Finding Shelter In My Larynx

Aristos Petrou, Derrick Hill, Scott Anthony Jr. Arceneaux

Lyrics Translation

(Everything's black)
(You did good, $lick)
(It's a SMASH)

I'm screamin', "Fuck love," 'cause I guess I never got enough
Shark attack, an album every summer like I'm Oddy Nuff
Grey Gorilla, I'm grippin' my Harambe nuts
How can I trust when my own blood be actin' sus? Fuck
I got feelings I could never feel
Keepin' a blade up under my tongue just so I can guard my heel
Constantly eatin' pills like I never skip a meal
Them hoes, they wanna chill, but I just give 'em Vistaril

(Your call has been forwarded to an automated voice messaging system)

All these missed calls, texts left on read
When I do answer the phone, it's usually, "Who is this again?"
I can see it in their eyes that they see me as a check, as a threat
Fuckin' hatin' on me, waitin' on me to miss a fuckin' step
They would love to catch me slippin', yeah, that's why I learned to fly
Always tryna touch the sun before I fall to my demise
Broken skeleton scattered, I'm only buzzin' 'cause of the flies
But I gained a million listeners on Spotify overnight

(Everything's black)
(Tudo está preto)
(You did good, $lick)
(Você fez bem, $lick)
(It's a SMASH)
I'm screamin', "Fuck love," 'cause I guess I never got enough
Estou gritando, "Foda-se o amor," porque acho que nunca tive o suficiente
Shark attack, an album every summer like I'm Oddy Nuff
Ataque de tubarão, um álbum todo verão como se eu fosse Oddy Nuff
Grey Gorilla, I'm grippin' my Harambe nuts
Gorila Cinza, estou segurando minhas nozes de Harambe
How can I trust when my own blood be actin' sus? Fuck
Como posso confiar quando meu próprio sangue está agindo de forma suspeita? Foda-se
I got feelings I could never feel
Eu tenho sentimentos que nunca pude sentir
Keepin' a blade up under my tongue just so I can guard my heel
Mantendo uma lâmina debaixo da minha língua só para proteger meu calcanhar
Constantly eatin' pills like I never skip a meal
Constantemente comendo pílulas como se nunca pulasse uma refeição
Them hoes, they wanna chill, but I just give 'em Vistaril
Essas vadias, elas querem relaxar, mas eu só dou a elas Vistaril
(Your call has been forwarded to an automated voice messaging system)
(Sua chamada foi encaminhada para um sistema de mensagens de voz automatizado)
All these missed calls, texts left on read
Todas essas chamadas perdidas, textos deixados para ler
When I do answer the phone, it's usually, "Who is this again?"
Quando eu atendo o telefone, geralmente é, "Quem é isso de novo?"
I can see it in their eyes that they see me as a check, as a threat
Eu posso ver em seus olhos que eles me veem como um cheque, como uma ameaça
Fuckin' hatin' on me, waitin' on me to miss a fuckin' step
Fodendo odiando-me, esperando que eu perca um passo
They would love to catch me slippin', yeah, that's why I learned to fly
Eles adorariam me pegar escorregando, é por isso que aprendi a voar
Always tryna touch the sun before I fall to my demise
Sempre tentando tocar o sol antes de cair em minha ruína
Broken skeleton scattered, I'm only buzzin' 'cause of the flies
Esqueleto quebrado espalhado, só estou zumbindo por causa das moscas
But I gained a million listeners on Spotify overnight
Mas ganhei um milhão de ouvintes no Spotify da noite para o dia
(Everything's black)
(Todo está negro)
(You did good, $lick)
(Hiciste bien, $lick)
(It's a SMASH)
(Es un ÉXITO)
I'm screamin', "Fuck love," 'cause I guess I never got enough
Estoy gritando, "Jódete amor," porque supongo que nunca tuve suficiente
Shark attack, an album every summer like I'm Oddy Nuff
Ataque de tiburón, un álbum cada verano como si fuera Oddy Nuff
Grey Gorilla, I'm grippin' my Harambe nuts
Gorila Gris, estoy agarrando mis nueces de Harambe
How can I trust when my own blood be actin' sus? Fuck
¿Cómo puedo confiar cuando mi propia sangre actúa sospechosamente? Joder
I got feelings I could never feel
Tengo sentimientos que nunca podría sentir
Keepin' a blade up under my tongue just so I can guard my heel
Guardando una cuchilla debajo de mi lengua solo para proteger mi talón
Constantly eatin' pills like I never skip a meal
Constantemente comiendo pastillas como si nunca saltara una comida
Them hoes, they wanna chill, but I just give 'em Vistaril
Esas chicas, quieren pasar el rato, pero solo les doy Vistaril
(Your call has been forwarded to an automated voice messaging system)
(Tu llamada ha sido desviada a un sistema de mensajería de voz automatizado)
All these missed calls, texts left on read
Todas estas llamadas perdidas, textos dejados en visto
When I do answer the phone, it's usually, "Who is this again?"
Cuando contesto el teléfono, normalmente es, "¿Quién es este de nuevo?"
I can see it in their eyes that they see me as a check, as a threat
Puedo verlo en sus ojos, que me ven como un cheque, como una amenaza
Fuckin' hatin' on me, waitin' on me to miss a fuckin' step
Jodiéndome, esperando que me equivoque
They would love to catch me slippin', yeah, that's why I learned to fly
Les encantaría pillarme en un desliz, sí, por eso aprendí a volar
Always tryna touch the sun before I fall to my demise
Siempre intentando tocar el sol antes de caer a mi perdición
Broken skeleton scattered, I'm only buzzin' 'cause of the flies
Esqueleto roto esparcido, solo estoy zumbando por las moscas
But I gained a million listeners on Spotify overnight
Pero gané un millón de oyentes en Spotify de la noche a la mañana
(Everything's black)
(Tout est noir)
(You did good, $lick)
(Tu as bien fait, $lick)
(It's a SMASH)
(C'est un SMASH)
I'm screamin', "Fuck love," 'cause I guess I never got enough
Je crie, "Fuck l'amour," parce que je suppose que je n'en ai jamais eu assez
Shark attack, an album every summer like I'm Oddy Nuff
Attaque de requin, un album chaque été comme si j'étais Oddy Nuff
Grey Gorilla, I'm grippin' my Harambe nuts
Gorille gris, je tiens mes noix de Harambe
How can I trust when my own blood be actin' sus? Fuck
Comment puis-je faire confiance quand mon propre sang agit de manière suspecte ? Merde
I got feelings I could never feel
J'ai des sentiments que je ne pourrai jamais ressentir
Keepin' a blade up under my tongue just so I can guard my heel
Garder une lame sous ma langue juste pour pouvoir protéger mon talon
Constantly eatin' pills like I never skip a meal
Constamment en train de manger des pilules comme si je ne sautais jamais un repas
Them hoes, they wanna chill, but I just give 'em Vistaril
Ces filles, elles veulent se détendre, mais je leur donne juste du Vistaril
(Your call has been forwarded to an automated voice messaging system)
(Votre appel a été transféré vers un système de messagerie vocale automatisé)
All these missed calls, texts left on read
Tous ces appels manqués, les textes laissés en lecture
When I do answer the phone, it's usually, "Who is this again?"
Quand je réponds au téléphone, c'est généralement, "Qui est-ce encore ?"
I can see it in their eyes that they see me as a check, as a threat
Je peux le voir dans leurs yeux qu'ils me voient comme un chèque, comme une menace
Fuckin' hatin' on me, waitin' on me to miss a fuckin' step
Ils me détestent, ils attendent que je fasse un faux pas
They would love to catch me slippin', yeah, that's why I learned to fly
Ils aimeraient me voir glisser, c'est pourquoi j'ai appris à voler
Always tryna touch the sun before I fall to my demise
Toujours essayer de toucher le soleil avant de tomber à ma perte
Broken skeleton scattered, I'm only buzzin' 'cause of the flies
Squelette brisé éparpillé, je ne suis populaire que à cause des mouches
But I gained a million listeners on Spotify overnight
Mais j'ai gagné un million d'auditeurs sur Spotify du jour au lendemain
(Everything's black)
(Alles ist schwarz)
(You did good, $lick)
(Du hast gut gemacht, $lick)
(It's a SMASH)
(Es ist ein SMASH)
I'm screamin', "Fuck love," 'cause I guess I never got enough
Ich schreie, „Scheiß auf Liebe,“ denn ich habe wohl nie genug bekommen
Shark attack, an album every summer like I'm Oddy Nuff
Haiangriff, jedes Jahr ein Album wie Oddy Nuff
Grey Gorilla, I'm grippin' my Harambe nuts
Grauer Gorilla, ich halte meine Harambe-Nüsse fest
How can I trust when my own blood be actin' sus? Fuck
Wie kann ich vertrauen, wenn mein eigenes Blut verdächtig handelt? Scheiß drauf
I got feelings I could never feel
Ich habe Gefühle, die ich nie fühlen konnte
Keepin' a blade up under my tongue just so I can guard my heel
Ich halte ein Messer unter meiner Zunge, nur um meine Ferse zu schützen
Constantly eatin' pills like I never skip a meal
Ständig Pillen schlucken, als würde ich nie eine Mahlzeit auslassen
Them hoes, they wanna chill, but I just give 'em Vistaril
Diese Frauen, sie wollen chillen, aber ich gebe ihnen nur Vistaril
(Your call has been forwarded to an automated voice messaging system)
(Ihr Anruf wurde an ein automatisiertes Sprachnachrichtensystem weitergeleitet)
All these missed calls, texts left on read
All diese verpassten Anrufe, Texte, die ungelesen bleiben
When I do answer the phone, it's usually, "Who is this again?"
Wenn ich das Telefon abnehme, ist es meistens, „Wer ist das nochmal?“
I can see it in their eyes that they see me as a check, as a threat
Ich kann es in ihren Augen sehen, dass sie mich als Scheck, als Bedrohung sehen
Fuckin' hatin' on me, waitin' on me to miss a fuckin' step
Sie hassen mich, warten darauf, dass ich einen verdammten Schritt verpasse
They would love to catch me slippin', yeah, that's why I learned to fly
Sie würden es lieben, mich ausrutschen zu sehen, ja, deshalb habe ich gelernt zu fliegen
Always tryna touch the sun before I fall to my demise
Immer versuchen, die Sonne zu berühren, bevor ich zu meinem Untergang falle
Broken skeleton scattered, I'm only buzzin' 'cause of the flies
Zerbrochenes Skelett verstreut, ich summe nur wegen der Fliegen
But I gained a million listeners on Spotify overnight
Aber ich habe über Nacht eine Million Hörer auf Spotify gewonnen
(Everything's black)
(Tutto è nero)
(You did good, $lick)
(Hai fatto bene, $lick)
(It's a SMASH)
I'm screamin', "Fuck love," 'cause I guess I never got enough
Sto urlando, "Fanculo l'amore," perché immagino di non averne mai abbastanza
Shark attack, an album every summer like I'm Oddy Nuff
Attacco di squalo, un album ogni estate come se fossi Oddy Nuff
Grey Gorilla, I'm grippin' my Harambe nuts
Gorilla grigio, sto stringendo le mie noci di Harambe
How can I trust when my own blood be actin' sus? Fuck
Come posso fidarmi quando il mio stesso sangue si comporta in modo sospetto? Fanculo
I got feelings I could never feel
Ho sentimenti che non potrei mai provare
Keepin' a blade up under my tongue just so I can guard my heel
Tenendo una lama sotto la mia lingua solo per poter proteggere il mio tallone
Constantly eatin' pills like I never skip a meal
Costantemente mangiando pillole come se non saltassi mai un pasto
Them hoes, they wanna chill, but I just give 'em Vistaril
Quelle troie, vogliono rilassarsi, ma io gli do solo Vistaril
(Your call has been forwarded to an automated voice messaging system)
(La tua chiamata è stata inoltrata a un sistema di messaggistica vocale automatico)
All these missed calls, texts left on read
Tutte queste chiamate perse, messaggi lasciati non letti
When I do answer the phone, it's usually, "Who is this again?"
Quando rispondo al telefono, di solito è, "Chi è di nuovo?"
I can see it in their eyes that they see me as a check, as a threat
Posso vederlo nei loro occhi che mi vedono come un assegno, come una minaccia
Fuckin' hatin' on me, waitin' on me to miss a fuckin' step
Fottutamente odiandomi, aspettandomi di fare un passo falso
They would love to catch me slippin', yeah, that's why I learned to fly
Vorrebbero tanto prendermi in fallo, ecco perché ho imparato a volare
Always tryna touch the sun before I fall to my demise
Sempre cercando di toccare il sole prima di cadere nella mia rovina
Broken skeleton scattered, I'm only buzzin' 'cause of the flies
Scheletro rotto sparpagliato, sto solo ronzando a causa delle mosche
But I gained a million listeners on Spotify overnight
Ma ho guadagnato un milione di ascoltatori su Spotify in una notte

[Перевод песни $UICIDEBOY$ - Finding Shelter In My Larynx]

Абсолютно всё чёрное
Ты хорошо поработал, $lick
(Это потрясающе!)

[Куплет 1: Indiana Slicky Fort Wayne]
Я кричу: "Нахуй любовь", потому что, я, похоже, никогда достаточно её не получал
Атака акул, альбом каждое лето, словно я Oddy Nuff
Серая горилла, Держу себя за свои горилльи шары
Как я могу доверять, когда моя же кровь ведёт себя подозрительно? (БЛЯТЬ)
У меня есть чувства, которые я бы никогда не ощутил
Держу лезвие под своим языком, просто чтобы я мог охранять свой Ад
Постоянно ем таблетки, никогда не пропускаю приём
Шлюхи хотят отдохнуть, но я просто даю им Вистарил

Ваш звонок был переадресован на автоматическую службу голосовых сообщений

[Куплет 2: DUCKBOY]
Все эти пропущенные звонки, сообщения, оставленные на прочтение
Когда я все-таки отвечаю, то обычно спрашиваю: "Кто опять?"
Вижу по их глазам, что они воспринимают меня как проверку, угрозу
Они, блять, меня ненавидят, ждут, что я оступлюсь
Они с удовольствием поймают меня на этом, вот почему я научился летать
Всегда стараюсь коснуться солнца, прежде чем упаду
Сломанный скелет разбросан, жужжу только из-за мух
Но за ночь собрал миллионы слушателей на Spotify

Trivia about the song Finding Shelter In My Larynx by $uicideBoy$

When was the song “Finding Shelter In My Larynx” released by $uicideBoy$?
The song Finding Shelter In My Larynx was released in 2023, on the album “I No Longer Fear the Razor Guarding My Heel (V)”.
Who composed the song “Finding Shelter In My Larynx” by $uicideBoy$?
The song “Finding Shelter In My Larynx” by $uicideBoy$ was composed by Aristos Petrou, Derrick Hill, Scott Anthony Jr. Arceneaux.

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