
Every part of me

I'm living incomplete
Estou vivendo incompleto
My mind is racing day to day
Minha mente está correndo dia após dia
It's bleeding every part of me
Está sangrando cada parte de mim
I've been swimming in desire
Eu tenho nadado em desejo
That's fueling my soul
Que está alimentando minha alma
But I can't feed this fire alone
Mas eu não posso alimentar esse fogo sozinho
I can't feel alive
Eu não consigo me sentir vivo
If I can breathe the air
Se eu posso respirar o ar
That's been frozen
Que foi congelado
When you're so far away
Quando você está tão longe
And I just need to find
E eu só preciso encontrar
A simple kind of way
Uma maneira simples
To keep you closer
Para te manter mais perto
'Cause you're every part of me
Porque você é cada parte de mim
Am I everything you need
Eu sou tudo o que você precisa
Are you craving me the same way
Você está me desejando da mesma maneira
Inside my body screaming
Dentro do meu corpo gritando
I'm addicted to your taste
Estou viciado no seu gosto
And the way you like to show me
E a maneira como você gosta de me mostrar
How we've become one and the same
Como nos tornamos um e o mesmo
I can't feel alive
Eu não consigo me sentir vivo
If I can breathe the air
Se eu posso respirar o ar
That's been frozen
Que foi congelado
When you're so far away
Quando você está tão longe
And I just need to find
E eu só preciso encontrar
A simple kind of way
Uma maneira simples
To keep you closer
Para te manter mais perto
'Cause you're every part of me
Porque você é cada parte de mim
Every night I've been bleeding
Toda noite eu tenho sangrado
It's tearing me apart down to my bones
Está me rasgando até os ossos
Every time I feel completed
Toda vez que me sinto completo
There's always one more thing
Sempre há mais uma coisa
Reminding me that I'm not whole
Me lembrando que eu não estou inteiro
How can I let you go?
Como posso te deixar ir?
I can't feel alive
Eu não consigo me sentir vivo
If I can breathe the air
Se eu posso respirar o ar
That's been frozen
Que foi congelado
When you're so far away
Quando você está tão longe
And I just need to find
E eu só preciso encontrar
A simple kind of way
Uma maneira simples
To keep you closer
Para te manter mais perto
'Cause you're every part of me
Porque você é cada parte de mim
Every part of me
Cada parte de mim
Every part of me
Cada parte de mim
I'm living incomplete
Estoy viviendo incompleto
My mind is racing day to day
Mi mente corre día tras día
It's bleeding every part of me
Está sangrando cada parte de mí
I've been swimming in desire
He estado nadando en deseo
That's fueling my soul
Que está alimentando mi alma
But I can't feed this fire alone
Pero no puedo alimentar este fuego solo
I can't feel alive
No puedo sentirme vivo
If I can breathe the air
Si puedo respirar el aire
That's been frozen
Que ha sido congelado
When you're so far away
Cuando estás tan lejos
And I just need to find
Y solo necesito encontrar
A simple kind of way
Una forma sencilla de
To keep you closer
Mantenerme más cerca
'Cause you're every part of me
Porque eres cada parte de mí
Am I everything you need
¿Soy todo lo que necesitas?
Are you craving me the same way
¿Me anhelas de la misma manera?
Inside my body screaming
Dentro de mi cuerpo gritando
I'm addicted to your taste
Estoy adicto a tu sabor
And the way you like to show me
Y la forma en que te gusta mostrarme
How we've become one and the same
Cómo nos hemos convertido en uno y lo mismo
I can't feel alive
No puedo sentirme vivo
If I can breathe the air
Si puedo respirar el aire
That's been frozen
Que ha sido congelado
When you're so far away
Cuando estás tan lejos
And I just need to find
Y solo necesito encontrar
A simple kind of way
Una forma sencilla de
To keep you closer
Mantenerme más cerca
'Cause you're every part of me
Porque eres cada parte de mí
Every night I've been bleeding
Cada noche he estado sangrando
It's tearing me apart down to my bones
Está desgarrándome hasta los huesos
Every time I feel completed
Cada vez que me siento completo
There's always one more thing
Siempre hay una cosa más
Reminding me that I'm not whole
Recordándome que no estoy completo
How can I let you go?
¿Cómo puedo dejarte ir?
I can't feel alive
No puedo sentirme vivo
If I can breathe the air
Si puedo respirar el aire
That's been frozen
Que ha sido congelado
When you're so far away
Cuando estás tan lejos
And I just need to find
Y solo necesito encontrar
A simple kind of way
Una forma sencilla de
To keep you closer
Mantenerme más cerca
'Cause you're every part of me
Porque eres cada parte de mí
Every part of me
Cada parte de mí
Every part of me
Cada parte de mí
I'm living incomplete
Je vis incomplet
My mind is racing day to day
Mon esprit fait la course jour après jour
It's bleeding every part of me
Il saigne chaque partie de moi
I've been swimming in desire
J'ai nagé dans le désir
That's fueling my soul
Qui alimente mon âme
But I can't feed this fire alone
Mais je ne peux pas nourrir ce feu seul
I can't feel alive
Je ne peux pas me sentir vivant
If I can breathe the air
Si je peux respirer l'air
That's been frozen
Qui a été gelé
When you're so far away
Quand tu es si loin
And I just need to find
Et j'ai juste besoin de trouver
A simple kind of way
Une manière simple
To keep you closer
Pour te garder plus près
'Cause you're every part of me
Car tu es chaque partie de moi
Am I everything you need
Suis-je tout ce dont tu as besoin
Are you craving me the same way
Est-ce que tu me désires de la même manière
Inside my body screaming
A l'intérieur mon corps crie
I'm addicted to your taste
Je suis accro à ton goût
And the way you like to show me
Et à la façon dont tu aimes me montrer
How we've become one and the same
Comment nous sommes devenus un et le même
I can't feel alive
Je ne peux pas me sentir vivant
If I can breathe the air
Si je peux respirer l'air
That's been frozen
Qui a été gelé
When you're so far away
Quand tu es si loin
And I just need to find
Et j'ai juste besoin de trouver
A simple kind of way
Une manière simple
To keep you closer
Pour te garder plus près
'Cause you're every part of me
Car tu es chaque partie de moi
Every night I've been bleeding
Chaque nuit j'ai saigné
It's tearing me apart down to my bones
Cela me déchire jusqu'à mes os
Every time I feel completed
Chaque fois que je me sens complet
There's always one more thing
Il y a toujours une chose de plus
Reminding me that I'm not whole
Qui me rappelle que je ne suis pas entier
How can I let you go?
Comment puis-je te laisser partir?
I can't feel alive
Je ne peux pas me sentir vivant
If I can breathe the air
Si je peux respirer l'air
That's been frozen
Qui a été gelé
When you're so far away
Quand tu es si loin
And I just need to find
Et j'ai juste besoin de trouver
A simple kind of way
Une manière simple
To keep you closer
Pour te garder plus près
'Cause you're every part of me
Car tu es chaque partie de moi
Every part of me
Chaque partie de moi
Every part of me
Chaque partie de moi
I'm living incomplete
Ich lebe unvollständig
My mind is racing day to day
Mein Verstand rast Tag für Tag
It's bleeding every part of me
Er blutet jeden Teil von mir
I've been swimming in desire
Ich habe in Verlangen geschwommen
That's fueling my soul
Das meine Seele antreibt
But I can't feed this fire alone
Aber ich kann dieses Feuer nicht alleine nähren
I can't feel alive
Ich kann mich nicht lebendig fühlen
If I can breathe the air
Wenn ich die Luft atmen kann
That's been frozen
Die gefroren wurde
When you're so far away
Wenn du so weit weg bist
And I just need to find
Und ich muss nur einen Weg finden
A simple kind of way
Eine einfache Art und Weise
To keep you closer
Um dich näher zu halten
'Cause you're every part of me
Denn du bist jeder Teil von mir
Am I everything you need
Bin ich alles, was du brauchst
Are you craving me the same way
Sehnst du dich auf die gleiche Weise nach mir
Inside my body screaming
In meinem Körper schreit es
I'm addicted to your taste
Ich bin süchtig nach deinem Geschmack
And the way you like to show me
Und die Art und Weise, wie du mir gerne zeigst
How we've become one and the same
Wie wir eins und dasselbe geworden sind
I can't feel alive
Ich kann mich nicht lebendig fühlen
If I can breathe the air
Wenn ich die Luft atmen kann
That's been frozen
Die gefroren wurde
When you're so far away
Wenn du so weit weg bist
And I just need to find
Und ich muss nur einen Weg finden
A simple kind of way
Eine einfache Art und Weise
To keep you closer
Um dich näher zu halten
'Cause you're every part of me
Denn du bist jeder Teil von mir
Every night I've been bleeding
Jede Nacht habe ich geblutet
It's tearing me apart down to my bones
Es zerreißt mich bis auf die Knochen
Every time I feel completed
Jedes Mal, wenn ich mich vollständig fühle
There's always one more thing
Gibt es immer noch eine Sache
Reminding me that I'm not whole
Die mich daran erinnert, dass ich nicht ganz bin
How can I let you go?
Wie kann ich dich gehen lassen?
I can't feel alive
Ich kann mich nicht lebendig fühlen
If I can breathe the air
Wenn ich die Luft atmen kann
That's been frozen
Die gefroren wurde
When you're so far away
Wenn du so weit weg bist
And I just need to find
Und ich muss nur einen Weg finden
A simple kind of way
Eine einfache Art und Weise
To keep you closer
Um dich näher zu halten
'Cause you're every part of me
Denn du bist jeder Teil von mir
Every part of me
Jeder Teil von mir
Every part of me
Jeder Teil von mir
I'm living incomplete
Vivo in modo incompleto
My mind is racing day to day
La mia mente corre giorno dopo giorno
It's bleeding every part of me
Sta sanguinando ogni parte di me
I've been swimming in desire
Ho nuotato nel desiderio
That's fueling my soul
Che alimenta la mia anima
But I can't feed this fire alone
Ma non posso alimentare questo fuoco da solo
I can't feel alive
Non posso sentirmi vivo
If I can breathe the air
Se posso respirare l'aria
That's been frozen
Che è stata congelata
When you're so far away
Quando sei così lontano
And I just need to find
E ho solo bisogno di trovare
A simple kind of way
Un modo semplice
To keep you closer
Per tenerti più vicino
'Cause you're every part of me
Perché sei ogni parte di me
Am I everything you need
Sono tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno
Are you craving me the same way
Mi desideri allo stesso modo
Inside my body screaming
Dentro il mio corpo che urla
I'm addicted to your taste
Sono dipendente dal tuo sapore
And the way you like to show me
E dal modo in cui mi mostri
How we've become one and the same
Come siamo diventati uno e lo stesso
I can't feel alive
Non posso sentirmi vivo
If I can breathe the air
Se posso respirare l'aria
That's been frozen
Che è stata congelata
When you're so far away
Quando sei così lontano
And I just need to find
E ho solo bisogno di trovare
A simple kind of way
Un modo semplice
To keep you closer
Per tenerti più vicino
'Cause you're every part of me
Perché sei ogni parte di me
Every night I've been bleeding
Ogni notte sto sanguinando
It's tearing me apart down to my bones
Mi sta lacerando fino alle ossa
Every time I feel completed
Ogni volta che mi sento completo
There's always one more thing
C'è sempre qualcosa in più
Reminding me that I'm not whole
Che mi ricorda che non sono intero
How can I let you go?
Come posso lasciarti andare?
I can't feel alive
Non posso sentirmi vivo
If I can breathe the air
Se posso respirare l'aria
That's been frozen
Che è stata congelata
When you're so far away
Quando sei così lontano
And I just need to find
E ho solo bisogno di trovare
A simple kind of way
Un modo semplice
To keep you closer
Per tenerti più vicino
'Cause you're every part of me
Perché sei ogni parte di me
Every part of me
Ogni parte di me
Every part of me
Ogni parte di me

Trivia about the song Every Part of Me by Godsmack

When was the song “Every Part of Me” released by Godsmack?
The song Every Part of Me was released in 2018, on the album “When Legends Rise”.
Who composed the song “Every Part of Me” by Godsmack?
The song “Every Part of Me” by Godsmack was composed by JOHN FELDMAN, SALVATORE P. ERNA.

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