Le baptême


Lyrics Translation

[Paroles de "Le baptême"]

[Intro : tag]
Ba-Ba-Barone Rosso

- Vite, écartez vous, vite ! Laissez-les passer !
- Allez-y, poussez, faut poussez, allez, allez-y, on y est presque.
- Ça va aller Madame, ne vous inquiétez pas, respirez fort, ça va aller, ça va aller, ça va aller, allez, on souffle, respirez avec moi, tenez-moi la main, j'reste près d'vous, ne vous inquiétez pas.
- Allez, un dernier petit effort, aller Madame, un, dеux, trois, poussez, poussez.
- C'est un p'tit garçon.
- Do-, doctеur, plusieurs signes sont inquiétants, faut-, faut emmener le nourrisson en soins intensifs au plus vite.
- Euh Madame, on-, on va devoir l'amener en soins intensifs, je suis désolé vraiment mais ne vous inquiétez pas, tout va bien s'passer, on vous le ramène au proche de vous au plus vite, faites nous confiance.
- Voi gli insegnerete ad addentrarvi nella fede perché nell'osservanza dei comandamenti imparano ad amare Dio e i prossimi come Cristo c'ha insegnati. Siete consapevoli di questa responsabilità?
- Sì.
- Io ti battezzo in nome del Padre, del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo.
Amen, amen.

[Intro : tag]
Ba-Ba-Barone Rosso

- Quick, get out of the way, quick! Let them through!
- Come on, push, you need to push, come on, come on, we're almost there.
- You'll be okay madam, don't worry, breathe, it'll be okay, it'll be okay, it'll be okay, come on breath, let's breathe, breathe with me, hold my hand, I'll stay next to you, don't worry.
- Come on, one last push, come on madam, one, two, three, push, push.
- It's a little boy.
- Do-, doctor, multiple signs are worrying, we need-, we need to take the baby to intensive care STAT.
- Uh Madam, we-, we'll have to bring him to intensive care, I'm sorry really but don't worry, everything will be okay, we'll bring him back to you as fast as possible, trust us.
- You all will teach them to delve into the faith as observing the 10 commandments they will learn to love God and their neighbors as Christ taught us. Are you conscious of this responsibility?
- Yes.
- I baptize you in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Amen, amen.

Trivia about the song Le baptême by SCH

When was the song “Le baptême” released by SCH?
The song Le baptême was released in 2024, on the album “JVLIVS Prequel : Giulio”.

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