Not Just Money

Rosie Watson

Lyrics Translation

Stop thinking of this as being money
It's just money, I'ma make more
No, no no no no no
Please de-condition yourself
It's not just money
It's happiness
It's the difference between happy, being happy and sad
It's the difference between having a home and living on the streets
That's what it is, it's not just money
It's so much more than that
Right now it's the difference between you being able to go to a prom
And disappointing a girl
As I told you from the beginning, I don't have money
I have bills to pay, but that meant nothing to you
Absolutely nothing
Let's see, I have
Ooh yeah, I'ma make myself a hot link when I get home
It meant nothing to you
Savin' my seven dollars

Stop thinking of this as being money
Pare de pensar nisso como sendo dinheiro
It's just money, I'ma make more
É só dinheiro, vou ganhar mais
No, no no no no no
Não, não não não não não
Please de-condition yourself
Por favor, se descondicione
It's not just money
Não é só dinheiro
It's happiness
É felicidade
It's the difference between happy, being happy and sad
É a diferença entre feliz, estar feliz e triste
It's the difference between having a home and living on the streets
É a diferença entre ter casa e viver na rua
That's what it is, it's not just money
É isso, não é só dinheiro
It's so much more than that
É muito mais do que isso
Right now it's the difference between you being able to go to a prom
Neste momento é a diferença entre você poder ir a um baile de formatura
And disappointing a girl
Ou decepcionar uma garota
As I told you from the beginning, I don't have money
Como te disse desde o início, não tenho dinheiro
I have bills to pay, but that meant nothing to you
Eu tenho contas a pagar, mas isso não significou nada para você
Absolutely nothing
Absolutamente nada
Let's see, I have
Vejamos, eu tenho
Ooh yeah, I'ma make myself a hot link when I get home
Uh sim, vou fazer um hot link quando chegar em casa
It meant nothing to you
Não significou nada para você
Savin' my seven dollars
Economizar meus sete dólares
Stop thinking of this as being money
Deja de pensar en esto como si fuera dinero
It's just money, I'ma make more
Es solo dinero, voy a hacer más
No, no no no no no
No, no no no no no
Please de-condition yourself
Por favor, descondiciónate
It's not just money
No es solo dinero
It's happiness
Es felicidad
It's the difference between happy, being happy and sad
Es la diferencia entre estar feliz y estar triste
It's the difference between having a home and living on the streets
Es la diferencia entre tener un hogar y vivir en la calle
That's what it is, it's not just money
Eso es lo que es, no es solo dinero
It's so much more than that
Es mucho más que eso
Right now it's the difference between you being able to go to a prom
Ahora mismo es la diferencia entre poder ir a un baile de graduación
And disappointing a girl
Y decepcionar a una chica
As I told you from the beginning, I don't have money
Como te dije desde el principio, no tengo dinero
I have bills to pay, but that meant nothing to you
Tengo facturas que pagar, pero eso no significaba nada para ti
Absolutely nothing
Absolutamente nada
Let's see, I have
Veamos, tengo
Ooh yeah, I'ma make myself a hot link when I get home
Oh sí, voy a hacerme un hot link cuando llegue a casa
It meant nothing to you
Eso no significaba nada para ti
Savin' my seven dollars
Ahorrando mis siete dólares
Stop thinking of this as being money
Arrête de penser à cela comme de l'argent
It's just money, I'ma make more
Ce n'est que de l'argent, je vais en gagner plus
No, no no no no no
Non, non non non non non
Please de-condition yourself
S'il te plaît, déconditionne-toi
It's not just money
Ce n'est pas seulement de l'argent
It's happiness
C'est le bonheur
It's the difference between happy, being happy and sad
C'est la différence entre être heureux et être triste
It's the difference between having a home and living on the streets
C'est la différence entre avoir une maison et vivre dans la rue
That's what it is, it's not just money
C'est ce que c'est, ce n'est pas seulement de l'argent
It's so much more than that
C'est bien plus que ça
Right now it's the difference between you being able to go to a prom
En ce moment, c'est la différence entre pouvoir aller à un bal
And disappointing a girl
Et décevoir une fille
As I told you from the beginning, I don't have money
Comme je te l'ai dit dès le début, je n'ai pas d'argent
I have bills to pay, but that meant nothing to you
J'ai des factures à payer, mais cela ne signifiait rien pour toi
Absolutely nothing
Absolument rien
Let's see, I have
Voyons voir, j'ai
Ooh yeah, I'ma make myself a hot link when I get home
Ooh oui, je vais me faire un hot link quand je rentre à la maison
It meant nothing to you
Cela ne signifiait rien pour toi
Savin' my seven dollars
Économiser mes sept dollars
Stop thinking of this as being money
Hör auf, das als Geld zu betrachten
It's just money, I'ma make more
Es ist nur Geld, ich werde mehr machen
No, no no no no no
Nein, nein nein nein nein nein
Please de-condition yourself
Bitte entkonditioniere dich selbst
It's not just money
Es ist nicht nur Geld
It's happiness
Es ist Glück
It's the difference between happy, being happy and sad
Es ist der Unterschied zwischen glücklich sein und traurig sein
It's the difference between having a home and living on the streets
Es ist der Unterschied zwischen einem Zuhause haben und auf der Straße leben
That's what it is, it's not just money
Das ist es, es ist nicht nur Geld
It's so much more than that
Es ist so viel mehr als das
Right now it's the difference between you being able to go to a prom
Im Moment ist es der Unterschied, ob du auf einen Abschlussball gehen kannst
And disappointing a girl
Und ein Mädchen enttäuschen
As I told you from the beginning, I don't have money
Wie ich dir von Anfang an gesagt habe, ich habe kein Geld
I have bills to pay, but that meant nothing to you
Ich habe Rechnungen zu bezahlen, aber das bedeutete dir nichts
Absolutely nothing
Absolut nichts
Let's see, I have
Mal sehen, ich habe
Ooh yeah, I'ma make myself a hot link when I get home
Oh ja, ich werde mir eine heiße Wurst machen, wenn ich nach Hause komme
It meant nothing to you
Es bedeutete dir nichts
Savin' my seven dollars
Meine sieben Dollar zu sparen
Stop thinking of this as being money
Smetti di pensare a questo come se fosse solo denaro
It's just money, I'ma make more
È solo denaro, ne farò di più
No, no no no no no
No, no no no no no
Please de-condition yourself
Per favore, decondizionati
It's not just money
Non è solo denaro
It's happiness
È felicità
It's the difference between happy, being happy and sad
È la differenza tra essere felici e essere tristi
It's the difference between having a home and living on the streets
È la differenza tra avere una casa e vivere per strada
That's what it is, it's not just money
Ecco cosa è, non è solo denaro
It's so much more than that
È molto di più di quello
Right now it's the difference between you being able to go to a prom
Adesso è la differenza tra poter andare a un ballo
And disappointing a girl
E deludere una ragazza
As I told you from the beginning, I don't have money
Come ti ho detto dall'inizio, non ho soldi
I have bills to pay, but that meant nothing to you
Ho bollette da pagare, ma per te non significava nulla
Absolutely nothing
Assolutamente nulla
Let's see, I have
Vediamo, ho
Ooh yeah, I'ma make myself a hot link when I get home
Oh sì, mi farò un hot link quando torno a casa
It meant nothing to you
Per te non significava nulla
Savin' my seven dollars
Risparmiare i miei sette dollari
Stop thinking of this as being money
Berhentilah menganggap ini sebagai uang
It's just money, I'ma make more
Ini hanya uang, aku akan mendapatkan lebih banyak lagi
No, no no no no no
Tidak, tidak tidak tidak tidak tidak
Please de-condition yourself
Tolong lepaskan kondisimu
It's not just money
Ini bukan hanya uang
It's happiness
Ini adalah kebahagiaan
It's the difference between happy, being happy and sad
Ini adalah perbedaan antara bahagia, menjadi bahagia dan sedih
It's the difference between having a home and living on the streets
Ini adalah perbedaan antara memiliki rumah dan hidup di jalanan
That's what it is, it's not just money
Itulah yang sebenarnya, ini bukan hanya uang
It's so much more than that
Ini jauh lebih dari itu
Right now it's the difference between you being able to go to a prom
Sekarang ini adalah perbedaan antara kamu bisa pergi ke pesta prom
And disappointing a girl
Dan mengecewakan seorang gadis
As I told you from the beginning, I don't have money
Seperti yang telah kusampaikan dari awal, aku tidak memiliki uang
I have bills to pay, but that meant nothing to you
Aku memiliki tagihan yang harus dibayar, tapi itu tidak berarti apa-apa bagimu
Absolutely nothing
Sama sekali tidak berarti
Let's see, I have
Mari kita lihat, aku punya
Ooh yeah, I'ma make myself a hot link when I get home
Ooh ya, aku akan membuat hot link untuk diriku sendiri saat aku pulang
It meant nothing to you
Itu tidak berarti apa-apa bagimu
Savin' my seven dollars
Menyimpan tujuh dolarku
Stop thinking of this as being money
It's just money, I'ma make more
มันแค่เงิน ฉันจะหามากขึ้น
No, no no no no no
ไม่ ไม่ ไม่ ไม่ ไม่ ไม่
Please de-condition yourself
It's not just money
It's happiness
It's the difference between happy, being happy and sad
It's the difference between having a home and living on the streets
That's what it is, it's not just money
นั่นคือมัน มันไม่ใช่แค่เงิน
It's so much more than that
Right now it's the difference between you being able to go to a prom
And disappointing a girl
As I told you from the beginning, I don't have money
อย่างที่ฉันบอกคุณตั้งแต่ต้น ฉันไม่มีเงิน
I have bills to pay, but that meant nothing to you
ฉันมีบิลที่ต้องจ่าย แต่นั่นไม่ได้หมายความอะไรกับคุณเลย
Absolutely nothing
Let's see, I have
มาดูสิ ฉันมี
Ooh yeah, I'ma make myself a hot link when I get home
โอ้ ใช่ ฉันจะทำฮอทลิงค์ให้ตัวเองเมื่อฉันกลับบ้าน
It meant nothing to you
Savin' my seven dollars
Stop thinking of this as being money
It's just money, I'ma make more
No, no no no no no
Please de-condition yourself
It's not just money
It's happiness
It's the difference between happy, being happy and sad
It's the difference between having a home and living on the streets
That's what it is, it's not just money
It's so much more than that
Right now it's the difference between you being able to go to a prom
And disappointing a girl
As I told you from the beginning, I don't have money
I have bills to pay, but that meant nothing to you
Absolutely nothing
Let's see, I have
Ooh yeah, I'ma make myself a hot link when I get home
It meant nothing to you
Savin' my seven dollars

[Sketch: Rosie Watson]
Sluta tänka på att det här är pengar
Det är bara pengar, jag kommer tjäna mer
Nej, nej nej nej nej nej
Vänligen avkonditionera dig själv
Det är inte bara pengar
Det är glädje
Det är skillnaden mellan glad, att vara glad och ledsen
Det är skillnaden mellan ha ett hem och leva på gatorna
Det är vad det är, det är inte bara pengarna
Det är så mycket mer än det
Just nu är det skillnaden mellan att kunna gå på bal
Och att göra en tjej besviken
Som jag sa till dig från början, jag har inte pengar
Jag har räkningar att betala, men det betydde inget för dig
Absolut inget
Låt oss se, jag har
Ooh yeah, jag kommer göra mig själv en varm måltid när jag kommer hem
Sparar mina sjuttio kronor

[Skit: Rosie Watson]
Przestań mówić, że to tylko pieniądze
To nie są tylko pieniądze, zarobię więcej
Nie, nie, nie, nie, nie, nie
Proszę, zastanów się
To nie są tylko pieniądze
To szczęście
To różnica między szczęściem, szczęściem i smutkiem
Różnica między życiem w domu i na ulicy
O to chodzi, to nie są tylko pieniądze
To dużo więcej
W tym momencie to decyduje o tym, czy pójdziesz na studniówkę
I czy rozczarujesz partnerkę
Tak jak mówiłam, nie mam pieniędzy
Mam rachunki do zapłacenia, ale dla ciebie to nic nie znaczyło
Zupełnie nic
Ooo tak, zrobię sobiе kiełbaski z grilla gdy wrócę do domu
Dla ciebie to nic niе znaczyło
By oszczędzić moje siedem dolarów

Trivia about the song Not Just Money by Frank Ocean

When was the song “Not Just Money” released by Frank Ocean?
The song Not Just Money was released in 2012, on the album “Channel Orange”.
Who composed the song “Not Just Money” by Frank Ocean?
The song “Not Just Money” by Frank Ocean was composed by Rosie Watson.

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