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Trivia about PNL

What are the main songs by PNL?
The main songs by PNL are “Au DD”, “DA”, “Bambina”, “Luz de Luna”, and “Jusqu’au Dernier Gramme”.
What are the main albums by PNL?
The main albums by PNL are “Dans la légende”, “Deux Frères”, “Le monde Chico”, and “Que La Famille”.
What is the latest album by PNL?
The latest album by PNL is “Deux Frères”, released in 2019 with 22 tracks.
What is the oldest album by PNL?
The oldest album by PNL is “Le monde Chico”, released in 2015 with 17 tracks.
What is the most successful song by PNL?
The most popular song by PNL is “Au DD”, from the album “Deux Frères”, released in 2019.
How many albums has PNL released?
Between 2015 and 2019 PNL released 4 Albums

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