The Deal

Mitsuki Laycock

Lyrics Translation

There's a deal you can make on a midnight walk alone
Look around, listen close, hear it fall from above
It will ask what you'd give and what you'd take for it in return
I once went on such a walk and I found that I'd said

I want someone to take this soul
I can't bear to keep it
I'd give it just to give
And all I will take are the consequences
Will somebody take this soul?

Then, of course, nothing replied, nothing speaks to you in the night
And I walked my way home, there was no one in sight
Save a bird perched upon a streetlight, watchin' me
So, I stopped and let it watch 'til I found that it said

Now I'm taken, the night has me
You won't hear me singin'
You're a cage without me
Your pain is eased but you'll never be free, for
Now I'm taken, the night has me

There's a deal that I made
There's a deal that I made
There's a deal that I made
There's a deal

There's a deal you can make on a midnight walk alone
Há um acordo que você pode fazer durante uma caminhada sozinha à meia-noite
Look around, listen close, hear it fall from above
Olhe ao seu redor, ouça atentamente, ouça cair de lá de cima
It will ask what you'd give and what you'd take for it in return
Ele vai te perguntar o que você daria e o que você aceitaria em troca
I once went on such a walk and I found that I'd said
Uma vez eu fiz tal caminhada e descobri que eu diria
I want someone to take this soul
Eu quero alguém para levar esta alma
I can't bear to keep it
Eu não posso suportar manter ela
I'd give it just to give
Eu daria ela simplesmente para dar ela
And all I will take are the consequences
E tudo que eu aceitaria em troca são as consequências
Will somebody take this soul?
Alguém quer levar essa alma?
Then, of course, nothing replied, nothing speaks to you in the night
Então, é claro, ninguém respondeu de volta, não existe nada que venha a falar com você à noite
And I walked my way home, there was no one in sight
E eu caminhei de volta para casa, não havia ninguém à vista
Save a bird perched upon a streetlight, watchin' me
Exceto um pássaro pousado em um poste de luz, me observando
So, I stopped and let it watch 'til I found that it said
Então, eu parei e deixei que ele observasse até que descobri que ele disse
Now I'm taken, the night has me
Agora eu sou levado, a noite me tem
You won't hear me singin'
Você não vai me ouvir cantar
You're a cage without me
Você, sem mim, é uma gaiola
Your pain is eased but you'll never be free, for
Sua dor é aliviada, mas você nunca será livre, pois
Now I'm taken, the night has me
Agora eu sou levado, a noite me tem
There's a deal that I made
Tem um acordo que eu fiz
There's a deal that I made
Tem um acordo que eu fiz
There's a deal that I made
Tem um acordo que eu fiz
There's a deal
Tem um acordo
There's a deal you can make on a midnight walk alone
Hay un trato que puedes hacer en un paseo solitario a medianoche
Look around, listen close, hear it fall from above
Mira alrededor, escucha atentamente, escúchalo caer desde arriba
It will ask what you'd give and what you'd take for it in return
Te preguntará qué darías y qué tomarías a cambio
I once went on such a walk and I found that I'd said
Una vez hice tal paseo y descubrí que había dicho
I want someone to take this soul
Quiero que alguien tome esta alma
I can't bear to keep it
No soporto mantenerla
I'd give it just to give
La daría solo por dar
And all I will take are the consequences
Y todo lo que tomaré son las consecuencias
Will somebody take this soul?
¿Alguien tomará esta alma?
Then, of course, nothing replied, nothing speaks to you in the night
Entonces, por supuesto, nada respondió, nada te habla en la noche
And I walked my way home, there was no one in sight
Y caminé a casa, no había nadie a la vista
Save a bird perched upon a streetlight, watchin' me
Salvo un pájaro posado en una farola, observándome
So, I stopped and let it watch 'til I found that it said
Así que, me detuve y dejé que me observara hasta que descubrí que decía
Now I'm taken, the night has me
Ahora estoy comprometido, la noche me tiene
You won't hear me singin'
No me oirás cantar
You're a cage without me
Eres una jaula sin mí
Your pain is eased but you'll never be free, for
Tu dolor se alivia pero nunca serás libre, porque
Now I'm taken, the night has me
Ahora estoy comprometido, la noche me tiene
There's a deal that I made
Hay un trato que hice
There's a deal that I made
Hay un trato que hice
There's a deal that I made
Hay un trato que hice
There's a deal
Hay un trato
There's a deal you can make on a midnight walk alone
Il y a un marché que tu peux faire lors d'une promenade solitaire à minuit
Look around, listen close, hear it fall from above
Regarde autour de toi, écoute attentivement, entends-le tomber d'en haut
It will ask what you'd give and what you'd take for it in return
Il demandera ce que tu donnerais et ce que tu prendrais en retour
I once went on such a walk and I found that I'd said
J'ai déjà fait une telle promenade et j'ai découvert que j'avais dit
I want someone to take this soul
Je veux que quelqu'un prenne cette âme
I can't bear to keep it
Je ne peux pas supporter de la garder
I'd give it just to give
Je la donnerais juste pour donner
And all I will take are the consequences
Et tout ce que je prendrai sont les conséquences
Will somebody take this soul?
Est-ce que quelqu'un prendra cette âme?
Then, of course, nothing replied, nothing speaks to you in the night
Puis, bien sûr, rien n'a répondu, rien ne te parle dans la nuit
And I walked my way home, there was no one in sight
Et j'ai fait mon chemin jusqu'à la maison, il n'y avait personne en vue
Save a bird perched upon a streetlight, watchin' me
Sauf un oiseau perché sur un lampadaire, qui me regardait
So, I stopped and let it watch 'til I found that it said
Alors, je me suis arrêté et je l'ai laissé regarder jusqu'à ce que je découvre qu'il disait
Now I'm taken, the night has me
Maintenant je suis pris, la nuit m'a
You won't hear me singin'
Tu ne m'entendras pas chanter
You're a cage without me
Tu es une cage sans moi
Your pain is eased but you'll never be free, for
Ta douleur est apaisée mais tu ne seras jamais libre, car
Now I'm taken, the night has me
Maintenant je suis pris, la nuit m'a
There's a deal that I made
Il y a un marché que j'ai fait
There's a deal that I made
Il y a un marché que j'ai fait
There's a deal that I made
Il y a un marché que j'ai fait
There's a deal
Il y a un marché
There's a deal you can make on a midnight walk alone
Es gibt einen Deal, den du auf einem Mitternachtsspaziergang alleine machen kannst
Look around, listen close, hear it fall from above
Schau dich um, hör genau hin, hör es von oben fallen
It will ask what you'd give and what you'd take for it in return
Es wird fragen, was du geben würdest und was du dafür im Gegenzug nehmen würdest
I once went on such a walk and I found that I'd said
Ich machte einmal einen solchen Spaziergang und stellte fest, dass ich gesagt hatte
I want someone to take this soul
Ich möchte, dass jemand diese Seele nimmt
I can't bear to keep it
Ich kann es nicht ertragen, sie zu behalten
I'd give it just to give
Ich würde sie einfach nur geben
And all I will take are the consequences
Und alles, was ich nehmen werde, sind die Konsequenzen
Will somebody take this soul?
Wird jemand diese Seele nehmen?
Then, of course, nothing replied, nothing speaks to you in the night
Dann antwortete natürlich nichts, nichts spricht zu dir in der Nacht
And I walked my way home, there was no one in sight
Und ich ging meinen Weg nach Hause, es war niemand in Sicht
Save a bird perched upon a streetlight, watchin' me
Außer einem Vogel, der auf einer Straßenlaterne saß und mich beobachtete
So, I stopped and let it watch 'til I found that it said
Also hielt ich an und ließ ihn zuschauen, bis ich feststellte, dass er sagte
Now I'm taken, the night has me
Jetzt bin ich genommen, die Nacht hat mich
You won't hear me singin'
Du wirst mich nicht singen hören
You're a cage without me
Du bist ein Käfig ohne mich
Your pain is eased but you'll never be free, for
Dein Schmerz ist gelindert, aber du wirst nie frei sein, denn
Now I'm taken, the night has me
Jetzt bin ich genommen, die Nacht hat mich
There's a deal that I made
Es gibt einen Deal, den ich gemacht habe
There's a deal that I made
Es gibt einen Deal, den ich gemacht habe
There's a deal that I made
Es gibt einen Deal, den ich gemacht habe
There's a deal
Es gibt einen Deal
There's a deal you can make on a midnight walk alone
C'è un accordo che puoi fare durante una passeggiata a mezzanotte da solo
Look around, listen close, hear it fall from above
Guardati intorno, ascolta attentamente, sentilo cadere dall'alto
It will ask what you'd give and what you'd take for it in return
Ti chiederà cosa daresti e cosa prenderesti in cambio
I once went on such a walk and I found that I'd said
Una volta ho fatto una tale passeggiata e ho scoperto che avevo detto
I want someone to take this soul
Voglio che qualcuno prenda questa anima
I can't bear to keep it
Non posso sopportare di tenerla
I'd give it just to give
La darei solo per dare
And all I will take are the consequences
E tutto ciò che prenderò saranno le conseguenze
Will somebody take this soul?
Qualcuno prenderà questa anima?
Then, of course, nothing replied, nothing speaks to you in the night
Poi, ovviamente, nulla ha risposto, nulla ti parla nella notte
And I walked my way home, there was no one in sight
E ho fatto la mia strada verso casa, non c'era nessuno in vista
Save a bird perched upon a streetlight, watchin' me
Salva un uccello appollaiato su un lampione, che mi guardava
So, I stopped and let it watch 'til I found that it said
Così, mi sono fermato e l'ho lasciato guardare finché ho scoperto che aveva detto
Now I'm taken, the night has me
Ora sono preso, la notte mi ha
You won't hear me singin'
Non mi sentirai cantare
You're a cage without me
Sei una gabbia senza di me
Your pain is eased but you'll never be free, for
Il tuo dolore è alleviato ma non sarai mai libero, perché
Now I'm taken, the night has me
Ora sono preso, la notte mi ha
There's a deal that I made
C'è un accordo che ho fatto
There's a deal that I made
C'è un accordo che ho fatto
There's a deal that I made
C'è un accordo che ho fatto
There's a deal
C'è un accordo

[Zwrotka 1]
Jest taka okazja, którą możesz zawrzeć podczas samotnego spaceru o północy
Rozejrzyj się, posłuchaj uważnie, usłysz, jak spada z góry
Zapyta, co byś dał i co wziąłbyś w zamian
Kiedyś poszłam na taki spacer i stwierdziłam, że to powiedziałam

Chcę, żeby ktoś zabrał tę duszę
Nie mogę tego znieść, dałbym to tylko po to, żeby dać
I jedyne, co wezmę pod uwagę, to konsekwencje
Czy ktoś zabierze tę duszę?

[Zwrotka 2]
Potem oczywiście nic nie odpowiedziało, nic do ciebie nie przemawia w nocy
I poszłam do domu, nikogo nie było w zasięgu wzroku
Uratuj ptaka siedzącego na latarni i obserwującego mnie
Więc przestałem i pozwoliłem mu oglądać, dopóki niе odkryłem, że jest napisanе

Teraz jestem zajęty, noc ma mnie
Nie usłyszysz mojego śpiewu, beze mnie jesteś klatką
Twój ból złagodzi się, ale nigdy nie będziesz wolny
Na razie jestem zajęty, noc ma mnie

Jest taka umowa, którą zawarłem
Jest taka umowa, którą zawarłem
Jest taka umowa, którą zawarłem
Jest umowa

[Ayet 1]
Tek başına gece yarısı yürüyüşünde yapabileceğin bir anlaşma var
Etrafınıza bakın, yakından dinleyin, yukarıdan düştüğünü duyun
Karşılığında ne vereceğinizi ve ne alacağınızı soracak
Bir keresinde böyle bir yürüyüşe çıkmıştım ve şunu söylediğimi fark ettim:

Birinin bu ruhu almasını istiyorum
Onu saklamaya dayanamam, sırf vermek için verirdim
Ve alacağım tek şey sonuçlarına
Birisi bu ruhu alacak mı?

[Ayet 2]
Sonra tabii ki hiçbir şey cevap vermedi, gece hiçbir şey seninle konuşmuyor
Ve eve doğru yürüdüm, görünürde kimse yoktu
Sokak lambasının üstüne tünemiş, beni izleyen bir kuşu kurtar
Bu yüzden durdum ve şunu söylediğini anlayana kadar izlemesine izin verdim

Şimdi kapıldım, gece beni ele geçirdi
Şarkı söylediğimi duyamayacaksın, sen bensiz bir kafessin
Acın hafifledi ama asla özgür olamayacaksın
Şimdilik kapıldım, gece beni ele geçirdi

Yaptığım bir anlaşma var
Yaptığım bir anlaşma var
Yaptığım bir anlaşma var
Bir anlaşma var

Trivia about the song The Deal by Mitski

When was the song “The Deal” released by Mitski?
The song The Deal was released in 2023, on the album “The Land Is Inhospitable and So Are We”.
Who composed the song “The Deal” by Mitski?
The song “The Deal” by Mitski was composed by Mitsuki Laycock.

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